August 21, 2012
The regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the MunicipalBuilding.
The following members of the Governing Body were present:
Mayor: Richard Propst
Alderman: Terry Yount
Alderman: Danny Ritchie
Alderman: Carroll Franklin
Alderman: Benny Orders
Others present:
Town Clerk: Sherry Dula
Attorney: Jonathan Jones
Alderman Orders opened the meeting with prayer.
Approval of Minutes – The Council approved the previous minutes for the month of July by a motion from Alderman Orders, seconded by Alderman Franklin and the vote was unanimous.
Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application with the State of North Carolina to Request Loan/Grant Assistance for the Sewer Project - R.J. Mozeley with McGill & Associates was present to review the application process and update the Board on where we are with the process. The project funding is administered thru a program called Clean Water State Revolving Fund and is available for communities seeking funding to improve wastewater infrastructure. He discussed that due to our water/sewer rates we may not be eligible for the principal forgiveness or the grant funds but we would still be able to obtain half market loan rates and longer term. He also stated that thru this program all engineering costs are eligible to be included in the project budget for financing. The Board voted unanimously to approve the above mentioned resolution by a motion from Alderman Ritchie, seconded by Alderman Yount. A copy of the resolution is attached as part of the minutes.
BurkeCounty React - Terry Houston was present to ask if the Board would consider sponsoring the Burke County React. He states that he knows that we haven’t used react all that much in the past but they will be relocating to the AmericanLegionBuilding on Settlemyre Road very soon which will give the team more access to help out Drexel area when needed. Alderman Orders praised the Burke County React team as one of the best teams in the state. Alderman Ritchie added that the react team will be an asset in Drexel. Mayor Propst asked that we get with the accountant before we make a commitment for the React Team. The Board will make a decision on how much the Town will give to sponsor the team at the next scheduled meeting.
Exchange of Property - Attorney Jones explained to the town that the property they would be acquiring in this exchange would not be that beneficial to the town because it doesn’t contain the whole alleyway. Also he stated that the properties to be exchanged would need to be equal in value and after his research he agreed that after the $5,000 Mr. Ramsey would be giving the town, the properties would be very close in value. Also Attorney Jones made the Council aware that the town should obtain an easement for the portion of the alleyway that is included in the property that contains the Giovanni’s building. The Board agreed they should obtain an easement and that they
August 21, 2012
are still in agreement to move forward with the exchange because the old town hall building is in great need of extensive repairs that the town does not have the funds to complete. After consideration, the Board decided to go forward with the exchange of property. A motion was made by Alderman Ritchie, seconded by Alderman Franklin to approve the exchange of property resolution and the vote was passed with three board members voting for the resolution and one board member not voting. A copy of resolution is attached as part of the minutes.
Pay Increase for Cleaning Crew - Cleaning Crew has not had an increase since they have been with us and the Board discussed the amount of increase. Alderman Yount made a motion to increase cleaning crew pay by $100 per month, seconded by Alderman Franklin and the vote was unanimous.
Departmental Reports - The Council reviewed the Financial and Police reports for the month of July, 2012.
Tax Report and Tax Releases – The Council reviewed the Tax report for the month of July, 2012. The Council also voted unanimously to release taxes by a motion from Alderman Yount, seconded by Alderman Orders for Melvin & Sylvia H Webb for $14.62, Donnie Craig Hambrick for $21.07 and Donnie Craig Hambrick for $25.08.
Miscellaneous –
- Mayor Propst updated Council on the progress of the Architects report for R.O.HuffmanCenter. He stated the architect will be looking at the field house again and then will be finishing up his report.
- Attorney Jones updated the Council that he will be reviewing the financial payment documents received from the Town and attempt to schedule another meeting with the County to discuss the issues the Town has with the County and the Boosters and maybe try to resolve these issues.
- Alderman Ritchie stated some customers have asked him about the Town having a program that would allow customers to be billed the same each month during the year.
Adjournment - With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. upon a motion from Alderman Ritchie, seconded by Alderman Franklin.
MAYOR ______