Pre-Observation Form
Teacher Name:
Subject / Grade:
Lesson Topic:
Date of Lesson:
Time of Observation:
1. How does your lesson connect with the curriculum? [e.g. unit, indicator, enduring understanding, essential question….]
2. What is (are) the specific objective(s) of the lesson? (What should students know or be able to do as a result of the day’s new learning?)
3. (a) What product or performance will students do to indicate their attainment of the objective? [Please bring student work and data to the post-observation conference.]
(b) What criteria for success will indicate that students have attained the objective? (What will you look for in student work to identify a good response?)
4. What activities are planned? How do they support student mastery of the day’s objective?
5. What strategies will you use during the lesson to check student understanding of concepts presented?
6. Are there any specific strategies with which you will be experimenting?
7. Is there any specific data you would like the observer to collect? (e.g. school, PDP, or personal goal areas, wait time, addressing needs of students….)
8. How does the lesson connect to your SLO?
Center for Skillful Teaching and Leading
MCPS Office of Human Resources and Development