Application for a Trader Reference Number

European Communities (Common Agricultural Policy) (Scrutiny of Transactions) Regulation 1994 & 1995 Statutory Instrument no. 274 of 1994 as amended by Statutory Instrument no. 218 of 1995.

Please read accompanying Explanatory Note before completing form TRN1

Part A: For completion by trader - Please use Block Capitals

To: Trade Mechanisms, Department of Agriculture & Food, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co Wexford

(Operating Section)

Scheme: _____(in respect of which payment will be sought or made)

Applicant name:______

(Full name of trader, if a registered company full name as shown on the Companies office Certificate of Incorporation)

Companies Office Registration Number: ______VAT No______

(enclose certified copy of certificate of incorporation )

Registered Business or Trading Name:______

(if different from applicant name)

Business or Trading Address: ______

(i.e. address from which applicant operates and at which commercial records are held).

______Postal code ______

Phone Number: ______Fax Number: ______

Address at which commercial records will be held for scrutiny, if different from above.(i.e. Company’s registered Office as registered in Companies Registration Office). ______

______Postal code ______

Is the applicant (company) part of a group of companies operated under one parent company? Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes please state name and address of Parent Company:

Parent Company name: ______


Bank Account Details

Bank Account Name: ______

Bank Account Number |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|

Name of Bank: ______Bank Sort Code:__|__|__|__|__|__|


Line1:______Line 2______

Line 3:______Line 4______

Declaration by applicant:

(i)I/we certify that the details listed above are correct and I/we wish to apply for a Trader Reference Number.

(ii)I have read the Explanatory Note and noted the conditions governing the allocation of a Trader Reference Number

(iii)I undertake to keep all commercial records as specified in the Explanatory Note for a period of three years starting from the end of the year in which the records were drawn up.

(v)The Trader named overleaf has not previously been allocated a Trader Reference Number under the above or any other name.

(vi)The Trader named overleaf is a separate legal entity from any associated Trader who has already been allocated a Trader Reference Number.

(vi)I undertake to inform the Department of Agriculture Food & Rural Development , in writing, of any material change in the trader name and/or address.

Signed: ______Title: ______(Please specify authority of signatory i.e Director or Company Secretary in the case of a Registered Company, or applicant in the case of an individual.) Date: ______

Part B (For internal use in the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development)

To:Trade Mechanisms Section

Please provide a Trader Reference Number and register the listed trader on the Client Database.

Trader approved for export refunds:Yes [ ] No [ ]

I agree that all particulars are correct and recommend that a TRN be issued.

Signature of authorising officer:______Grade:______

Section: ______Division and location:______

Date: ______Phone no &Ext. ______

Part C (For internal use in the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development)

To: ______(Division/Section)

Re: ______

(Name of trader)

TRN allocated: ______Group Id: ______Client ID: ______

Please inform the trader that this number is issued solely for the purposes of enabling the trader applicant to claim payments relating directly or indirectly to the system of financing by the Guarantee Section of the EAGGF. It does not imply approval by the Department of the traders operations nor entitlement to any payment. In addition it does not confer on the applicant any other rights or entitlements

Signed: ______Date: ______

Trade Mechanisms

Explanatory Note

Application for a Trader Reference Number (TRN)

European Communities (Common Agricultural Policy) (Scrutiny of Transactions) Regulation 1994 & 1995 Statutory Instrument no 274 of 1994 as amended by Statutory Instrument no 218 of 1995.

Please read this Explanatory Note before completing form TRN 1

Purpose of the Trader Maintenance System

  1. For the purpose of the EU scrutiny regulations, cited in paragraph 2 hereunder, any trading entity applying for or making a payment relating directly or indirectly to a scheme financed by the Guarantee Section of the European Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) must first have a Trader Reference Number, commonly known as a TRN. Examples of such transactions are Export Refunds, Aid for Private Storage, Intervention (Public Storage) operations etc. In Ireland the CAP transactions financed by the EAGGF Guarantee Section are administered by the Department of Agriculture and Food.

