Landscape Guidelines Landscape Concept - LA103
Landscape Guidelines Landscape Concept – LA103
The Landscape Concept is the response to the opportunities and constraints explored during the Landscape Analysis. It is the basis from which the Final Landscape Design (see LA 104 'Landscape Design and Documentation Guidelines') is developed, and details all critical aspects and issues of the project.
The goal of the Landscape Concept is to provide sufficient information to clearly describe the scope, context, content and outcomes of the landscape proposal, and provide sufficient detail such that a Final Landscape Design, based on the Landscape Concept, can be produced.
The Landscape Concept will satisfy the general principles outlined in 'Greenways' Code of Practice and the Project Brief.
The output of the Landscape Concept shall be:
Summary Report : One paper copy, plus copy of electronic file if available*.
Drawings : One set of paper prints, plus copy of electronic file if available*.
*It is normally expected that report and drawing information will be available in an electronic format. (See LA 105, 'Landscape Design Drawing Guidelines' for format requirements)
The Landscape Concept consolidates and details the issues of the Landscape Analysis. It forms the foundation of the project’s objectives, creating and developing the philosophy and design criteria. All major conflicts, resolutions, compromises and agreements with all stakeholders are to be resolved at this stage.
The Project Brief, 'Greenways' Code of Practice, this Guideline, other relevant Landscape Guidelines and Technical Notes shall be used as the basis for the Landscape Concept.
References from 'Greenways' are as follows:
Stage 5.0Establish the Landscape Philosophy, Concept and Design Criteria.
Stage 6.0Develop the Landscape Plan
Stage 7.0Develop the Landscape Management Plan
Stage 8.0Agreement in Principle
The Landscape Concept Summary Report shall consist of, but not limited to, the following:
the Landscape Plan - philosophy, criteria and recommendations covering all aspects of the design
the Landscape Management Plan
a provisional list of plant/direct seeding species
a provisional list of quantities
a preliminary cost estimate which reflects current market rates and includes construction and maintenancerequirements. The cost estimate should include a breakdown of all required items and the cost per unit of all materials.
Landscape Concept Drawings
The Landscape Concept Drawings shall:
be at the scale as stipulated in the Brief and shall show existing vegetation which will remain aftercompletion of construction activities differentiated from proposed planting/direct seeding
be detailed in accordance with the relevant sections of LM 105 'Landscape Design Drawing Requirements' (currently under review)
fully communicate the Landscape design.
The drawings may also include:
cross sections
perspective drawings
appropriate text/schedules
RESPONSIBILITIES(when work is carried out by a consultant)
The Consultant shall be responsible for:
Incorporating any comments made about the Landscape Analysis by the Principal
Addressing all critical aspects of the project as set out in the Landscape Analysis General Guideline,“Greenways” Code of Practice and the Brief.
Preparing a report and drawings which:
∗reflect the requirements of these guidelines and associated Technical Guidelines
∗are directly traceable to the Landscape Analysis
∗address the issues in ‘Greenways” Code of Practice, Stages 5, 6, 7, & 8
∗are in accordance with any mandatory hold points as set out in the Brief
Presenting the Landscape Concept to the Principal, Council and committee meetings as required.
Providing the Principal with a copy of the Landscape Concept a minimum of one day prior to the abovepresentation.
Making any amendments to the report or drawings which result from the Landscape Concept presentationand/or the examination of the Landscape Concept(see below).
The Principal shall be responsible for :
Examining and commenting on the Landscape Concept within ten (10) working days following the Presentation.
No further work shall be performed by the Consultant until approval is given by the Principal toproceed.
Approval of the Landscape Concept by the Principal shall not absolve the Consultant from theresponsibility of providing an acceptable landscape design, nor shall it preclude subsequent rejection.
Version No.: 2
Issue Date: 08/02/2008
Doc. Owner: Principal Environment Officer Page 1 of 3