To Be a Slave


1.  Where did the slave trade exist in the early 1600’s?

2. Why weren’t the Indians suited to being slaves on the Southern plantations of the U.S.?

3. Why were Africans considered a good labor force by the Southern plantation owners?

4. What were men, women, and children called when they were kidnapped and sent to America from Europe nations?

5. What were the three ways a slave trader could use to capture slaves?

6. The confinement of the slaves during a passage to the New World abroad a slave ship was an extreme hardship. Recall the most intense feeling of confinement that you have experienced and describe it in detail.

7. Compare and contrast in Venn diagram form the Indian and African civilizations. Tell why one group was more suitable to slavery than other.

8. Suppose that the U.S. Indians were enslaved by the colonist. Describe how U.S. history could have been different.