Guild Accreditation Training Application
Guild Accredited Training Application
Complete the following application as instructed.
Step 1. Your School/College Details
School/College NameAddress
Website Address
Facebook Link
Main Contact Name
Email Address
Guild Membership No.
Do you have Teaching Risk Cover for you AND your teaching staff?Yes / No
Do you have Public Liability insurance cover for your business?Yes / No
How would you describe your training school facilities?(tick any or all that apply)
I operate from a commercial training school
I have a working salon with training facilities
I teach from home
I teach on a mobile basis as arranged with my students
I rent various facilities eg hotel or training rooms
Other – please specify below
Please complete a 100-word description (below or on a separate page) of your training institute as you would like it to appear on the Training Directory
Step 2. Choose Your Accreditation Level
The Guild offers three accredited training packages to suit all sizes of business. So whether you are an independent salon owner who simply wants to train your own staff to a recognised level, or a large training school that employs several tutors and offers courses in several venues in the UK and internationally, the Guild can provide the package you need.
Select Level / Description / Application Cost / Annual Renewal Cost / Level Selected (Tick)1 / Schools offering Guild Training International (GTi) courses / £295 / £295 / Skip to step 4
2 / Schools offering GTi courses plus up to 3 other courses / £395 / £295 / Go to next step
3 / Schools offering GTi courses plus up to 10 other courses / £495 / £295 / Go to next step
If you wish to submit more than 10 courses
for accreditation please enter the number of
courses here______Courses
All prices subject to VAT
Step 3. Your Course Details
If you are applying for level 1 accreditation skip this step and go to step 4. For level 2 & 3 applications, complete the details below for every course you wish to submit for accreditation. Please include copies of relevant course manuals with application. These are best supplied via email along with the completed application forms. Copy this page if you have more than two courses to submit.
Course NameCertificate Awarded
Any Course Pre Requisite Qualifications?
Total Course length in Days
Number of practical hours
Number of theory hours
Max. students per course
Course Description (Max 50 words). Do not use bullet points or CAPS Lock.
Course Name
Certificate Awarded
Any Course Pre Requisite Qualifications?
Total Course length in Days
Number of practical hours
Number of theory hours
Max. students per course
Course Description (Max 50 words). Do not use bullet points or CAPS Lock.
Step 4. Lecturer/Tutor Details
Please complete the details for the school owner and all tutors who will be teaching your accredited courses. Copy this page if you have more than 2 tutors who will be teaching the Guild Accredited courses.
Lecturer/Tutor NameGuild Membership Number
Insurance Provider
Insurance Renewal Date
Professional Qualifications
Teaching Qualifications
Number of years of experience in the industry
Email Address
Lecturer/Tutor Name
Guild Membership Number
Insurance Provider
Insurance Renewal Date
Professional Qualifications
Teaching Qualifications
Number of years of experience in the industry
Email Address
Please forward photocopies of all your Beauty, Holistic, Nails and Teaching qualifications listed on this form. You must advise us in writing if any new tutors are employed to teach accredited courses.
Step 5. Venue Resources And Other Accreditation Details
Does your venue have practical and theory rooms that Yes / No
can safely accommodate the maximum number of candidates
attending the course?
Do students have access to sufficient hot and cold water and Yes / No
wastefacilities in accordance with the local health authority?
Do you have adequate toilet/changing facilities?Yes / No
Do you provide sufficient products and equipment for the maximum Yes / No
numberof students that you can safely accommodate?
Do you have parking facilities? Yes / No
Do you have disabled access? Yes / No
Have you had your courses accredited by another organisation Yes / No
or insurance company? If yes please give details below:
Have you ever been refused accreditation by another organisation Yes / No
or insurance provider?
Have you ever had an accreditation application for a course Yes / No
Please provide details of other accreditations below.
Step 6. GTi Courses
Please indicate below which of the practical and reseller GTi courses you wish to offer.
GTi Course / Tick each course you would like to offerPractical Courses
Body Massage
Ear Candling
Eyelash Extensions
Female Intimate Waxing
Gel Nails
Indian Head Massage
Lash & Brow Treatments
Make up
Male Intimate Waxing
Spray Tanning
Reseller Courses
Anatomy & Physiology
Foot Reflexology
Health & Safety
Marketing Your Business
Professional Standards
Start Your Own Business
Starting and Marketing Your Business
Successful Retailing
Accreditation Checklist
In order for us to ensure your application is accredited as quickly as possible, please use the following checklist to ensure you have submitted all relevant documentation. Failure to supply all required information will result in a delay.
For all levels of application
Completed the forms for steps 1, 2, 4, 5and 6
Photocopies of each individual tutors Beauty/Holistic/Nail Qualifications relating to the courses that they will be teaching. Copy of each individual tutors CV.
All tutors are current members of the Guild and hold the appropriate insurance cover.
The appropriate application fee has been paid:
Level 1 - £295 + VAT (£354)
Level 2 - £395 + VAT (£474)
Level 3 - £495 + VAT (£594)
Also required for applications at levels 2 and 3
Completed forms for step 3
Copies of training manuals for each course that you are applying to have accredited.
Copies of the certificate of training that you will issue to successful candidates.
Please note that all fees will be reimbursed in full if your application is not successful.
Please return all completed forms to
© Copyright – Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists Ltd