South DakotaState University
Summer 2012 - 2 credits
Instructor: Amy Pedersen
Office: West Hall 220
Office phone: 688-6817
Department office: College of General Studies- West Hall 212
Department phone: 6884153
Office Hours:I do not have any posted office hours this summer but please let me know if you want to meet in person or visit by phone.
E-mail address: Please use the D2L email or
This course provides instruction to enhance learning in a college environment and throughout life. Topics include organizational and self-management skills, strategies to improve learning, recognition of learning styles and creating positive learning environments.
COURSE FORMAT: Students will need access to the internet and basic skills in the navigation of web sites, word processing, and file downloading. Students should verify their computer system is set up properly to access Desire2Learn (referred to as D2L) by viewing the Technical Requirements document at Technical Support.
The purpose of this two credit course is to provide an opportunity for students to adopt a wellness model that promotes their success in school and creates new possibilities for lifelong learning. The course has been structured to meet requirements for Institutional Graduation Requirement (IGR) Goal #2 – Personal Wellness.
Becoming a Master Student David Ellis, 13th Edition This book may be ordered from the SDSU Bookstore by calling 1-800-985-8771.
It is also available online at or through Amazon or a similar store.
If you feel like you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, contact the Office of Disability Services in a timely manner to discuss your specific needs. You can reach Disability Services at 605-688-4504 or in the University Student Union. Ms. Nancy Crooks will assist with coordinating reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEis available at the SDSU Support Desk at 605-688-6776 or
INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS:This course is facilitated entirely online. It is not a self-paced course. A new content module will be released each Tuesday. Each weekly content module outlines the learning activities, assignments, discussion posts, and readingsthat must be completed that week. Students should preview the course schedule and look ahead to the next week to allow for appropriate time management. I will provide feedback for all assignments. Discussion groups will receive periodic feedback on their discussion process.
EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS:Students will have two deadlines each week that require submitting assignments, and participating in discussion groups. Students will need to spend time on their own reading and completing activities in preparation for the online time. A suggested time of 30contact hours are needed in addition to the preparatory reading and homework for a two credit course. Plan to log in at least twice each week for about 30-45 minutes each time. Some weeks may require more login time. In total, students should plan to devote approximately 4-6 hours each week to this course.
PLEASE NOTE: All references to time for deadlines are Central Standard Time (CST).
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES - As a result of taking this course, students will:
1. Identify areas of self-responsibility and wellness principles.
2. Assess and implement various academic strategies to improve their learning skills.
3. Demonstrate concepts fostering wellness of the mind, body and spirit.
4. Recognize the unique qualities and benefits of individual learning styles.
5. Present a personal wellness plan as a guide for maintaining lifelong wellness.
In addition, the course will focus on the following two objectives on the IDEA student evaluation of teaching survey that is administered each semester:
- IDEA Objective #3 -Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions)
- IDEA Objective #9 – Developing a clearer understanding of, and commitment to, personal values.
Attainment of student learning outcome #1 will be assessed through: Discovery Wheel essay, time monitor, group discussion, Learning Styles paper
Attainment of student learning outcome #2 will be assessed through: Discovery/intention statements, multiple intelligence assessment, “Be Here Now” activity, time monitor and energy graphs
Attainment of student learning outcome #3 will be assessed through: Reading assignment, time monitor, discussion posts
Attainment of student learning outcome #4 will be assessed through: Kolb Learning Styles inventory, Discussion posts, final paper
Attainment of student learning outcome #5 will be assessed through: Final Project – Learning Styles paper
Grades will be determined on a point system. A student's total points at the end of the semester mustbe within the point range in order to earn the grade. Multiple means of assessment will be provided, see the complete grade listing below for specific points for each assignment.
A = 270 – 300 pts
B = 240 – 269 pts
C = 210 – 239 pts
D = 180 – 209 pts
F = below 180 pts
300 points can be earned by completing the following assignments:
In all GS 143 sections, attendance comprises a large percentage of the student's grade. It is the instructor's belief that a critical component of learning in this course occurs through participation in the course. Since this course occurs entirely over the internet, attendance equates to participating in class with your peers through class discussions and reading the content modules each week. Students will be graded on their timely participation in the group process (an initial post by Thursday night and reply responses by Monday night of each week) as well as the quality of the content of the posting. The course does not require any face-to-face sessions or specific times when you must be online. See theDiscussion Grading Rubric(also located under the Content section) for more on how discussions are graded.
All assignments must be submitted on the date due for full credit. Unless documented extenuating circumstances warrant an exception, late work or discussion posts will have points taken off. Five (5) points will be deducted for each calendar day an assignment is late up to one week. There is no credit for assignments submitted after one week late. Please review the schedule closely for due dates.
Discovery Wheel Report20 points
Time Monitor20 points
Chapter Study Guides 20 each x 3 = 60 points
Note Taking reflection 10 points
Reading Notes SQ3R20 points
Final Learning Styles Paper 20 points
South Dakota State University has taken a strong and clear stand regarding academic dishonesty. The consequence of academic dishonesty ranges from disciplinary probation to expulsion. The full policies are found in Chapter 1 of the Student Code within the Student Policy Manual. A student charged with academic dishonesty who wishes to appeal that charge may follow the Appeals Procedure outlined in Chapter 2 of the Student Policy Manual (Academic Appeals and Classroom Standards) or contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office, AD 230.
FREEDOM IN LEARNING:Under Board of Regents and University policy student academic performance may be evaluated solely on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards. Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which they are enrolled. Students who believe that an academic evaluation reflects prejudiced or capricious consideration of student opinions or conduct unrelated to academic standards should first contact the instructor of the course to initiate a review of the evaluation. If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may contact the department head and/ or dean of the college which offers the class to initiate a review of the evaluation.
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