Meet the Elements Book Series
The problem:
You are an author trying to increase the popularity of your children's reference book series. To do this your publisher has indicated that there are entirely too few science books written specifically for children on the topic of chemistry. Your publisher wants you and your writer friends to write a series of books on the first 20 elements on periodic table that engage readers, while including essential information about each element.
The product:
You will create a literary non-fiction children’s book appropriate for a 3rd-5th grade student, complete with an engaging storyline, scientific facts, and illustrations. The book should teach readers about the element, while engaging them with an attention grabbing storyline. Your book can be in paper or digital (powerpoint) format.
The Rubric:
You will be graded using the rubric provided on the following page. It is YOUR responsibility to read the rubric carefully in order to insure that you are adequately completing each section of the project.
The Due Dates:
As this is our first class project, I have determined 3 checkpoints to ensure that you will successfully manage your time. At each checkpoint you will receive 5 points for having the appropriate section complete, for a total of 15 possible points. Checkpoints will NOT be accepted late.
Date / CheckpointTuesday, October 14, 2014 / Story Planning
Friday, October 17, 2014 / Essential Graphics/Glossary Words
Thursday, October 23, 2014 / Element Fact Sheet
The completed project is due on Tuesday November, 4, 2014. You will bring in your book and participate in a book share with your classmates.
According to the rubric, you can earn up to 45 points on your final project. The points you earn on the final project will be added to the points you earn at each checkpoint, for a possible total of 60 points. For each day the project is late, 5% of your grade will automatically be deducted. The project will no longer be accepted after 5 days.