International Society for Education through Art
Société Internationale pour l’Éducation Artistique
Международное Общество Образования через Искусство
Sociedad Internacional de Educación por el Arte
Application to Organize an InSEA Congress/Event
Please send to :
Name and Contact of the proponent :
Proponent organization
The proponent must be an InSEA affilliate organization .
Organization Committee
Please list the name of InSEA members in the Organization Committee
Title of the event
Target Audience:
Organizing Institutions and/or Organizations:
Scientific Committee
InSEA members in the Committees:
Language(s) of congress
Estimated number of the participants
Estimated number of the expected foreign participants
Registration fees
Please state the value of the Registration fees for each category
Estimated budget
Please describe the expected income and expected expenses
Please see here the main requirements for the different types of application:
InSEA world congress / InSEA regional congress / Endorsed eventsaudience is expected to be from all continents,
participants must be InSEA members ( recommend use InSEA portal registration processs)
the organizers must be affilliated orgs
Congress' Program must be aproved by InSEA research board ( recommend use InSEA portal submissions processs)
Opening and Conclusion sessions with InSEA Exec officers
InSEA general assembly
awards ceremony
world council meetings
a room for InSEA office
InSEA leaflets in participants folders
free registration for Executive officers and InSEA world Council Reps
free registration and if possible accomodation for the doctoral awarded person
accomodation for Executive officers and if possible for InSEA world Council Reps
E- Proceedings published by InSEA / the audience is expected to be from the region , participants should be InSEA members (recommend use InSEA portal registration processs)
the organizers must be affilliated orgs
Congress' Program must be aproved by InSEA research board ( recommend use InSEA portal submissions processs)
Opening and Conclusion sessions with InSEA Exec officers
regional world council meeting
InSEA leaflets in participants folders
free registration for Executive officers and InSEA world Council Region Reps
accomodation for Executive officers and for InSEA world Council Region Reps
E- Proceedings published by InSEA / Divulgation of InSEA Logo and link to the InSEA webpage in the congress webpage
InSEA Members; % discount on registration fees
InSEA leaflets can be add to participants folders (InSEA can send the leaflets by email to be printed out to the organisation prior to the congress)
Place in the programme for an InSEA workshop , to be conducted by an InSEA representative to promote InSEA to new members
a free registration for at least an InSEA representative
Please tick
Parte superior do formulário
Type of the Event
- InSEA regional congress
- InSEA world Congress
- InSEA endorsed congress
- Insea Symposium or small conference
- Insea endorsed Symposium or small conference
- InSEA Exhibition
- InSEA endorsed exhibition
- other event
Type of the Venue
- University or school
- convention center
- museum
- auditorium
- hotel
- other
Venue's costs
- free
- not free
- organizers and volunteers
- congress services provider
Registration on-line platform
- use InSEA portal service
- contract a congress provider services
- develop our own on-line registration system
Paper submission on-line platform
- use open access service
- easy-chair or similar
- develop our own on-line system
- peer -review
Congress organizers should provide the proceedings
- E- Proceedings
- CD
- book
- only with abstracts
- with full texts
- with an InSEA ISBN
- ISBN/DOI with other publisher
Registration conditions
- only for InSEA members
- open to everyone
- discount for InSEA members
- discount for members of local co-organizations
- discount for students and retired people
InSEA World Council
Please state here the special conditions offered by the congress organization to InSEA
- free registration toInSEA World Council Reps and Executive officers
- Accomodation for InSEA World Council Reps and Executive officers
- Accomodation for Executive officers
- a room for InSEA meetings during the congress
- a Session in the program of the congress for InSEA promotion
- print and deliver InSEA promotion leaflets
- invited Keynotes from InSEA in the program
- Travel support for InSEAExecutive officers
Social Events
- social events included in the registration fees
- coffee-breaks included in the registration fees
- lunch included in the registration fees
- additional post or pre-tours ( not included in the registration fees)
Parte inferior do formulário
This manual is meant to help those hosting a regional or world congress: