Performance Standards/EAP 1540/Writing V
EAP 1540
Writing V
Course Description
EAP 1540 Writing V: (3) (A.A.). Three hours per week. Placement by ESL Accuplacer and writing sample or successful completion of EAP 0440. This is an advanced-level writing course for ESL students designed to develop their ability to write basic, structured academic essays with an emphasis on accuracy and cohesiveness and execute other academic writing tasks. Please note that no more than a total of twelve (12) combined credits from EAP courses may count towards A.A. elective credits. Students are advised to consult the transfer university about the number of transferrable credits for EAP courses.
Performance Standards
The student, upon successful completion of EAP 1540, should be able to:
1. Write basic academic essays following a process approach by demonstrating the ability to:
· consider academic audience
· narrow a topic
· use pre-writing techniques (e.g., collecting and selecting relevant supporting information, brainstorming ideas, clustering, freewriting)
· develop a thesis statement
· provide adequate paragraphs of support
· provide organizational plans (e.g., outlines)
· draft an essay
· self-check, proofread, and edit an essay draft
· revise essay elements based on feedback
2. Develop unified basic academic essay content that exhibits logical organization and grammatically correct sentences in rhetorical modes including exposition, narration, and description. To demonstrate competence, students will be able to:
· write an introductory paragraph with engaging elements and a thesis statement
· write relevant supporting paragraphs
· employ transition expressions
· use varied sentence structures
· demonstrate command of vocabulary and expression appropriate to the level (low advanced)
· write a concluding paragraph that brings closure and relates to the thesis
· proofread and edit written work attending to vocabulary, grammar, mechanics, clarity, and coherence
3. Integrate description and narration within an essay by:
· including modifiers of description (e.g., adjectives, adverbs, action verbs, etc.)
· including narration features
· including chronological and spatial patterns of organization with relevant transition expressions
4. Integrate exposition within an essay by:
· including exposition features such as generalizations and elaborations
· using varied support elements such as facts, examples, explanations, illustrations, and anecdotes
· including common patterns of organization such as general to specific, order of importance, and order of familiarity with relevant transition expressions
5. Perform and/or integrate within an essay other academic writing tasks that may include:
· summarizing and synthesizing
· paraphrasing and quoting while appropriately crediting sources
· providing background information from reference materials
6. Develop personal “voice” as an academic writer.
7. Differentiate use of another’s expressions as a second language model vs. plagiarism.
8. Use writer support materials such as dictionaries and software programs.
Date of Last Review: 10/18/2007
Date of Last Revision: 1/19/12