NUMBER: RFP#2016-03
TITLE:TalentManagement Software Purchase and Implementation
Monday, November 16, 2015 at 3:00pm (MST)
Issue date: November 2, 2015 /
Room 206
SANTA FE, NM 87508
TITLE:TalentManagement Software Purchase and Implementation
SUBMITTAL DUE DATE AND TIME:Monday, November 16, 2015 3:00pm (MST)
Santa Fe Community College (“SFCC” or “College”) invites you (“Offeror”) to submit a sealed proposal for the material(s) and/or service(s) for the following Request for Proposals “RFP”. Please carefully read all instructions, specifications, terms and conditions of this RFP. Failure to comply with the instructions, terms and/or conditions may results in the proposal being classified as unresponsive and disqualified. New Mexico criminal law prohibits bribes, gratuities and kickbacks §13-1-191 NMSA 1978.
Sealed proposals must be received at the above address no later than the time and date specified above. Any proposal received after the deadline will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. It is solely the responsibility of each Offeror to assure that its proposal is delivered at the specified place and prior to the deadline for submission. Proposals, which for any reason are not so delivered, will not be considered and will be returned unopened. All information must be entered in ink or typed and corrections must be initialed. Proposals must be in a sealed envelope and must be clearly marked with the RFP number and submission deadline (as listed above) in the lower left hand corner.
Specifications and proposal packets may be obtained at the Purchasing Office of the Santa Fe Community College, or interested OFFERORs may access and download the document from the Internet at the following address:
Santa Fe Community College
Purchasing Department, Room 206
6401 Richards Ave.
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508
Section 1:Purpose
Section 2:Organizational Profile
Section 3:Conditions and General Requirements Governing Proposal
Section 4.Other Special Conditions
Section 5:Instructions to Offerors
Section 6:Scope of Work
Section 7:Response Format
Section 8:Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process
Section 9:Evaluation Criteria
Attachment A:Pricing
Attachment B:Small & Small Disadvantaged Business Certification
Attachment C: Campaign Disclosure Statement Form
Attachment D: Resident Business Certification
AttachmentE:Resident Veterans Preference Certification Form
Attachment F:Offeror Signature Form
Exhibit A:Master Services Agreement
Appendix A:Question Submittal Form
Name: Tom Weeks, Buyer
Telephone: 505-428-1184
Name: Mark Wood
Telephone: 505-474-5022
NOTE: Please be advised that Offerors are only to make contact with the individual(s) identified above and shall not contact any other employee, officer or member of the governing Board regarding the procurement. Any Offeror that makes such unauthorized contact shall be deemed to have violated the terms and conditions of the RFP and that person’s bid may be rejected as a result.
Number of submittals required: One (1) original, two (2) printed copies, and one (1) copy on CD.
Terms: F.O.B. Destination
Net 30
SFCC reserves the right to request clarification and modification of any proposal prior to contract award. The purchase of any material(s) and/or service(s) awarded under this RFP are subject to the scope of work, specifications, requirements, terms and conditions contained within this Request For Proposals. Offerors may submit alternate terms and conditions; however, SFCC reserves the right to reject any proposed alternate language if the proposed language is determined by SFCC not be in its’ best interest.
This solicitation or an award of this RFP may be protested as per the New Mexico Procurement Code and SFCC Purchasing Department Procedures.
Questions should be directed to the Buyer indicated above. Note, any questions regarding the RFP documents are to be submitted, using the Question Submittal Form provided in Appendix A and are to be submitted to the buyer identified above. Note, any and all clarification of instructions, specifications, scope of work, requirements, terms and conditions, insurance, bid preparation, etc. shall only be made by the Buyer. All requests for any form of RFP clarification must be made in writing, addressed to the Buyer, and submitted no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the RFP due date. If appropriate, SFCC Purchasing Department shall issue a written Amendment/Addendum to this RFP which shall thereafter become a part of this Request For Proposals. No oral interpretations shall be binding upon SFCC unless reduced to a written Amendment/Addendum issued by the Purchasing Department prior to the RFP Due Date and Time.
Santa Fe Community College invites proposals from established providers of Talent Management Software products and services. This RFP is issued under, and all proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall be subject to, the State of New Mexico Procurement Code, Section 13-1-21 through 13-1-199, NMSA 1978. It is anticipated that the initial term of any resultant agreement for stated services shall be period of one (1) year, with the option to renew for seven (7) additional one (1) year terms, for a maximum term of eight (8) years (ref: 13-1-150, NMSA 1978).
Note: For purposes of identification and clarity within this Request for Proposal (RFP), the term “College” shall refer to Santa Fe Community College (SFCC), and the term “Offeror” shall refer to the RFP respondents.
2.1History: The College was established in 1983 to bring low-cost, high-quality educational opportunities to the residents of Santa Fe. Since then the College has grown rapidly, both in enrollment and campus expansion. Today, the College serves more than 9,200 students in any given semester in its credit, noncredit and adult basic education programs. The College’s campus is situated on 366 acres off Richards Avenue, south of Rodeo Road.
