Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG)
Request for Proposal
Capital Area
Regional Interoperable Communications Planning
Deadline for Questions: / November 23, 2009
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: / December 3, 2009 @ 12:00 p.m. CST
Interviews: / December 7-8, 2009
Award of Contract: / December 14, 2009
NOTICE: Prospective proposers who have received this document from a source other than the CAPCOG Homeland Security Division (issuing office) should immediately contact the CAPCOG Homeland Security Division and provide their name, company, and email address in order that addendum to the RFP or other communication can be sent to them. Any prospective proposers who fail to provide the division with this information assume complete responsibility in the event they do not receive communications from the division after the RFP issue date.
6800 Burleson Road
Building 310, Suite 165
Austin, Texas 78744
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Capital Area Regional Interoperable Communications Planning
The Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) is a regional planning commission and political subdivision of the State of Texas organized and operating under the Texas Regional Planning Act of 1965, as amended, Chapter 391 of the Local Government Code and is requesting proposals from qualified contractor(s) for procurement of professional services to complete the Regional Interoperable Communications Plan (RICP) and Standard Operating Plan, Implementation Timeline and Cost Report, identify communications operability and interoperability issues, and identify training and exercise needs for the 10-county region as part of the creation of a Capital Area Regional Interoperable Communications Plan (RICP). The 10-county region includes Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Travis, and Williamson counties.
RFP Issued: / November 17, 2009Deadline for Questions: / November 23, 2009
Proposals Due: / December 3, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. Noon) (CDT)
Evaluation of Proposals/Interviews: / December 7-8, 2009
Anticipated Start Date: / December 14, 2009
The Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) is requesting proposals from qualified and experienced research professionals/ organizations to complete the Regional Interoperable Communications Plan (RICP) and Standard Operating Plan, Implementation Timeline and Cost Report, identify communications operability and interoperability issues, and identify training and exercise needs for the 10-county region as part of the creation of a Capital Area Regional Interoperable Communications Plan (RICP).
The Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) created a regional interoperability workgroup in 2004 under the advisory committee of the CAPCOG Homeland Security Task Force (HSTF). This workgroup called the Long-term Telecommunications Interoperability (LTI) includes representatives appointed by their respective county judges from the 10-county area and additional regional communication stakeholders. These representatives develop workable solutions for achieving communications interoperability within the region and following the framework established by the Texas Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP). LTI is tasked with identifying interoperable communications needs, setting communications funding priorities, and making recommendations on needs, priorities, and funding allocations to HSTF. Recognizing the need for an overarching emergency communications strategy to address communications at the regional level, the CAPCOG Long-Term Interoperability Plan was created and approved in January 2006. The CAPCOG Long-Term Interoperability Strategic Plan for Communication Projects was also developed and approved in May 2008.
Currently, all the Councils of Governments (COGs) in the Texas are tasked with creating the Regional Interoperability Communications Plan (RICP) to include a Regional Interoperable Migration Plan, Regional Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and Training/Exercise Plans. Additionally, COGs are inputting communication assets into the Communication Assets Survey and Mapping (CASM) as part of the SCIP requirements. The selected requestor will work on tasks associated with these RICP requirements including:
§ To develop and complete the CAPCOG Regional Interoperable Communications Plan for CAPCOG’s submittal to the Texas Association of Regional Councils and the Regional Standard Operating Procedure by March 12, 2010. The RICP and SOP must be approved by the following:
o LTI before March 4, 2010:
o HSTF on March 4, 2010, and
o CAPCOG Executive Committee on March 10, 2010.
Contractor will meet with LTI for input while drafting the plan. Several iterations of the plan will be expected for input with LTI, CAPCOG Homeland Security Staff, and other stakeholders.
§ Identify gaps in proposed migration of communications systems within CAPCOG and propose solutions and a budget as is required per the RICP and SCIP.
§ Identify communications interoperability training and exercise needs for 2010-2015.
CAPCOG will award up to $95,000 for the RFP from the 2008 Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program. If a Contractor is selected as a result of this competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process, depending upon approval of CAPCOG’s Executive Committee, a contract will be entered into with the successful proposer on approximately December 9, 2009 with the work of the contract to be completed between that approximate start date and the end date of March 31, 2010. For the consideration of this RFP, the expected duration of the project is four months.
