The Great Net Prayer Book – Review for Gobbi rolers
the Great Net
sixth edition
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
FirstLevel Spells
SecondLevel Spells
ThirdLevel Spells
FourthLevel Spells
FifthLevel Spells
SixthLevel Spells
SeventhLevel Spells
Quest Spells
Alphabetical Spell Index
gobbi / 1FirstLevel Spells
Animal Call (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 120yard + 10yard per level radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the priest to call all animals within the spell effect. The animals will converge upon the priest within 1d3 rounds. While the spell is in effect, none of the animals will attack each other. While there, the priest may set one small task for the group to perform. When the spell ends, the animals will peacefully disperse to whence they came.
Animal Enmity (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Animal, Charm
Range: 0
Components: S
Duration: 1 day
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell simply causes the victim to be offensive to animals for the period of one day. Horses will shy or buck, dogs will bark, bulls will charge, birds will aim at them, etc. Note that animals with a close association to the victim won't do anything to hurt the victim, they'll just treat him like you would treat a friend who, for some reason, smelled horrible.
Animal Healing I (Alteration)
Sphere: Animal, Healing
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One animal
Saving Throw: None
This spell simulates the casting of a cure light wounds for a true animal only. This spell does not work for a shapechanger of any kind, even if its natural shape is an animal and its other shape is something else. This spell cures 1d8 hit points of the animal. It even cures critical wounds such as laming or a broken leg. The reverse, animal harm I, requires a touch in combat and deals 1d8HP of damage. Note: the reverse will almost never be used by a priest with access to the animal sphere — if it is used, there have to exist some very good reasons — and if it is used without such reasons, the priest should be prepared to suffer the consequences.
The spell requires an ointment made from healing plants and the holy symbol of the priest. The reverse requires an ointment made from poison ivy and the holy symbol of the priest.
Animal Tracks (Alteration, Enchantment)
Sphere: Animal
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 turns + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the priest to leave tracks and scents as the animal specified during casting. The tracks have traces of magic for 3 turns, after which they are indistinguishable from normal tracks. Only nonmythical creatures can be impersonated. A holly berry and some fur from the animal to be impersonated are needed to cast this spell.
Baltasar's Impediment (Abjuration, Necromancy)
Sphere: Necromancy, Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Female mammal touched
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to prevent a female from becoming pregnant. Essentially, it impedes a fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus. The casting of Baltasar's impediment is not necessarily an evil act, but the DM should pay particular attention to the alignment of the caster as well as the social and political (especially religious) atmosphere. For example, a lawful good priest casting this spell on a teenager without the permission of her parents, church, etc. should be prepared for the wrath of his deity. A priest who worships a fertility god cannot cast this spell.
A neutral evil priest, nephew of the king, might repeatedly cast this spell on the queen in a secret attempt to usurp the thrown. A neutral good priest might cast this spell on all the maidens of the keep before its fall to the orc siege — although he cannot spare them from the horrors to come, at least he can prevent the bastardization that might result.
The material components are a drop of blood from the target's last menstrual period (or an ounce of her blood, from anywhere, that has been mixed with dust and dried in a silver chalice) and the priest's holy symbol. The priest invokes the name of his deity, touching his holy symbol to the blood. The woman must then consume it, usually mixing it with wine or some other fluid. The spell remains in effect until the first day of the woman's next menstrual period, or until a successful dispel magic is cast upon her.
Battle Cry (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Combat, Vengeance
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 6 rounds
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 60 yards + 10 yards per level radius
Saving Throw: None
At the culmination of this spell, the priest utters a deafening cry or shriek drawing the attentions of all hostile creatures within the area of effect. 1d6HD of these creatures per level of the priest are stunned for 1d3 rounds; this affects creatures with the lowest Hit Dice first. All affected creatures will thereafter attempt to physically attack the priest, foregoing any other actions. The desire to hunt down the priest will remain for 6 rounds or until the priest is slain.
