Rancho Gabriela Homeowners Association

Rosefield Charter Elementary School

Open Session Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2008

I.  President, John Clute, called open Session to order at 7:00 p.m. All Board Members were present.

II.  Minutes from the February 26, 2008 meeting were reviewed and approved.

III. Louis presented the Treasurers Report and reviewed the Income Statement dated February 29, 2008. While we are still operating in the black in spite of a $9,000 deficit for February, the pending back water billing will impact our bottom line. It was suggested and agreed that the $4500 collected in transfer fees will be used to pay the water bills.

IV. New Business: The contract for pest control, specifically Scorpions was reviewed and discussed. Burns Pest Control 's bid was approved at a cost of $140 per month for two treatments per month. The contract will be cancelled once Scorpion season has passed.

V. Old Business: The back water billing issue was a major topic of discussion. HOA attorney, Bob McCullough has attempted to contact Surprise City Officials with negative results. John Williams indicated at a prior meeting that he would attempt to assist the HOA in the resolution of the back billing. It was decided that John Williams would receive copies of all correspondence sent to the city on behalf of the HOA. Peri advised that London Lacy from the City of Surprise had nearly completed the water conservation assessment and determined that Rancho has 45 acres of turf and 35 acres of desert landscape.

Action Item Follow-up: The monument sign at Reems and Peoria may be able to be repaired however the sign maker has not had time to access the damage to the sign. Lettering will be replaced but we will forgo lighting at this time. Peri will obtain estimates for solar power for sign lighting.

VI. Open Discussion: Parcel 16 is experiencing problems with trash accumulation since the opening of Kohl's. Parcel 16 adjoins the Kohl's lot via a breezeway/walkway. Peri will contact Kohl's to see if they would be willing to build a sidewalk in the area.

Another resident complained that since Pizza Hut opened in the lot adjacent to the School, trash in the form of pizza boxes and papers being thrown in the area has become a problem. Peri will ask the landscapers to more closely monitor trash in this area.

Mr. Norton and other parents advised that they were having problems with an outside group using the soccer fields for league play.

After listening to the complaints and determining that the league had over stepped the scope of their permission, the Board decided to advise the soccer group that their permission to use the filed was suspended immediately.

Other issues involved parking and abandoned vehicles. The issues are in the process of being resolved.

Peri advised that new rules involving driveway extensions and artificial turf are available on the Rancho Gabriela web site.

VII. The Open Session was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.