ASSIGNMENT: Persuasion strategies

You will record a 5-6 minute video in which you will discuss strategies you would use to try and persuade an audience in two of the following four situations. Pick the two that interest you the most.

You will use the reading you did on the ELM method of persuasion. You should go through the following steps in presenting your strategy to each of the two audiences. You may use a very different strategy with the two audiences.

Indicate whether you would use a central or peripheral route strategy

Indicate how you would go about triggering the route you want

Discuss major content elements in your strategy

Discuss major stylistic elements in your strategy

Do this for each of the two situations. You should not "write the speech," but you should come up with a list of strategies (how you will present yourself and your message) as well as a list of ideas you will present inside of that message.

Your message should be on the topic: "The State of Vermont should substantially increase its support of UVM,"

Audience #1

The SGA Senate of UVM. These are elected student officers of the Student Government Association. They do not control state budget policy, but they are the major student voice on campus.

Audience #2

State legislators. They obviously are sympathetic to UVM but do not want to spend more money than they already do. They come from all over Vermont and are citizen legislators, not really full-time politicians. They do control this spending.

Audience #3

UVM Administrators. You have been asked to present your ideas to an Ad Hoc Committee of UVM administrators, including the President, the various Vice Presidents, the Provost, the various Vice Provosts, the Deans of various colleges, and the Assistant and Associate Deans. They do not directly control spending levels but this group is obviously the most important group of decision makers on campus.

Audience #4

Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce. You have been asked to present your ideas to this group of local businesspersons at a luncheon. They are of varying ages, mixed gender, but all are relatively well off. They all run their own businesses or are major figures in local business ventures.

Audience #5

Public Access Television Program. You have been asked to make a presentation on public access television. Those who subscribe to Comcast Cable in Burlington or Burlington Telecomm can see it. It will be aired several times over a two-week period.