The qualified respondent (s) must have knowledge or experience in enterprise level IP network design and operation and experience with IP networking as applied to radio systems in a Public Safety environment. Experience in interoperability/interconnection of various Public Safety systems such as, but not limited to, dispatch, 9-1-1, computer aided dispatching or records management is desired. The qualified respondent (s) must demonstrate five years experience in Public Safety multi-agency project interface activity. The qualified respondent (s) must have knowledge and skills in project development and management and disaster/ emergency management. Qualified respondents are required to be familiar with interoperability equipment, federal and statewide P25 compliance standards, interoperability planning, and the Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan (SCIP). View more information at link below:
Qualified respondents must be familiar with entry and utilization of the Communications Asset Survey Mapping (CASM) tool and/or be able to obtain required information from local jurisdictions and the CASM tool for completion of the required scope of work.
The project tasks include creating the Regional Interoperability Communications Plan (RICP) to include a Regional Interoperable Migration Plan, Regional Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and Training/Exercise Plans. Additionally, COGs are inputting communication assets into the Communication Assets Survey and Mapping (CASM) as part of the SCIP requirements. Information from CASM may be utilized for the development of the RICP.
Scope of Work
Final deliverables and a timeline for the project will be negotiated with the selected respondent and are subject to change by CAPCOG.
1. Development of the CAPCOG Regional Interoperable Communications Plan (RICP) – The respondent will gather information and complete the CAPCOG RICP and SOP by utilizing the state template located at the Texas Radio Coalition website ( The selected respondent will gather input from CAPCOG LTI members and other regional stakeholders to complete a RICP including how the region will achieve interoperability by 2015 using the Implementation Timeline and Cost Workbook located at the Texas Radio Coalition website at ( while referring to the SCIP Funding Plan and Budget Estimate. CAPCOG also requires that information on how the NextGeneration 911 IP Network may be leveraged with regional radio systems under Section 3: Regional Migration Interoperable Migration Plan of the RICP and leveraging of existing assets under Implementation Workbook. The selected respondent will develop a review and comment period at least once before submission to the CAPCOG Homeland Security Task Force (HSTF) in March. The selected respondent will provide a completed final RICP to CAPCOG before the March 4, 2010 HSTF meeting. Based on comments received from HSTF, the selected respondent will make revisions to the plan and provided a revised final copy by March 8, 2010 for the CAPCOG Executive Committee. CAPCOG will submit the final documents to the Texas Association of Regional Councils (TARC) by March 15, 2010.
Deliverable: CAPCOG Regional Interoperable Communications Plan (RICP), Regional Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and Implementation Timeline and Cost Workbook
Due Date: March 8, 2010
2. Training Needs Assessment – Identify the interoperable communication training and exercise needs among first responders and dispatchers within the CAPCOG region. Training should address technical and operational needs. Analyze data and produce a written training and exercise plan for 2010-2015. Training and exercise information is also required for input in the RICP. All findings will also be presented to LTI members.
Deliverable: Interoperable Communications Training and Exercise Needs Assessment and Plan
Due Date: March 15, 2010
3. Reports to CAPCOG – The respondent must be available to attend monthly meetings of the CAPCOG HSTF and LTI as requested by CAPCOG to present findings and provide updates of the project.