At the same time, all friendly creatures within the range of the spell receive the benefit of a bless spell (+1 to attack rolls and saving throws). Friendly creatures also receive a +1 to their morale checks as long as the priest remains alive. Undead or creatures with Intelligence less than 5 are not affected by this spell.
Beauty Aura (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10foot radius
Saving Throw: Negates
Beauty aura creates a glow of beauty that attracts 1d4 males in a 10foot radius. The glow will make the targets see only the aura unless struck during battle. The male creatures must have an Intelligence of 5 or more for the spell to work on them.
Bird Call (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 120yard + 10yard per level radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the priest to call all birds within the spell effect. The birds will converge upon the priest within 1d3 rounds. While the spell is in effect, none of the birds will attack each other. While there, the priest may set one small task for the group to perform. When the spell ends, the birds will peacefully disperse to whence they came.
Bleeding Touch (Necromancy)
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell causes a bleeding wound to appear on the victim. Priests must roll to hit, and if they miss, they lose the spell. The victim must save versus death magic or suffer 1d6 points of damage for every two levels of the caster. The material component of this spell is a needle.
Bloodskin (Conjuration)
Sphere: Necromantic, Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell will conjure up blood to appear on the priest's body. This creates an aura of fear, causing all creatures with 2HD or less will to flee in terror. The material component is a drop of the caster's own blood.
Breathable Air (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Range: 6 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10yard radius sphere
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell causes the affected area to have breathable air for the duration of the spell, as long as the surrounding pressure will allow it (eg., in shallow water the pressure will not remove the spell, in deep water the water pressure will reduce the area of effect considerably).
This is handy for emergency breathing supplies within a poison gas area, stinking cloud, etc., and also gives a better saving throw versus these effects (save at +4). The reverse (unbreathable air) will cause the air to become totally unbreathable, causing choking (1d6 per round while within the area of effect) and making it difficult to cast spells (save versus spell to be able to do so). This is similar to stinking cloud.
Charm Male (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One male creature
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell affects any single male it is cast upon. Males include humans, demihumans, or humanoids. Any charmresistant creatures are still affected because seducer magic affects the sexual part of the brain, which is not well protected in males, even elves.
The target receives a saving throw versus spell to avoid the effects, with any adjustments due to Wisdom. See the Player's Handbook for a further description under charm person.
Clean (Alteration)
Sphere: All
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell, the priest effectively cleans one person, animal, or object per level of experience. If cast upon a person or mount, it cleans the being plus any personal belongings it has on it. Alternatively, it can be cast on a 10foot cube area. This spell affects dirt, grease, paint, sweat, etc., but can be controlled so it doesn't remove something that is permanent, such as oil in boots or paint on a shield. This spell is useful for a party that is on the road for weeks without a chance to bathe. It can also be used to negate the effects of some spells. These spells would include colour spray, grease, etc. The material component of this spell is a piece of soap.
Coalstone (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3 turns
Area of Effect: Gem touched
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the priest enchants a gem, turning it into a coalstone. The coalstone glows and gives off heat. It is hot enough to start a fire, ignite flammable substances and shed light in a 5foot radius. Holding the coalstone will inflict 1 point of damage per round unless the wielder possesses some form of protection. The coalstone will burn for 1 day per gold piece value of the gem used for a maximum of 1 year per level of the priest, after which the coalstone crumbles into a fine powder. Another function of the coalstone is that the priest may opt to cause it to explode. This will cause 1 point of concussion damage for every 100 days left on the duration and ignite any flammable objects within a 5foot radius. The material component for the spell is a sprig of holly.
Common Prayer (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: All
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10yard radius
Saving Throw: None
The priest leads a prayer to his deity, that he may influence the day to come. All who participate (by repeating the prayer) inside the area of effect gain the influence. It is expressed by a +5%/+1 (or -5%/-1) alteration on a single die roll during the day to come. If not used before the priest's recycle time, the benefit dissipates. Several common prayers may be participated in by the same individual. The benefits stack, but their effects are not cumulative.
