EXAM # 2


A question that is labeled with a [K] has more than just the standard “a,b,c,d” answers to choose from;

it has the following choices:

A) a B) b C) c D) d E) a,b F) a,c G) a,b,c H) a,b,c,d I) b,d J) a,d K) none of the above

All questions without a [K] will only have the standard ‘a,b,c,d’ as possible answers.

1. Which of the following do not have correct statements on the subject of Biblical Authority? [K]

a) Protestants solidly hold to following the authority of the Bible in their theology and actual church practice.

b) Catholicism teaches that ‘Church Traditions’ has equal authority with the Bible.

c) The Cults typically place equal (or more) authority of the writings of their leader with that of the Bible.

d) Charismatics entirely disregard the authority of the Bible and totally rely on personal revelations (i.e. sign gift

manifestations) as the authority for truth in this time period.

2. Which of the following is not one of the famous ‘creeds’ of orthodox Protestantism?

a) The Helvetic Confession

b) The Augsburg Confession

c) The Triunal Declaration

d) The Westminster Confession

3. Which of the following statements are correct? [K]

a) There are a few copies of the ‘original manuscripts’ of the New Testament available; these fully support the KJV text.

b) The best passage of scripture dealing with the doctrine of preservation is Psalms 12:6,7.

c) Timothy had a ‘copy’ of the scriptures but it was in no way considered equal to that of the originals.

d) Most Christians ultimately rely on the ‘scholars’ to decipher the truth; but, these ‘scholars’ typically only have 4 years or

less of undergraduate college Greek and are far from being experts in translating Greek to English.

4. Which of the following statements are true regarding the preservation of the Bible? [K]

a) The preservation of the Old Testament was committed to the Nethinims.

b) The preservation of the New Testament was committed initially to the Catholic Church, and then later to the Protestant


c) The ‘dormant stream’ used by God to help preserve the truth was Western Christendom (i.e. Egypt and Arabia).

d) There are over 100,000 extant manuscripts of the OT text; since there are so many, there is great disagreement by scholars

on the correct text.

5. Which of the following statements are true regarding the preservation of the Bible? [K]

a) The following are reasons why the dormant stream was used by God to preserve His word: language tradition; apostolic

tradition; missionary tradition; creedal tradition.

b) Because of this ‘dormant stream’, we refer to the pure, preserved text as the: Byzantine text; Traditional text; Received

text; Antiochan text; Syrian text .

c) Over 90% (some say 98%) of all extant manuscripts belong to this textual family!

d) The New Testament was multiplied and went into all the world. This divine multiplication worked to safeguard the text of

Scripture from the efforts of heretics to corrupt it.

6. Which of the following are correct statements on the Greek text of the New Testament? [K]

a) The ‘ancient versions’ of the Bible (i.e. Old Latin, Syriac Peshitta, Tepl) support the Textus Receptus text.

b) Erasmus’ Greek NT (3rd ed.) and Stephanus’ Greek NT (3rd ed.) were the two most influential texts that our KJV Bible NT

was based upon.

c) The Elzivir brothers were the ones that coined the term : ‘Textus Receptus’ (This was in 1624, after the KJV was


d) Here is a list of the ‘Reformation Bibles’ used to eventually bring about our beloved King James Version Bible:

Latin Vulgate, Rheim’s Douay, Origen’s, Westcott-Hort’s.

7. Which of the following statements are not correct concerning the translation of our KJV Bible? [K]

a) A Puritan named Rudolph Zwingli suggested that King James make a translation in English that would be accepted by all.

b) 48 men divided into 6 companies and each company then translated a section of the Bible and sent it to the other 5 for

evaluation. After this, the whole Bible was sent to a select group of 12 men for the final evaluation

c) Almost all of these translators were masters of Greek, Hebrew, and Latin.

d) King James was the leader of this final team of 12 men and he was greatly used in purifying any tiny errors that might had

been made by the other translators.

8. Which of the following statements about the KJV are true? [K]

a) The King James Version Bible is the only version (text) that is not bound by ‘copyright’ laws.

b) There have been about 1000 ‘editions’ of the KJV since 1611. Editions are not ‘updates’ or ‘revisions’; they are simply

‘printing boluses’.

c) There were 4 ‘revisions’ of the KJV Bible. The changes (revisions) were the correction of printing errors, the updating of

spelling and punctuation, and the modernizing of obsolete words

d) The KJV translation style was one of a ‘word for word’ literalist style, whereas the NIV was one of a ‘thought for thought’

“dynamic equivalency” style.

9. Which of the following is not correct?

a) Of the 5,255 extant Greek manuscripts of the N.T. that are available today, 98% of them are in close agreement; these make

up the ‘Majority text’ which is where the TR is derived from. The 2% left over make up the ‘Minority text’ of which all the

perversions are derived from.

b) Within the 100+ (minority) manuscripts there are countless major disagreements; the Greek texts of “B” (Vaticanus) and

“Aleph” (Sinaiticus) contradict one another in over 3000 places in the Gospels alone!

c) Westcott and Hort were God-fearing AnaBaptist Pastors that were greatly used in the purification of the Reformation Bibles,

and ultimately in the production of the King James Version.

d) One of the primary English Literary "stylists" of the NIV was Virginia Mollenkott, who was a Lesbian.

10. Which of the following statements are correct? [K]

a) The KJV translators kept ‘archaic’ words in their translation in order to be true to the Word of God. Much of the words that

we call archaic today, were archaic back then also.

b) It has been found that the NIV is a higher reading grade level than the KJV; thus, the NIV is more difficult to comprehend

than the KJV.

c) The usage of the KJV is not the ordinary usage of the early 17th century (i.e. “Elizabethian style”); it is the ‘Biblical’ usage

based on the style of the Hebrew and the Greek scriptures of centuries prior.

d) The KJV has the ‘transliterated’ words in italics; the newer versions today do not use italics.

11. Which of the following are correct statements regarding Bible text manuscripts? [K]

a) Chief among the Greek editors who produced new texts (based on Aleph and B) in the 1800’s were Griesbach, Lachmann,

Tregelles, Tischendorf, and Westcott and Hort. These are the fathers of modern textual criticism.

b) Tischendorf found the Sinaiticus manuscript in a rubbish can in a monastery. The Vaticanus manuscript was found locked

up in a Vatican library.

c) The Nestle’s Greek text followed closely the text from Westcott and Hort’s 1881 edition. Later, came the Nestle-Aland

Greek text (1950); and then came its twin, The United Bible Societies Greek Text.

d) The two most influential manuscripts (actually codeces) behind all the versions available today (except the TR line) are:

“E” (Erasmus’) and “S” (Stephanus’).

12. Which of the following are incorrect statements about the NIV? [K]

a) The NIV removes a name of deity for Jesus Christ about 175 times!

b) In several places the NIV skips a whole verse, including its verse number; i.e. In the NIV there is no Acts 8:37; but there is

a verse 36 and verse 38 !

c) In Isaiah 14 the NIV equates Jesus with Lucifer!

d) The NIV replaces the word ‘Hell’ in the OT with ‘grave’; this was done 31 times. In fact, the word ‘hell’ does not appear in

the OT at all in the NIV !