2.2SFCC’s Mission and Goals: SFCC is a learning community that helps students succeed and serve the community. As a public institution, SFCC offers a wide variety of educational programs and services to meet the needs of business, government and a diverse population. SFCC contributes to the economic, technological and cultural development of the region by providing quality academic, career and personal-enrichment programs.
The following section contains information about the RFP process and conditions under which this RFP is issued and how the intended project will be completed. College requires that all OFFERORs agree to be bound by the general requirements contained in this section.
3.1The General Terms and Conditions on the reverse side of SFCC’s purchase order are an equal and integral part of this Request For Proposals (RFP) and may be viewed at:
3.2The terms, conditions and specifications contained in this RFP shall be incorporated into all purchase orders issued as a result of this RFP, including any addenda. SFCC reserves the right to negotiate with a successful Offeror (Contractor) provisions in addition to those stipulated in this RFP. The contents of the successful Offeror’s submittal may be incorporated into an award agreement.
3.3Should an Offeror object to any of the SFCC General Terms and Conditions, that Offeror must propose specific alternative language for the College’s review and consideration. General references to the Offeror’s terms and conditions or attempts at complete substitutions are not acceptable to SFCC and may result in disqualification of the Offeror’s submittal. Offerors must provide a brief statement of the purpose and impact, if any, of each proposed change followed by the specific proposed alternate wording.
Any proposed changes to the terms and conditions incorporated and/or attached to this RFP, must be stated in Offeror’s bid submittal in a Section marked “PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.” Offerors are cautioned that any changes to the terms and conditions that are NOT stated in the RFP response will not be entertained by SFCC at a later date. Any provisions in any bid submittal, quotation, acknowledgment or other forms or contract documents applicable to the services that are inconsistent, or in conflict, with any provisions of this RFP or the resultant contract, will be ineffective and inapplicable.
3.4SFCC reserves the right to reject an offer submittal on the basis that the proposed compromising language cannot be accepted by SFCC. Any additional terms and conditions which may be the subject of negotiation will be discussed only between SFCC and the successful Offeror and shall not be deemed an opportunity to amend the Offeror’s submittal.
3.5NOTE: An Awardee of a Price Agreement established with SFCC has the opportunity to market a resultant Price Agreement to other New Mexico local public bodies, state agencies and instrumentalities under the State of New Mexico Public Purchases and Property Act, NMSA 1978, Article 1, Procurement, Section 13-1-129, “Procurement under existing contracts.”
3.6Acceptance of Conditions Governing the Procurement: Offerors must indicate their acceptance of the Conditions Governing the Procurement section in letter of transmittal. Submission of a proposal constitutes acceptance of the evaluation factors contained in Section 8 of this RFP.
3.7Incurring Cost: Any cost incurred by the Offeror in preparation, transmittal, or presentation of any proposal or material submitted in response to this RFP shall be borne solely by the OFFEROR.
3.8Key Staff: Since the award is made on a quality-based evaluation process, replacement of key staff or subcontractors after award of and prior to the contract execution may cause the Offeror to be disqualified.
3.9Offeror’s Responsibility: Any contract that may result from this RFP shall specify that the Offeror is solely responsible for fulfillment of the contract with College. College will make contract payments only to the successful Offeror.
3.10Subcontractors: Use of subcontractors must be clearly explained in the proposal submittal and must be identified by name. The Offeror shall be wholly responsible for the entire performance whether or not subcontractors are used.
3.11Amended Proposals: An Offeror may submit an amended proposal prior to the submission deadline. Such amended proposals must be complete replacements for a previously submitted proposal and must be clearly identified as such in the transmittal letter. College personnel will not collate or assemble proposal materials for the Offeror.
3.11Offeror’s Rights to Withdraw Proposal: Offerors will be allowed to withdraw their proposals at any time prior to the submission deadline. The Offeror must submit to the College procurement agent a written withdrawal request signed by the OFFEROR’s authorized representative.
3.12Proposal Offer Firm: Responses to this RFP, including proposal prices, will be considered firm for ninety (90) days after the proposal submission deadline.
3.14Disclosure of Proposal Contents: Proposal contents will be kept confidential until a contract is awarded and written notice of award has been issued by the College procurement agent. At that time, all proposals will be open to the public, except for the material that is proprietary or confidential. The procurement agent will not disclose or make public any pages of a proposal on which the Offeror has stamped or imprinted “proprietary” or “confidential” subject to the following requirements.
Proprietary or confidential data shall be readily separable from the proposal in order to facilitate eventual public inspection of the non-confidential portion of the proposal. Confidential data is normally restricted to confidential financial information concerning the Offeror’s organization and data that qualifies as a trade secret in accordance with the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, §57-3A-1 to 57-3A-7, NMSA 1978. The price of products offered or the cost of services proposed shall not be designated as proprietary or confidential information.
If a request is received for disclosure of data for which an Offeror has made a written request for confidentiality, the College procurement agent shall examine the Offeror’s request and make a written determination that specifies which portions of the proposal should be disclosed. Unless the Offeror takes legal action to prevent the disclosure, the proposal will be so disclosed. The proposal shall be open to public inspection subject to any continuing prohibition on the disclosure of confidential data.
