Course/Activity Proposal Form
Do you have a great idea for a course or activity?
MSUB Extended Campus is interested in learning more about the idea that you want to develop. In order for us to evaluate your idea and credentials, please provide the following information.
1)Contact Information:
Name: / Date:Address: / E-Mail:
City: / Day Phone:
State: / Mobile Phone:
2)Please attach a resume that describes your education, work history, and/or background relevant to the proposed course or program.
3)Describe The Course/ Activity:
- What is the title?
- What is the overall topic?
- Attach an detailed outline of the course
- Is the course/activity delivered ____Face to face ____Online ____Hybrid
- Is thecourse/activity/workshop____Academic Credit ____Non-Credit ____Professional DevelopmentCredit ____Camp _____ Workforce Training (please check all that apply)
- What would be the minimum/maximum number of students/participantsper class/activity?
- How many sessions will be required? How long should each session be?
- What dates/times would you suggest to offer the course/activity? Why?
- Who is your intended audience? Please describe educational level, pre-requisites, other pertinent aspects.
- What evidence do you have of a demand for this type of course or activity?
- How long will this course/activity take to develop?
- Have you taught this course/activity before? If yes, where/when?
- What can you tell us about the success of other similar courses or programs and their locations?
Market Analysis:
- In what cities/location(s) would you suggest to offer the course/activity?
- From what geographic area is your audience most likely to come? (Example: Billings, Eastern Montana, statewide, nationwide)
- What is the best way to advertise or spread the word about this course or program to the intended audience?
- How will this course/activity “benefit” the attendees? Please be specific in regards to degree completion, employment options, specific knowledge or skill acquisition, etc.
- What special equipment or software is required?
- What materials(books, manuals, etc.) are needed?
- Would other existing University resources be drawn upon for students to be successful in completing the course? Examples would be Library, lab space, computer labs, etc.
Send this completed form via email or snail mail to:
Kevin Nemeth
Montana State University Billings
Extended Campus
1500 University Drive
Billings, MT 59101
Billings, MT 59101