2.The TRN system is implemented in accordance with

European Communities (Common Agricultural Policy) (Scrutiny of Transactions) Regulations 1994 and 1995

Statutory Instrument No. 274 of 1994 as amended by S.I. No. 218 of 1995

These scrutiny regulations provide for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 4045/89 as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No. 3094/94.

Traders have full responsibility for familiarising themselves with these regulations. Whilst care has been taken to ensure that the information given in this Explanatory Note is accurate, no legal responsibility is accepted by the Department of Agriculture and Food for any errors or omissions. Traders should read this Explanatory Note in conjunction with the relevant regulations.

Copies of the Statutory Instruments and the EU Regulations may be obtained from the Government Publications Sales Office, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.

3.The TRN is an accounting tool and facilitates the identification of Guarantee section transactions for the purposes of the Scrutiny Regulations referred to in paragraph 2 above. These Regulations provide for scrutiny by Authorised Officers of the commercial records of any trader participating directly or indirectly in a scheme involving Guarantee Section transactions. An authorised officer is an officer from the Department of Agriculture and Food; from the Revenue Commissioners or, in certain circumstances, from the Commission of the European Union.

4.Under the Scrutiny Regulations, traders must keep all commercial records available for scrutiny for a period of at least three years starting from the end of the year in which such records were drawn up.

The term ‘Commercial records’ means all books, registers, vouchers and supporting documents, accounts, production and quality records, and correspondence relating to the undertaking’s business activity, as well as commercial data, in whatever form they may take, including electronically stored data and including those records of third parties, stored in whatever manner, which are directly or indirectly connected with above payments.

Application procedure

  1. In order to obtain a Trader Reference Number the applicant must complete Part A of the TRN1 form. The form should be completed in full and forwarded together with the necessary supporting documentation to the relevant Department operating section that is administering the scheme concerned.
  1. Where an applicant is a company registered under the Companies Acts 1963-1990 the required documentation will be a certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Companies Registration Office or the equivalent document if the company is registered outside of Ireland. Traders registered outside of Ireland and whose certificate of incorporation is recorded in a language other than English should provide a translation of the document. The translation should be certified to be a true translation of the original document. In all instances a Company Director or Company Secretary must certify the certificate of incorporation to be a true copy of the original.

Each Applicant must ensure that the following detail is provided:

  • The full name of the applicant and, if a company, as recorded on the Certificate of Incorporation;
  • The Companies Registration Office registration Number where the applicant is registered under the Companies Acts 1963-1990 or its equivalent if registered outside of Ireland. The Certificate of Incorporation must be certified to be true copy of the original by a Director or Company Secretary.
  • The registered business or trading name if different from applicant name;
  • The business or trading address (i.e. address from which applicant operates and at which commercial records are held). This is the address that must be quoted on all payment forms. An address outside the Republic of Ireland should include the local postal code.
  • The address at which commercial records will be held for scrutiny if different from Business or Trading address. An address outside the Republic of Ireland should include the local postal code.
  • Where a company applying for a TRN is a separate entity but operates as part of a group of companies under one parent company, please state the name of the parent company.
  • State the CAP market support scheme in respect of which payment/license will be sought e.g. Export Refunds, Aid for Private Storage etc.
  • Bank account details.
  • The signature of the applicant or, where appropriate, the signature and title of the

person representing the applicant e.g. a Director or Company Secretary in the case of a registered company. The person concerned should be in a position to act as authorised contact for all correspondence concerning implementation of the Scrutiny Regulations.

  1. A trader from another Member State involved in EAGGF Guarantee Section transactions in Ireland must also apply to the Department of Agriculture and Food for a Trader Reference Number. He/she must likewise comply with the scrutiny requirements set out in paragraph 4 above. The scrutiny of such records would of course be carried out by the appropriate authority in the trader's own Member State acting on foot of a mutual assistance request from the Department of Agriculture and Food or from the Office of the Revenue Commissioners.
  1. If the application is in order, the applicant will be informed by the relevant Department operating section regarding the allocated Trader Reference Number.
  1. The allocation of a TRN cannot be interpreted as implying Department approval either of a trader's operations or his/her entitlement to receive payment under a particular scheme. Each trader will be allocated one TRN only and this number must be clearly indicated in all payment/receipt documentation.