Novel study:

Walking the Boundaries

by Jackie French

Novel and language study

Dictionary words. As you read the novel there will be words that are unfamiliar to you. With the

exception of chapter 2 (which has only 3 pages), list 2 words per chapter and their meanings, e.g.

carrion:dead, putrefying flesh; road-kill.

Old Ted

1. The author shows a good knowledge of the plants, flowers and colours of the Australian landscape. From pages 1–7 list 5 phrases that include a description of plants.

2. List 3 quotes from page 7 that describe Ted’s house. What impression does this convey of Ted and his lifestyle?

3. Read pages 7–15 and find answers to the following questions.

a. How old does Martin believe Ted to be?

b. The relationship between Ted and Martin’s mother is very strained. Explain Ted’s relationship to Martin and why Ted seems disappointed in his grandson, and relatives and in-laws.

c. List 3 sentences or phrases that show that Ted misses his wife

d. What deal has Ted struck with Martin?

4. On pages 16 and 17 Ted refers to parts of the environment with “personal” names. Can you identify these?

5. By page 19 Martin begins to appreciate the new environment that he is in. Find a sentence that supports this statement.

6. Chapter 1 concludes on page 20. What is the tone of the closing sentence?

Setting out

7.You think what you take’ll make it easier and You’re the last chance we have left. What do you think Ted means? (Revisit this question again at the end of the book.)

8. List 2 similes used to describe Ted’s physical appearance on pp. 22–24. What does each of these similes suggest about Ted?

Up the gorge

9. From pp. 26 and 27 list all the words that describe the sounds of water.

10. What reptiles, insects, and birds does Martin meet as he journeys through the gorge? (pp. 26–30)

11. Describe your initial impressions of Meg. (Read pages 32 and 34–36). Several comments are needed.

12. If It’s been raining like rocks falling from the sky all day (p. 37), what do you suspect has happened to Martin? How is Meg’s state of dress on p. 38 another clue as to what has happened? What language technique is used in this quote? What is the effect of this technique?

Walking the hills with Meg

13. On p. 46 Meg replies fiercely to Martin’s suggestion that she and her mother might

sell the place... move to the city. Explain the source of her anger. What hardships have they suffered?

14. What do you learn of the Aboriginal population, particularly Nellie in pp. 49–52? List three

significant points.

15. How is Meg’s ‘journey’ similar to that of Martin? Refer to pp. 55-57

Meg’s world

16. Martin convinces Meg that he has knowledge from the future. Quote a sentence from page 62 that shows she is concerned about her plans for the countryside.

17. Describe how Meg catches their dinner and the steps in preparing it for cooking. (pp. 67- 73)

18. Find the meaning of these Aboriginal words: Kunnamarang, Mirragong, Bullong and Murriwan.

19. What does Meg mean when she says she might become “a shadow person”?

20. Read the last paragraph on p. 82 and draw a small coloured picture (7cm x 7cm) of the scene described.


21. In this chapter Meg and Martin discuss or sample 3 sources of food. List them.

22. Describe Meg’s technique for catching yabbies and for cooking them.

23. Quote 4 similes from p. 92 and explain why they are used instead of literal description.


24. From p. 95 quote a sentence that illustrates the growing intensity of the fire.

25. Where did they find safety from the fire? (p. 99)

26. Give a physical description of Wullamudulla on his journey in the footsteps of his ancestor? Pg110.

Into the mist

27. Why can’t Meg and Martin accompany Wullamudulla on his journey in the footsteps of his ancestor? (p. 110)

28. Meg shares one of Nellie’s secrets with Martin on pages 115–116. What is it?

29. In earlier chapters flood and fire signalled a time shift. What natural phenomenon provides the time shift in pp. 117–119? How has the earth changed?

A Diprotodont called Dracula

30. What time zone have they entered?

31. Draw a small, 7cm x 7cm, coloured picture of the animal they encounter on pp. 121 and 122. You might want to refer to p. 179.

32 How did the animal show friendship with Martin and earn the name Dracula? It is the ancestor of which present day marsupial?

33. At the end of this chapter Wullamudulla begins to understand how his ancestors were punishing him by sending the giant python. Explain why they were angry. (p. 151–152)

34. He reaches a decision on p. 152. What will he tell his people when they are round the campfire?

The view from the hill

35. How has Meg earned the right to see the future — to view Martin’s world?

36. Martin begins to show a similar understanding on p. 160. Quote a sentence that shows his

changed perspective.


37. What is the special relationship that Ted and Martin share with Meg?

38. What does Martin say on p.175 that shows Ted he really does understand his experiences in walking the boundaries?

39. Sketch the front cover of the novel and paste it into your book. Write three or four sentences to identify where this scene is mentioned in the novel. Quote a sentence from the relevant section of the novel to show you have found the correct location.

40. Now that you understand the novel’s concerns you can return to the map and concentric circles and add a name to each circle: Martin, Meg, Wullamudulla, Dracula, the snake.

Walking The Boundaries: Essay writing

•Write a short essay in which you answer the following questions. (approximate length 500 words)

•What kind of boundaries are revealed in Walking the Boundaries? How are these boundaries

expressed in the novel.