Happy Last Year, Class of 2011.
The Senior Bulletin will be distributed the first of each month. Seniors will receive a copy during advisement, a copy will be posted on the Senior Bulletin Board in the Library and you may find a copy posted on the FRJUSD web site. The bulletin will keep you informed of testing dates, financial aid information, college information and the current scholarships that are available. If you have any questions, you may contact Mrs. Small, the scholarship coordinator, at 335-4576.
ACT Test at FRHS Oct. 23, 2010
Butte College Preview Day Oct. 30, 2010 For information call 530-879-6100
SAT Test at FRHS Nov. 6, 2010 Register by Oct. 8, 2010, Late Registration by Oct.22, 2010
“Official” transcripts that are needed for scholarships and college admission may be requested in the Library from Shelly.
1. Proof your application for spelling, grammar and content. Most schools do not allow an application to be modified once it is submitted. Always print a copy for your records before you click “send”.
2. Email Confirmation. If you have not received your confirmation with 48 hours, phone the school to verify receipt.
3. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your application.
4. Know the college’s policy for supplying documentation, such as letters of recommendation. Just receiving the application may not meet a school’s requirements.
5. Be aware of specific deadlines. Most schools require all applications and documents to be submitted by a specific date and time and
will not accept late material.
(by Len Metheny)
Most colleges and scholarships require letters of recommendations. Seniors are encouraged to approach teachers, friends, counselors and bosses early. Do not wait till the last minute.
1. Don’t “recycle” essays.
2. Captivate your audience. Make your essay memorable and engaging.
3. Be yourself. Choose a topic that is meaningful.
4. Accentuate the positive. Write how a personal experience changed you for the better.
5. Write in the active voice.
6. Don’t overextend. Your essay isn’t a term paper.
7. Ask people for input. Teacher, friend, parent, etc.
8. Leave time for rewriting. Never use your first draft.
9. Revise, reword. Improve your first draft and read the essay aloud to find awkward sentences and problems.
10. Pursue perfection. Have someone else look it over then re-check spelling and type caref
Scholarship Information
Scholarships available will be listed in the bulletin as they come in but be sure and check out the scholarship websites. Pay careful attention to deadline dates. Most deadlines will be “post mark by” date but a few will be “receive by” date. It will state if the application is online or in the Library.
AES Engineering – deadline Oct. 8th
Essay required. Information and application online at
Dreamers Challenge – deadline Oct. 15th
Two $5,000 scholarships through Comcast to seniors who are willing to participate in a contest about how they will change the world. Information and application at
Horatio Alger Association Scholarship – deadline Oct. 30th
2.0 GPA, financial need, must have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity. Application online at
Coca-Cola Scholars – deadline Oct. 31st
3.0 GPA, show leadership, character and personal merit. Application online at
CIF Spirit of Sport Award – deadline Nov. 1st
$500 scholarship. Student athletes are selected on exemplary sportsmanship, school/community service and leadership. If you would like to be considered for nomination, see Mrs. Snelling.
Sullivan Leadership Award – deadline Nov. 15th
Four-year full scholarship for student planning to attend Seattle University. Information and application at
Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship – deadline Dec. 1st
Applications judged on leadership and financial need. Applications and instructions in the Library.
SAE Engineering Scholarships – deadline Jan. 15th
Various scholarships available to students intending to earn a degree in Engineering or related Technology or Science. GPA requirements vary and importance on SAT/ACT scores. For list of scholarships, see Shelly or visit the website at
Burger King Scholars Program – deadline Feb. 28th
2.5 GPA, works an average of 15 hours a week, participate in community service and demonstrate financial need. Apply online at