AUDIENCE:High School Science Teachers
FACILITATOR:Deborah Zwolinski
CO-FACILITATOR:Wendy Forteza,Jennifer Russell
RESOURCES:STEM activities, Engineering practices, Pacing Guides and HOT Science Labs
- Develop STEM-centered classrooms.
- Develop hands-on STEM engineering connections.
- Incorporate M-DCPS instructional resources to support rigorous science teaching and learning:
- Use of Open Inquiry
- Digital Convergence
- Reading and Writing in Science
- Encourage participation in STEM related activities
- What is STEM?
- How effective are hands-on activities and how do we incorporate engineering practices in STEM activities?
- How to infuse more rigorous activities and instructional strategies in the science classroom aligned to NGSSS, LAFS, and MAFS?
9:35 am - 10:05 am
Introduce the Agenda and the Objective of the session.
Icebreaker Activity
Starburst activity
- Red (S): What does Science look like in the classroom
- Yellow (T): What does Technology look like in the classroom
- Pink (E): What does Engineering look like in the classroom
- Orange (M): What does Math look like in the classroom
- Introduce yourself (Name and school)
- Share your color/STEM letter question by posting your answer on the STEM anchor chart.
- Presenter will facilitate group discussion
10:05 am - 10:35 am
Defining STEM
Elements of a STEM-centered classroom
- Review the elements of a STEM-centered Classroom listed around the room on the poster sheets.
- Identify 3 items that are “Most Effective” and 3 items that are “Easy to Implement”
- Using your color dots, place a green dot next to the statement that is “Most Effective” and a blue dot next to the statement that is “Easy to implement”
- As a group create a Wordle with each member’s responses
- Share your Wordle
10:35 am - 11:10 am
Engineering Activity: Build a Tower
Building Consensus
•What design/construction features contributed to other Towers’ success?
•Given additional time, how would you improve your design/construction?
•How can you incorporate this activity into the science classroom (content alignment)?
•Present your design/construction
11:10 am - 12:20 pm
12:20 pm - 12:50 pm
Incorporating Engineering Practices in the Science Classroom
The Engineering Design Process (EDP) Card Game: (15 min)
- Using the package of cards given to you, have one team member shuffle and deal the cards.
- One designated player will begin by placing one of the cards on the table. Look at your cards and choose the one that comes first.
- Each of the next players will do the same, but will begin to organize the cards in the order that the team decides the design process should follow.
- Discuss with your team and defend your Claim with Evidence for the card’s EDP position on the table.
- After each team creates their EDP, one team member will stay with the EDP and the rest of the team will visit all other tables. (10 min)
- Group Debrief (10 min)
Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs): “Preserving Our Marine Ecosystems”
Microlab Protocol
- Discuss questions related to the lab activity.
oWhen time is called another team member talks while the others listen and take notes.
oOnce all members talk about the 1st question, the discussion continues on to the 2nd question and a new rotation takes place. This process is repeated until all have talked about all the given questions.
- Whole group reflection: Discuss the comments made by each of the team members and share with the class.
What key ideas were shared?
1:50 – 2:00
2:00 - 3:00
Engineering Connection:
“Preserving Our Marine Ecosystems”
Microlab Protocol
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Closure Questions
- What did you do?
- When thinking about incorporating Engineering Design into your science classroom what do you think the purpose of science is in the EDP?
- Why should engineering be brought into your science classroom?
- How might you use this at your school?
- How will you make sure there is alignment of content and how will this help improve student performance?