Deliverable: 1) Attendance at appropriate meetings, and 2) RFP Comment Period
Due Date: To be determined during performance period
Deliverable: Submittal of monthly status reports regarding project deliverables
Due Date: 2nd Friday of each month during performance period
One original (1) and five (5) copies of your proposal must be received in the Capital Area Council of Governments’ office no later than 12:00 p.m. (Noon) (Central Standard [Daylight] Time), Thursday, December 3, 2009. Proposals may either be mailed or hand-delivered. Faxed proposals will not be accepted. Proposals or related documents submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
The mailing address for all proposals is: / The delivery address is:Capital Area Council of Governments / Capital Area Council of Governments
Attention: Capital Area Regional Interoperable Communications Planning / Attention: Capital Area Regional Interoperable Communications Planning
6800 Burleson Road / 6800 Burleson Road
Building 310, Suite 165 / Building 310, Suite 165
Austin, Texas 78744 / Austin, Texas 78744
Hand-delivered Proposals
If proposals are hand-delivered, all copies must be received at the Capital Area Council of Governments by 12:00 p.m. (Noon) (Central Standard [Daylight] Time), Thursday, December 3, 2009. All overnight mail will be considered to be hand-delivered and must be received at the designated place by the specified date and time. Hand-delivered proposals not received at the designated place by the specified date and time will not be accepted.
CAPCOG is not liable for any costs incurred by a proposer in preparing and submitting a proposal.
Updates and additional information related to this RFP may be obtained from the CAPCOG website,, in the “About CAPCOG” section. Any requests for additional information regarding this RFP should be submitted in writing to Ed Schaefer via email at or by fax to (512) 916-6001 by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 23, 2009. The questions and answers will be posted online on the CAPCOG website in the “About CAPCOG” section next to the RFP information no later than November 25, 2009. CAPCOG is not responsible for lost or late question submissions.
This Request for Proposals may result, assuming a contractor is selected and an award made, in a fixed price, negotiated agreement.
Respondents shall submit one original (1) and five (5) copies of their proposal. Pages should be numbered and contain an organized, paginated table of contents corresponding to the sections and pages of the RFP. RFP information can be found in the “About CAPCOG” section of the CAPCOG website
Selection Process
Individual proposals will be evaluated by a Selection Committee representing CAPCOG Staff, Chair or appropriate member of the CAPCOG Homeland Security Task Force, and Long-Term Telecommunications Interoperability Committee. The Selection Committee will conduct interviews via telephone conference calls with the suitable candidates as deemed by the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will evaluate proposals according to the following:
· WORK PLAN (35 points)
· REFERENCES (10 points)
A total score of 100 points is possible for each proposal. CAPCOG’s Executive Committee will review the Committee’s selection and, if accepted, authorize the award of a contract.
CAPCOG may award a contract to the a qualified contractor demonstrating the most complete response and full compliance with the whole of the specification contained in this RFP based upon CAPCOG’s judgment of the proposal most suitable to its present and contemplated future needs. CAPCOG reserves the right to offer an award based on any combination of factors.
Proposal Format
Below is a summary of required information and proposals should be organized accordingly. The submittal should be no longer than 15 pages, not including attachments.
A. COVER PAGE (2 page limit)
Include a brief cover letter summarizing the key points of the proposal and a general description of the approach to accomplishing the scope of work. Name and address of the firm, as well as a contact person who submitted the proposal, should be included.
Describe your organization or the individual professional in terms of its history, primary business, and former and current customers. Please include:
1. Ownership information
2. Physical and Mailing addresses
3. Other company locations/offices, if any
4. Primary Contact
5. Telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of company’s primary contact
6. Names of principals and each person’s duties. Include the background and experience of these employees.
Demonstrate the company’s or Individual’s relevant experience for the type of work solicited in the RFP. Demonstrate that the respondent has successfully been in business of providing, or the principals have had ownership/executive management in a previous company with comparable type experience, for the services solicited. The qualified respondent (s) must have knowledge or experience in enterprise level IP network design and operation and experience with IP networking as applied to radio systems in a Public Safety environment. Experience in interoperability/ interconnection of various Public Safety systems such as, but not limited to, dispatch, 9-1-1, computer aided dispatching or records management is desired. The qualified respondent (s) must demonstrate five years experience in Public Safety multi-agency project interface activity. The qualified respondent (s) must have knowledge and skills in project development and management and disaster/ emergency management. Qualified respondents are required to be familiar with interoperability equipment, federal and statewide P25 compliance standards, interoperability planning, and the Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan (SCIP). Qualified respondents must be familiar with entry and utilization of the Communications Asset Survey Mapping (CASM) tool and/or be able to obtain required information from local jurisdictions and the CASM tool for completion of the required scope of work.