Comprehend Languages (Alteration)
Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Creature or object touched
Saving Throw: None
Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the 1stlevel wizard spell comprehend languages.
Conjured Weapon (Conjuration)
Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One weapon
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, it brings into existence a weapon of the priest's choice that he can use to fight with. The weapon is a normal weapon with the holy symbol of the god engraved upon it. The weapon has a dim glow upon it which can be faintly seen. The priest, if he is to use the weapon, must be proficient in its use. The weapon can be given to another character to use.
If a striking spell is used in conjugation with the conjured weapon spell, there is an additional +1 to the tohit and damage roll, because of the cumulative effects of the magic of the spells. The conjured weapon then counts as a weapon, +2 for purposes of special defense.
The weapon stays into existence until the end of the spell or until the priest wishes the spell to end. The verbal component would sound something like: "Oh Great Warrior Kos, give me a broadsword to smite down my foes!", and the gestures made are those to signify the priest's intent.
Control Hair (Invocation)
Sphere: All
Range: Special
Components: V
Duration: 1d6 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Control hair can direct the hair on the person's head to grow one foot around, style itself, or act as a hand. The hair can perform simple tasks like untying ropes, or opening locks at a 20%. The hair cannot hold weapons larger than a knife and doesn't give an extra attack. If used to fight with, it has a THAC0 of 20. The caster can discontinue the spell at any time.
Create Earth (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Earth), Summoning
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
By this spell, the priest creates up to 3 pounds per level of stone or 1 cubic foot per level of sand, dirt, or dust. The stone can be solid or loose gravel. The reverse, destroy earth, will destroy a like amount of earth or stone. Magical creatures are allowed a saving throw versus death magic or take 1 point of damage per level of the priest. The material component is the priest's holy symbol.
Daryana's Holy Shit (Conjuration)
Sphere: Creation
Range: 10 feet
Components: V
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 3inch radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
This spell was granted to Daryana, 3rdlevel priestess of the goddess of magic, after she had repeatedly, loudly, requested it.
Upon uttering the verbal component — already mentioned in the spell's name — two things can happen. If cast consciously, the spell can be targeted and takes effect immediately. In this case, some faeces appear anywhere within the range of the spell.
If this spell was memorised, but the verbal component uttered more or less unconsciously, the spell's effect is delayed for up to 1 hour while the place of impact is anywhere within 10 feet around the unfortunate priest, both at the DM's discretion.
Deadskin (Alteration)
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
The creature touched by this spell will have his skin withered, and will become ghastly ugly for the spell duration. Any creature seeing the effected person will have a strong desire to attack it, and will do so immediately. This spell has no effect on undead. The material component of this spell is a bit of rotten flesh.
Detect Enemy (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1yard per level radius
Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell, the priest may determine whether there are creatures within the area of effect that bear hostile intent toward him. The spell will reveal the direction of the creatures, even if they are invisible, ethereal, astral, or out of phase. Note that this spell does not reveal anything about the alignment or motives of the creatures in concern. The material component of this spell is a miniature spyglass of any material.
Detect Life (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 60foot radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the priest to sense the aura of life. Diviners may also sense at will one attribute per level above third, noting such attributes as number, degree (size), concentration (power), and location. Diviners may also focus in on a particular aura and sense at will one "colour" per level above seventh, noting such features as kingdom (animal, plant, etc.), state (live, undead, divine, etc.), form (gaseous, liquid, solid), and extension (primematerial, paraethereal, negativeenergy, etc.).
Detect Pregnancy (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the priest to detect pregnancy in any creature. The priest will also know the day of conception, stage of pregnancy, estimated day of birth, and gender of child.
Detect Venereal Disease (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
This spell detects the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in a creature. A successful Intelligence check reveals the nature and symptoms of, but not the cure for, any detected diseases. The material component is the caster's holy symbol.