Ken Priddy presents a theologically rooted approach to church revitalization. The process creates deep change in both thought and behavior.

Dr. Steve Ogne: Church Planting Strategist and National Ministry Coach with Church Resource Ministries. Author of TransforMissional Coaching: Empowering Leaders in a Changing Ministry World

Dr. Ken Priddy challenges the churches of our presbytery to spiritual vitality and organization integrity so that the Church’s witness will never be compromised by her actions and behavior. His consuming evangelistic passion helps focus congregations on their primary mission.

Dr. William A Enns, D. Min.

Pastor/Head of Staff

Hope Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Raleigh, NC

Ken lives at the point where Reformed theology, local church life and evangelism intersect. He knows all three well and has been an important guide for our vision to plant a multiplying church in Fredericksburg, VA.

Dr. Bill Lindner, Jr. - pastor, author, church planter

I have experienced twenty years of participation with Dr. Kenneth Priddy in the revitalization and mobilization of the local church. His integration of Biblical insight, internal analysis and strategic planning has proven to enable churches to get back to what matters most, the making of disciple makers.

Rev. Jay Letey

Associate District Superintendent

South Pacific District of the C&MA

Dr. Ken Priddy has been a tremendous help to the revitalization process that has been taking place in our church. His years of experience are matched by his intuitive insight and ability to respond to specific situations. His warm conversational style is filled with inspiring stories and challenging examples. I heartily recommend him to any church leader.

Rev. Dr. Michael J. Mercurio, Senior Pastor, First Alliance Church, Silver Spring, MD

"With the precision and erudition of a scholar and the zeal and

passion of an evangelist, Dr. Ken Priddy offers orthodox and practical

help for church revitalization and renewal. His counsel and insights

are a second to none!"

T.J. Gentry, D.Min.

Sr. Instructor, Heber Springs Theological Seminary

Author of God Help Us: Encouragement for Evangelism

“The heart of Ken Priddy’s ministry is his passionate desire to see churches revitalized and living out the Great Commission; healthy churches proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in their communities through both words and deeds. Ken’s motto rings true: any church that is not in the revitalization process is a church headed for decline and perhaps already there.”

Dr. David Hunsicker, Pastor—Stuart Presbyterian Church. (Ken, my PhD is in Historical Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. My area is post-reformation evangelicalism and the parachurch).

TO: the Richmond Center for Christian Study

Date: July 15, 2011

Dear Sirs,

Just a word of recommendation on behalf of my colleague, Dr. Ken Priddy: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Charlotte hosted a conference in partnership with him last winter, and it was our first joint-effort. It was a great success.

His presentation style is engaging and he brings to his topics literally years "in the trenches" of Church Vitalization, both here and abroad. His passion for his topic is palpable, and he is willing to invest patiently over time in bringing churches along toward health and growth, believing that worldview issues and apologetics interest can only flow from a church with a healthy, Spirit-filled core.

Oh that we had more Pastors willing to "hit the road" in bringing the message of renewal "out" to the church leaders, instead of positing "workbook slogans" that you apply fitfully as a church team.

I can't speak highly enough to his character or dedication to the task of Church Vitalization. Here's hoping that your center can utilize him to get this message further into the Church Leadership world.

In Christ,

Dr. Alison K. Littauer,

Coordinator of Institutional Relations


Theological Seminary

“Dr. Ken Priddy has been serving as a Church Health Consultant for the Mid-Atlantic District of The Christian and Missionary Alliance since April 2007. His practical insights are based on a keen understanding of scripture and the mandates of Christ. His guidance and counsel have brought spiritual challenge and pragmatic influence toward renewal and revitalization to many of our pastors and churches. Dr. Priddy keeps current with societal and ecclesiological trends keeping all of his church health counsel biblically and culturally relevant.”

Rev. Randall B. Corbin, D.Min.

District Superintendent

Mid-Atlantic District

The Christian and Missionary Alliance

“There is a great need in our day for church revitalization that is deeply rooted in the Scriptures and strongly focused on vibrant ministries of outreach and evangelism. Dr. Ken Priddy is not only a passionate advocate and seasoned practitioner in this type of church revitalization, but one of the best hands-on, practical church revitalization trainers and consultants in the country. I highly recommend Ken and his ministry!”

Dr. Steven L. Childers

President & CEO, Global Church Advancement

Assoc. Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando

High M-Pact Church Revitalization, developed by Dr. Ken Priddy, provides a biblically rooted, practical approach to refocusing churches on the issues central to new life and strength. The process is clear, collaborative and relies on participants seeking God in scripture and prayer to discern his specific direction for their church. The process will change your church and its perspective on outreach and evangelism. – Rev. Douglas G. Conley, Sr. Pastor, Derwood Alliance Church, Rockville, MD

Ken Priddy understands the changing context the local church faces today from working with hundreds of churches. He is also committed to the changeless gospel which transforms individuals and church communities so that the "watching world" sees an alternative society. This becomes the only context for credible apologetics and evangelism.

Wayne A. Frazier

Senior Pastor

Back Creek Presbyterian Church

Ken Priddy takes a revealing look at the lifecycle of the church creating the critical "oh no" moments that motivate the people to a fresh and new beginning.

William Malick - Founder of The Church Multiplication Training Center BootCamps. Currently, the National Director for Church Multiplication for The Christian & Missionary Alliance and the District Superintendent for the South Pacific District of The C&MA.

"Each time I hear Ken Priddy teach I am impressed with his insight and understanding of church dynamics, and I'm provoked by the urgency of the church's call to help as many people as possible find a relationship with Jesus Christ."

Rev. David Dwight

Senior Pastor

Hope Church

“Ken Priddy is a proven, effective coach of church leaders around the country. Whether in a lecture or small group consulting setting, Ken’s presentations combine the hard-won experience of a pastor (in both startup and revitalization roles), with the interactive acumen and subject matter mastery of a professor, and the exhortations of a persistent executive coach. The result – the information, tools, and motivation for willing church leaders to submit to God’s revitalization of their church.”

Rev. Dr. Mike Moses, Lead Pastor, Lake Forest Church (EPC), Huntersville NC

Ken Priddy has a gift for helping pastors and churches. His remarkable insights and passion for the Good News are helping our congregation catch a fresh vision for doing the work of the Kingdom.

Dr. James Banks

Author, The Lost Art of Praying Together,

Prayers for Prodigals (Discovery House Publishers)

Pastor, Peace Church, Durham NC

Church Revitalization is an urgent task for the weak American church. In addition to being shallow in her theology, the church is too often shallow in practice, neglecting her primary mission to make disciples. Ken Priddy is addressing the crisis with practical ideas for rebuilding the body of Christ according to Scripture.

S. Donald Fortson, III
D.Min., Ph.D.

Professor of Church History
and Practical Theology

Director, Doctor of Ministry Program
Reformed Theological Seminary – Charlotte
From my perspective, Dr. Kenneth Priddy is one of the top two or three authorities on church revitalization in the United States. His approach to renewing churches is biblically sound, practically useful, and strategically solid. If you wish to see your church be fruitful in its evangelism and outreach, I advise you to listen, learn, and leverage Dr. Priddy's insights for kingdom growth.
Gary L. McIntosh, Ph.D.
Professor of Christian Ministry & Leadership
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University