Tracking # ___ (RO will provide)

Alaska National Wildlife Refuge System’s Fiscal Year 2009

Challenge Cost Share Program Proposal

Applications must be limited to 2 pages

CCS Project ____ Science Camp____

Organization code: Station:

Project Title:

Project Location:

FWS Project Contact(s): Include name(s), email(s), and phone number(s)]:

Project Description: Fully describe what the project will accomplish.

Justification: Explain why the project is important and timely.

(Limit this section to 1 paragraph – Promises references should be made by heading reference (“A Legacy of Wildlife”) found on pages 17, 43, and 69 of the “Fulfilling the Promise” document and not written out.)

Timeline: Provide a monthly schedule for your project. A small percentage of projects will be granted extensions until Dec. 31 so please note if your project will need to extend into the fall or winter. A very small percentage of projects will be approved to take place completely within the Oct through Feb FY09 time period.

Total Project Cost:

CCS funds requested:

How will you use the CCS funds? (e.g., purchasing materials, equipment rental, travel, salaries, etc.):

Will any Federal funds be paid to Cooperator to perform work identified in this proposal? ____YES ____NO

Other Federal funds if applicable: List agencies and amount separately.

Non Federal Cooperator Share:

Labor: _____ Hours X $_____/Hour = $______

Equipment: _____ Hours X $_____/Hour = $______

Travel: _____ Hours X $_____/Hour = $______

Funds: _____ Hours X $_____/Hour = $______

Is this a new project? ____Yes ____ No

If no, how many years has this project been in place? ____

Is this a project that will continue on after 1 year? If so, for how long?

[e.g., This project will continue for a total of ___ year(s) after 2009]

If this is a continuing project please estimate the amount of future money you will apply for through the CCS program.

Cooperator Name(s) and Background Information: (i.e., Length of partnership with Cooperator; What will the partnership add to the project?)

Submit proposals in Word format to: .

Call Brian Anderson at (907) 786-3379 with questions.)