CALL TO ORDER / The regular meeting of the East Alton Public Library District board of Trustees was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by the president, Sally Hierman at the Library. Those in attendance were J. Podesva, R. Marshall, P. Shoemaker and V. Long. Also present was the Director, Richard Chartrand. 5 present, 2 absent. Quorum established.MINUTES / Motion: Marshall Second: Podesva To approve the minutes of the April 17, 2008 board meeting. Roll call vote: Marshall, aye; Podesva, aye; Shoemaker, aye; V. Long, nay; Hierman, aye. 4 ayes, 1 nay, 2 absent. Motion carried.
FINANCE / The financial statement was discussed. Motion: Podesva Second: Shoemaker To approve wage and expenditures as presented for April. Roll call vote: Podesva, aye; Shoemaker, aye; Hierman, aye; Marshall, aye; V. Long, aye. 5 ayes, no nays, 2 absent. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT / 1. Patron Issues: a) Steven Wyatt was banned from using the computer for three months. On Saturday April 26, 2008 he found a beer bottle, poured out the remaining liquid and threw it on the parking lot. He was also using the computer as a “dating service”. b) On Saturday, April 26, 2008 Casey Bricker (Alton resident) was arrested for destruction of public property and theft. He was caught and confessed to mutilating magazines and stealing a book. My thanks go to Jason and DJ for assisting Darlene when Mr. Bricker attempted to regain the stolen property. Casey was told to wait until the police came and then arrested him.
2. The proposed budget for FY2008/09 will be distributed at the June board meeting for action in July. On the agenda as new business is setting the time and date for the budget hearing. The assessed valuation of the district increased nearly $10 million. The new assessed valuation if $143,950,783; the estimated tax rate is 0.2338.
3. The annual prevailing wage rate ordinance has been prepared, included in the board packet and is on the agenda as new business.
4. The book club selection for May is “Post Secret”. A series of books compiled by Frank Warren. Anonymous people share never before told secrets of their lives via postcards.
5. We have received a letter from the Wood River City attorney’s office dated May 7, 2008. The Intergovernmental Agreement is over and our check has been returned.
6. As the Wood River Library has cancelled the joint summer reading club, the staff has pitched in and planned our own. My thanks go out to Darlene and DJ who have done most of the work. Programs have been booked, prizes purchased, and fliers have been distributed to the schools. The program will run of one month. Sign up begins on May 27, 2008.
7. DJ and I are writing a grant to install a wireless network in the building. The grant will also provide for the purchase of four computes.
8. This has NOT been a good month.
NEW BUSINESS / Motion: Podesva Second: Marshall Declare the Youth Services Position Open. Roll call vote: Podesva, aye; Marshall, aye; Hierman, aye; V. Long, aye; Shoemaker, aye; 5 ayes, no nays, 2 absent. Motion carried. Motion: Marshall Second: Podesva Adopt the prevailing wage rate Ordinance 2008-01. Roll call vote: Marshall, aye; Podesva, aye; Hierman, aye; Shoemaker, aye; V. Long, aye. 5 ayes, no nays, 2 abxent. Motion carried. Motion: Shoemaker Second: Podesva Set the time and date for the Budget Hearing as July 17, 2008 at 6:30 PM. Roll call vote: Shoemaker, aye; Podesva, aye; HIerman, aye; Marshall, aye; V. Long, aye. 5 ayes, no nays, 2 absent. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT / There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:35p.m.