3.15No Obligation: This RFP in no manner obligates College to the use of any proposed products or services until a valid written contract is awarded and approved by the appropriate College authorities.
3.16Termination of RFP: This RFP may be canceled at any time and any and all proposals may be rejected in whole or in part when College determines such action to be in the best interest of College.
3.17Sufficient Appropriation: Any contract awarded as a result of this RFP process may be terminated if sufficient appropriations or authorizations do not exist. Such termination will be affected by sending written notice to the Offeror. College’s decision as to whether sufficient appropriations and authorizations are available will be accepted by Offeror as final.
3.18Governing Law: This procurement and any agreement with Offerors that may result shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Mexico.
3.19Campaign Contribution Disclosure Form: All Offerors are required By Section 13-1-191 NMSA 1978 to complete the Campaign Contribution Disclosure Form in Attachment C.
3.20Basis for Proposal: Only information supplied by College in writing through the College procurement agent or in this RFP shall be used as the basis for the preparation of Offeror proposals.
3.21Contract Terms and Conditions: The contract between College and the successful Offeror shall follow the format specified by College and contain the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit A – Master Services Agreement. However, COLLEGE reserves the right to negotiate with a successful Offeror provisions in addition to those contained in this RFP. The contents of this RFP, as revised and/or supplemented, and the successful Offeror’s proposal will be incorporated into and become part of the contract.
3.22Offeror Qualifications: The selection committee may make such investigations as necessary to determine the ability of the Offeror to adhere to the requirements specified within this RFP. The selection committee will reject the proposal of any Offeror who is not a responsible Offeror or fails to submit a responsive offer, as defined in § 13-1-83 and 13-1-85 NMSA 1978.
3.23Right to Waive Technical Irregularities: College reserves the right to waive minor irregularities. Also College reserves the right to waive mandatory requirements provided that all of the otherwise responsive proposals failed to meet the mandatory requirements and/or doing so does not otherwise materially affect the procurement. This right is at the sole discretion of COLLEGE.
3.24Change in Offeror Representatives: College reserves the right to request a change in Offeror representatives if the assigned representatives are not, in the opinion of COLLEGE, meeting its needs adequately.
3.25Notice: The Procurement Code, § 13-1-28 through 13-1-199 NMSA 1978, imposes civil and misdemeanor criminal penalties for its violation. In addition, the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony penalties for bribes, gratuities and kickbacks.
3.26SFCC Rights:SFCC reserves the right to accept and/or reject, at its sole discretion, any or all proposals, or parts thereof, to waive technicalities, or to re-advertise the project, when the best interests of College will be realized thereby.
3.27Electronic Mail Address Requirement: A large part of the communication regarding this procurement will be conducted by electronic mail (e-mail). Offeror’s are strongly encouraged to establish a valid e-mail address to better ensure receipt of electronic correspondence.
3.28Use of Electronic Version of this RFP: This RFP is being made available by electronic means. If accepted by such means, the Offeror acknowledges and accepts full responsibility to insure that no changes are made to the RFP. In the event of conflict between a version of the RFP in the Offeror’s possession and the version maintained by College, the version maintained by College shall govern.
3.29Taxes: The College is exempt fromFederal Excise Taxes and fromNew Mexico Gross Receipts Taxes onmaterials. Servicesare not exempt. Taxes on services should be includedasaseparatelineitem and not included in the base price offer. Applicable taxes are excluded from the RFPevaluation. A non-taxable transaction certificate isavailable from the Purchasing Department.
3.30Resident Business Certification: Please provide any documentation as directed in Attachment D.
The following are special conditions that must be met by the Offeror in undertaking this contract. The Offerors must indicate in their proposal and provide evidence that they will be able to meet the stipulated conditions.
4.1Insurance Coverage:The Offeror shall submit evidence of current insurance to cover the following required coverage. Offerors must submit with the proposal a Certificate of Insurance showing current coverage equal to or greater than what is required in this RFP.
4.1.1Commercial General Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability – Including automobile (owned, non-owned, and hired) of not less than $750,000 for each occurrence and in the aggregate of $1,000,000.
4.1.2Professional Liability Insurance – For the term of any agreement with the COLLEGE, Offeror shall have professional liability insurance with limits of $10,000,000 per claim and $30,000,000 in the aggregate.
4.1.3Each contract of insurance required shall remain in effect for the entire term of the contract clauses to the effect that the same may not be reduced or canceled on less than forty-five (45) days prior written notice to College. Commercial General Liability and Auto liability policies required hereunder shall name COLLEGE as additional insured. Coverage shall be primary. All insurance required under this section shall be with companies acceptable to College. Stated minimums shall not be interpreted as limiting the Offeror’s insurance coverage.
4.2Licensing Requirement: Each Offeror must be licensed and qualified to do business in New Mexico.
4.3Interpretation or Correction of Proposal Documents: Offerors will promptly notify College of any ambiguity, inconsistency or error that they may discover upon examination of the proposal documents or of the site. Any interpretation, correction or change of the proposal documents will be made by addendum. Interpretations, corrections or changes of proposal documents made in any other manner will not be binding, and Offerors will not rely upon such interpretations corrections or changes.