Grant Writing Workshop
Are you interested in greatly improving your chances of getting a grant funded?
Einstein’s Office of Grant Support welcomes Dr. George Gopen, an emeritus Professor of English at Duke University, to give a day-and-a-half presentation followed by small-group writing sessions (March 27 to March 29, 2018, details below). Dr. Gopen has an extensive portfolio of grant-writing expertise that applies to biomedical, basic, clinical, and translational research that will not only show you how to achieve clarity and coherence in your written products, but will also change how you think about the act of writing.
This is not a lecture about split infinitives, nor about avoiding the passive. Instead, this presentation will teach you how readers go about the act of reading – and how they go about the act of transforming words on a page into meaning in their minds.
Dr. Gopen’s “Reader Expectations Approach to the English Language” demonstrates that even more important than the words you choose for a sentence are the locations in which you deposit them. Where a word appears in a sentence will control most of the use to which it is put. We all know these expectations instinctively as readers; Dr. Gopen will make them conscious in us as writers.
This session, which will be held in Lubin Dining Hall, is open to all members of the Einstein/Montefiore community who wish to benefit from Dr. Gopen’s expertise on writing. Taking part in his workshop promises to make a truly positive difference in being able to communicate more effectively.
Scientific Writing at its Best
Having earned a doctorate in English and a law degree from Harvard University, Dr. Gopen was a professor of English and Rhetoric for 47 years, most recently at Duke University for 33 years. In that time, more than 19,000 participants have enrolled in his 12-hour writing workshops. He has been a consultant to scientific research firms, law firms, government agencies, and academic institutions for 40 years, throughout the U.S. and around the world. He is the author of five books and 60 articles, including “The Science of Scientific Writing”—a paper designated as one of the 36 “classic articles” by its publisher, the journal American Scientist. He is the recipient of the Legal Writing Institute’s “Golden Pen” award, a lifetime achievement award for contributions to the field of legal writing.
His lectures are interactive, lively, and filled with examples to illustrate his concepts. He keeps audiences attentive and intellectually engaged.
Program and Schedule:
Workshop Sessions (open to all members of the Einstein/Montefiore community)
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 – from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 – from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Lunch and coffee breaks/refreshments will be provided.
These sessions are open to all members of the Einstein/Montefiore community free of charge. However, the participants must RSVP () by March 16, 2018.
Small-group “Grant-writing sessions” (restricted to first 18 faculty members who submit a two-page writing sample, and who are willing to attend the day-and-a-half workshop sessions.)
The two-hour, small-group, grant-writing sessions (with three faculty members in each session) will start at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28 and end at 5:00 pm. They will begin again at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 29, and continue until 5:00 p.m.
These sessions are open only to Einstein/Montefiore faculty, and the group time slots will be assigned to investigators who RSVP on a first-come, first-served basis. (Once you apply, you will be assigned a session date/time.)
Please note that each participant must submit a two-page research grant proposal (noting in this order: abstract, aims, objectives, and strategy/approach). The proposal may not be more than two pages and must be written only by the investigator, and not edited by any other individual(s). Submissions must be made on or before March 23, 2018 in order to participate (E-mail ).
In order to join the small-group grant-writing session, for which there are only 18 slots available, you must attend the workshop presentations on March 27 and March 28.
Please let us know immediately if you learn you are unable to attend after you’ve registered. And please contact Dr. Saha at if you have any questions about the workshop or small-group writing sessions.