University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (AHE) is an accredited higher education institution and provides bachelor, master, postgraduate, PhD studies and courses for various target groups.

Information about the intended Tempus project

We can offer our full contribution as a partner in Tempus projects. We can cooperate in projects concerning e-learning, modernization of curricula, university management, knowledge triangle (education-research-innovation), quality of education, European Standards of Education, partnerships with enterprises, lifelong learning in society, social issues, innovative teaching methods etc. We have experience in international projects regarding above mentioned areas and we strongly believe that we will be a valuable project partner.

Description of our institution

We have 3 departments with 11 faculties and almost 100 specialisations:

Department of Humanities

Educational science

 Philology

 Polish Philology

 Journalism and Social Communication

 Administration

 Political studies

 Nursing

Department of IT, Transport and Management

 Transport

Department of Arts

 Cultural studies

 Graphic design

 Dance

University’s additional educational offer includes:

- PolishVirtualUniversity ( - an on-line university established at AHE, providing e-learning courses and studies. We were pioneers of e-learning in Poland and our platform has been successfully delivering on-line education for the last 10 years.

- The University of the Third Age is an outpost for pensioners offering systematic and attractive classes. Its main aim is to popularise knowledge from different disciplines. The UTW sends an important signal to society: life’s activity does not end with retirement.

- CiscoNetworkingAcademy offers specialist computer networking courses at several levels of certification.

- Microsoft IT Academy leads IT courses in academic learning institutions that enable students to pass MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) exams.

- PostgraduateStudiesCenteroffers wide spectrum of studies that facilitate raise of qualifications necessary in labour market and broaden knowledge of special fields of studies

Center for Quality assurance and Qualification framework

The University is a founder of QualificationFrameworkCenter, which is an initiative for implementing European Qualification Framework, improving quality of education, clarify qualification system and better prepare graduates for labour market. AHE puts great emphasis on the quality of education. As many European universities, AHE is implementing European Standards of Education (ESE) that put emphasis on improving students’ creativity and entrepreneurship, innovative teaching methods and practical use of knowledge. Since foundation of our university, there has been applied practical approach to teaching by workshops, trainings, project and team work that are in accordance with ESE.


University’s staff is composed of almost 600 permanent employees: professors, researchers, teachers, trainers, supporting staff (financial, administrative, technical staff).


Among our key fields of study and research there are: educational science, pedagogy, psychology, business and education cooperation, transport, innovative teaching and learning methods.


The University works with various target groups: e.g. youth, students, seniors, teachers, trainers, people of various professions, children, disadvantaged youth, unemployed.

The University possesses a network of contacts on regional, national and international level. We collaborate with a technological incubator, training companies, SMEs, authorities, public administration, professional associations, Institution of New Technologies.

European projects

Our project experience includes over 160 projects completed either as coordinator or partner during the last 10 years. We have coordinated projects funded by Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo, Grundtvig, Erasmus), but also Culture, Daphne and European Social Fund actions.

Dissemination and sustainability

The University is an expert in dissemination and sustainability of European projects. We are part of a European network CENTER (Competence, cooperation and communication in the C-E.N.T.E.R. of dissemination of EU project results) and one of our employees is an accredited Promoter and specialist of projects’ dissemination. We have a network of contacts on European level (currently we cooperate with more that 250 organisations: universities, VET providers, consulting companies, schools).

Please contact:

Emilia Szczygielska – programme coordinator

University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz

Ul. Rewolucji 1905r. 64

90-222 Lodz, Poland