EPPL 642 / 586 / 587
Culturally Competent Leaders Responding to Diverse Student Populations
School Self-Assessment
Directions: Read each statement and decide how much you agree or disagree with that statement. Circle the letter that corresponds to your answer, using the following key:
A = Agree strongly; B = Agree somewhat; C = Disagree somewhat; D = Disagree strongly.
A. Curriculum
1. Multicultural education is a part of the school’s curriculum goals. A B C D
2. People of color are portrayed accurately throughout the curriculum. A B C D
3. History, perspectives, and contributions of people of color are
included in the curriculum, across all disciplines. A B C D
4. The library includes books by and about people of color.A B C D
5. Available media materials are representative of the cultural
diversity within the school. A B C D
6. Teachers and students are aware of available multicultural library
and media materials. A B C D
7. Curriculum decisions are made with consideration of cultural
diversity. A B C D
B. Instruction
1. Teachers have an understanding of the cultures which are
represented in their classrooms.A B C D
2. Teachers and supervisors are aware of local ethnic learning styles.A B C D
3. Teachers’ expectations for students of color are the same as those
for Anglo students.A B C D
4. Teachers in the school make conscious efforts to engage all students
in learning activities within the classroom.A B C D
5. Teachers make conscious efforts to give equivalent attention and
encouragement to all students. A B C D
6. Staff development programs are provided which help teachers better
understand the cultures of their students.A B C D
7. Staff development programs address multicultural education issues.A B C D
8. Staff members are assisted in identifying racial and cultural biases
in themselves, students, and curriculum materials.A B C D
9. Teachers use methodology that fosters integration
(e.g., cooperative learning).A B C D
10. Instruction and methodology do not conflict with the cultural
beliefs of any of the students in the school. A B C D
11. Teachers use a variety of tasks, measures and materials to assess
the competence of students.A B C D
C. School Policies
1. The school has philosophy and mission statement that refer to
cultural pluralism as an educational goal. A B C D
2. The school has stated policies which indicate that racism will not
be tolerated. A B C D
3. Consequences for those guilty of racism are clearly delineated. A B C D
4. The School Board supports racial tolerance.A B C D
5. Students from a variety of ethnic groups are recognized with awards
and honors.A B C D
6. The ethnic composition of the School Board reflects that of the
school’s student population. A B C D
7. Standardized testing is used to judge or sort students. A B C D
8. The school does not practice “tracking”. A B C D
9. Students of color are more frequently referred for disciplinary problems
than Anglo students. A B C D
10. The school district calendar accommodates cultural differences.A B C D
D. Staffing
1. The staff of the school reflects the cultural diversity of the student
population. A B C D
2. Certain positions are identified with certain cultures.A B C D
3. The school recruits staff members from all cultures.A B C D
4. The school encourages students of color to enter the teaching profession. A B C D
Adapted from Wyman, S. L. (1993). How to respond to your culturally diverse student population.Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.