HebdenBridge Partnership
Annual General Meeting, held at 7pm, Monday 5 October 2010 at HebdenBridgeTown Hall
David Fletcher (chair), Andrew Bibby (secretary), Dongria Kondh (treasurer), Robin Dixon, Lesley Mackay, Susan Quick, Sally Naylor, Dave Nelson, Amy Leader, Bear, Janet Battye, Michael Newton, Diana Monahan, Jason Boom, Jason Elliott, Fi Godfrey-Faussett, Martin McGarrigle, Mark Simmonds, Bee Jasko, Guy Rees.
Apologies: Lesley Jones, Caroline Scott (Dodnaze)
1. Before the AGM, short presentations were made by Dave Nelson (HB Arts Festival), Gerard Liston (John Fawcett Centre), Michael Newton (International Group), Sally Naylor (Calder & Colne Rivers Trust), David Fletcher (Pennine Horizons), Bear (Transition Towns, Andrew Bibby (HB Community Assoc), Lesley Mackay (Friends of the station), Jason Boom (Town Council), Dingria Kindh (Treesponsibility), Diana Monahan (HB Local History Society), Volunteer Centre Calderdale (Bee Jasko), Jason Boom (Friends of Calder holmes Park), Andrew Bibby (HB Walkers Action), Amy Leader (Business Association), Jason Elliott (500 Faces, Jazz and Blues festival), Calder Food Hub (Guy Rees), Lesley Mackay (Sustainable Transport group), Mark Simmonds (Orchards Group, Heptonstall Allotment Gardens), Dave Nelson (Friends of Wainsgate Chapel), Enabling Radio (Susan Quick).
2. The minutes of the 2009 AGM were approved with the following amendment:
Lesley Mackay was elected for a second term of office, not coopted.
3. The accounts for 2009-10 were presented by the former treasurer Andrew Bibby and were accepted.
4. Andrew Bibby introduced the new membership arrangements, and encouraged local organisations to become members of the Partnership.
5. Election to the Board.
a) Gerard Liston was elected for a second term of office, representing faith groups and community groups
b) Andrew Bibby was elected for a second term of office, as one of the four general Board members
c) Bear was elected for a first term of office (following his cooption in 2009), as one of the four general Board members
d) Susan Quick was elected for a first term of office (following previous years service as a coopted member), representing organisations representing the disabled community
e) It was noted that there were no nominations for the vacancies for local sporting organisations or young people’s groups or schools. It was resolved to seek to coopt a young person to the Board.
Robin Dixon and Nicola Milburn-Jones, as outgoing Directors, were thanked for their contribution.
There was no other business.