Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce 9th Annual Headliner Awards Nomination Form
Nomination Deadline: February 15, 2018
Nomination Requirements:
- Achievements by the business or organization within the nomination category must apply only to the period Jan. 1 thru Dec. 31, 2017.
- Any business or organization leader located in Dutchess County is eligible for the Leadership in Business and Community award.
- Nominees can be entered into a maximum of three categories.
- Nominees must meet the qualification standards for each of the nominating categories.
- Include detailed descriptions of how the nominee qualifies in each of the categories in which they are entered.
- All questions must be answered. Incomplete forms will be disqualified.
- Nominations can be made by an employee of the organization, customer/client, or member of the community. Self-nominations will also be accepted.
- Tell us your story!Briefly explain what your experience has been with the nominee as an employee, owner or senior executive of the company/organization; a customer; community member; or supplier. You story must detail your experience in relation to the category in which the company/organization is being nominated.
- The nominee of the company/organization for the Best Place to Work Award must be an employee of the nominee!
- You can submit supporting documents, but they must demonstrate the nominee’s accomplishments in the category. Please clearly indicate the categoryto which they apply and submit them along with your nomination form.
- Completed forms can be e-mailed to Loren Petrella , faxed to (845) 454-1702, or sent to the Chamber’s office at One Civic Center Plaza, Suite 400, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 – attn: Loren Petrella.
- Nominations must be received by February 23, 2018. Those received afterwards will not be considered.
- The Headliner Awards will be presented at the Chamber’s April Contact Breakfast, April 18, 2018.
Note: The Chamber strongly encourages nominators to spend time and thoroughly document qualifications of companies, organizations, or individuals being nominated, including spending time with those being nominated to review the information on this form.
Any questions or advice should be directed to Loren Petrella, Communications & Marketing Coordinatorat (845) 454-1700, ext. 1020 or email .
Award Categories:
Please check up to three award categoriesin which your nominee qualifies:
- Best Place to Work☐
- Leadership in Business and Community - awarded to an individual☐
- Outside-the-Box Innovator☐
- Customer Service☐
Company/organization name:Company/organization contact person: / Title:
Mailing address:
Phone: / Fax: / E-mail:
Website address:
Your name:Your company/organization (if applicable):
Your mailing address:
Phone: / Fax: / E-mail:
Are you (Check all that apply):
☐An employee of the nominated company/organization
☐Owner or senior executive of the nominated company/organization
☐A customer/client
☐Work with nominee or their representative through The Dutchess County Regional
Chamber of Commerce
☐Community member
Before completing the following questions, please review the Headliner Awards Categories’ description and requirements found on our website at dcrcoc.org/headliners-committee
- Be complete in clearly outlining the nominee’s qualifications in the category.
- The nominee of the company/organization for the Best Place to Work Award must be an employee of the nominee!
- You can submit supporting documents,but they must demonstrate the nominee’s accomplishments in the category. Please clearly indicate the category they apply to and submit them along with your nomination.
- All questions must be answered!
Best Place to Work
- Why do you feel your company/organization should receive the Best Place to Work award?
- Describe what efforts were made during 2017that demonstrate how the nominee valuesits employees through their daily relationship with them and not by a statement in their employee handbook or benefits outline. Be as specific as possible in telling us your story.
- Show how the nominee builds the employee relationship in key areas such as trusting the employees; treating them with respect; rewarding them with fair wages; communicating with them on a regular and consistent basis; building pride in the workplace, the employee and their job; and making the organization a credible and enjoyable place to work.
- Detail how the nominee’s actions show how it values its employees and thus make it the Best Place to Work.
- Tell us your story!Briefly explain what your experience has been with the nominee. Please detail your experience in relation to the Best Place to Work category.
Leadership in Business and Community:
- Why do you feel the individual being nominated should receive the Leadership Award?
- Describe the efforts the individual has made in leading his/her company or organization and within the community in 2017. Be as specific as possible about the nominee’s activities including dates where appropriate.
- Briefly outline how the nominee’s business or organization has benefited from his/her leadership commitment in terms of tangible results such as revenue sustained or grown, growth in products/services, employee retention rates, demonstrable aid to the community, etc.
- Tell us your story!Briefly explain what your experience has been with the nominee. Please detail your experience in relation to the Leadership in Business & Community category.
Outside-the-Box Innovator:
- Why do you feel the nominee should receive the Outside-the-Box Innovator Award?
- Describe how the nominee’s smart thinking brought an innovative perspective to the organization in 2017. Consider areas such as organizational management, technology, marketing, sales or product/service goals, solid waste reduction, recycling, energy conservation or renewable energy usage, as well as process improvement, social consciousness, and utilizing resources efficiently and effectively. Include dates where appropriate.
- Briefly outline how the nominee’s innovative thinking, uniqueness, and creativity produced positive results for its bottom line and achieved their desired results. Consider how their resourcefulness has resulted in building a vibrant, sustainableorganization and producing positive results that will continue and grow.Detail how the nominee is a leader in aiding to leave a mark on the community and not a footprint on our world.
- Tell us your story!Briefly explain what your experience has been with the nominee. Please detail your experience in relation to the Outside-the-Box Innovator category.
Customer Service
- Why do you feel the nominee should receive the Customer Service Award?
- Describe the nominee’s demonstrated exceptional customer service during 2017 that resulted in an increase in customer/client satisfaction, retention, and referrals. Be as specific as possible about the nominee’s activities including dates where appropriate.
- Briefly outline how the nominee’s customer service produced positive results for its bottom line and achieved their desired results.
- Tell us your story!Briefly explain what your experience has been with the nominee. Please detail your experience in relation to the Customer Service category.
Judging Nominations
Judging will take place in two stages. Initially, the judges will evaluate the nominations determining whether the nominee is eligible, the entry form is complete and the nominations are for a maximum of three categories with appropriate documentation for each. At the final stage of the judging process the judges will select the winners in each Award category.
Nominees will receive an award in one category only. If the entrant is a finalist in more than one category, the submission will stand in the category the judges feel the business has the strongest nomination.
If all of the nominations in any single category do not meet an appropriate standard of excellence, the judges will not give an award in that category. The judges’ decisions are final.
** BEFORE you submit,have you:
- Included information on ONLY 2017 calendar year achievements?
- Have you told us your story relating to the nominee’s qualifications to be considered as a winner in its category?
- Included statistics, dates, and specific details to support your nomination?
- Reviewed the nomination with the nominee to ensure accuracy?