Guidelines for Business Casual Dress
While every division or department sets their own dress guidelines, this document provides general guidelines for appropriate business casual attire for employees.
Most departments strive for a balance between the need for professionalism and the desire for comfort and self-expression, but not all casual clothing is suitable for the office. Clothing that works well for the beach, yard work, dance clubs, or exercise sessions may not be appropriate for a professional appearance at work.
Clothing should be neat and clean. Please refrain from torn, dirty or frayed clothing (even though fashionable). Clothing that is revealing (i.e., too much skin or underwear showing) is not appropriate in a business office. Also be aware of clothing that has words, terms or pictures that may be potentially offensive to others and therefore, should not be worn. Central’s name on clothing is acceptable and encouraged.
Slacksand Pants:
Acceptable: Slacks/pants, capris, knee-length shorts, or jeans (neat, clean and well-fitting)Unacceptable: Sweat pants, exercise pants, short shorts, bib overalls, shorts, leggings, spandex, or other form-fitting pants.
Skirtsand Dresses:
Acceptable: Casual dresses and skirtsat a length you can sit comfortably in public.
Unacceptable: Short skirts, tight-fitting skirts,mini-skirts, sun dresses, beach dresses, and spaghetti-strap dresses.
Shirts, Tops, and Blouses:
Acceptable: Casual shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, tops, golf-type shirts, sweatshirts, or turtlenecks.
Unacceptable: Tank tops, midriff tops, shirts (with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans), halter tops,or tops with bare shoulders. They are inappropriate for the office.
Shoes and Footwear: Remember you may be asked to hand deliver items across campus so wear appropriate shoes. Flashy athletic shoes, bare feet or slippers are not appropriate.
Jewelry, Makeup, Perfume and Cologne:
Jewelry should be in good taste. Body piercing and/or tattoos should be in good taste with limited visibility and should not be offensive to others. Some people are sensitive or allergic to chemicals in perfumes and make-up, please be considerate.
These guidelines are not all-inclusive and are open to change. Dress guidelines cannot cover all contingencies so our staff must exercise mature and professional judgment in the choice of clothing to wear to work.
To find more resources for supervisors of student employees, visit the Student Employment Supervisor Manual and Resources page at
Last updated 11/14/2018