NY Metro Chapter

American Society of Home Inspectors

Meeting Minutes – October 28, 2010

Executive Meeting: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance:

Victor G Faggella, P.E., President

Victor J. Faggella, Treasurer

Rich Corbin, Secretary

Other members:

Dave Wheeler, Social Committee Chair

Bart Rodi, Education Committee Chair

Doug Kaufman, Past President

Discussion topics:

§  Holiday party: agreed to $30 per member; two guests per member allowed at $30 per person

§  Chapter will subsidize any shortfall

§  To be held at Antun’s; minimum of 40 guests required

§  Victor J. will sign contract tonight

§  Chapter needs a laptop instead of relying on members to bring their personal PC

§  Reviewed election results

§  Victor G discussed his vision for the chapter as the incoming president:

o  Wants more member involvement

o  Committees will be formed

o  Incentives to be decided and awarded for committees which meet and/or exceed goals

o  Operations & procedures manual to be updated

o  Education committee needs more members and participation


o  Should chapter contribute funds for lobbyist?

§  Bart Rodi agreed to be November’s education session speaker

§  November’s meeting will be held on November 18, 2010

NewComer’s Hour: 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Topic: Hot Water Heating

Presenter: Raymond Levin

Attendees: 13

Education Session: 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Advanced Septic Systems, www.ADVseptic.com, 1-800-597-0274

Roy Trumper

Wayne Fleming, Jr.

Roy and Wayne reviewed how ADV tests and reports on septic systems for both occupied and unoccupied homes. Inspection fees start at $495 for a house in use to $795 for hydraulic testing on a vacant house.

Business Meeting: 8:00 - 8:45 p.m.

Officers in attendance:

Victor G Faggella, P.E., President

Victor J. Faggella, Treasurer

Rich Corbin, Secretary

President’s Report:

Doug Kaufman: As outgoing president thanked all the members for their support during the past two years.

Victor G. Faggella, P.E.

§  Vic discussed what he wants to accomplish in the upcoming year:

o  Update operational manual

o  Have all members more involved in the chapter through committee assignments; there will be incentives

o  President’s monthly message is under consideration

o  Chapter newsletter

§  Holiday party will be held on December 16, 2010

o  Cost: $30 per member; two guests per member allowed at $30 per person

o  Register on-line at chapter’s website

§  Funds: Chapter has approximately $20K in total kept in multiple accounts

Other Business:

Education: Bart Rodi

Bart will be the education speaker at the November 2010 meeting.

Topic: Attic Framing and Insulation

ASHI National Update: Frank Libero

Frank gave the chapter an update on the most recent ASHI meeting.

o  ASHI is working to provide more value for the membership

o  Chapter workshop to development ways to help and improve chapters

o  New sources of revenue for inspectors – Healthy Home Inspections

o  ASHI interlocking with HUD

o  Proposed bylaw change will be sent to membership to approve

o  Changes on board member composition

2011 Seminar – Victor J Faggella

Vic encouraged members to submit topics for the 2011 seminar

Attendance: 28

members: 25

Guest speakers: 2

Potential HI Guests: 1