11. Tematické okruhy Topics for conversation

Comment on... Compare… Describe… Discuss… Explain… Express your… Fill in… Characterise… Introduce… List… Name… Plan… Prepare… Say… Suggest… Talk about…

1. Rodina Family

a)curriculum vitae (personal data: name, place of residence, date and place of birth, marital status, important moments in life)

1. What can you tell us about yourself?

2. What were the most important moments in your life?

marital status, residential address, curriculum vitae (CV), engaged, single/married/divorced/re-married, spinster, bachelor, ID card, adolescent, birthplace, Slovak, citizen, Christian, believer, bachelorette, split up, break up, widow(er),

b)family members (appearance, character, hobbies)

3. Describe the perfect family.

4. Describe a typical family unit and the importance of family in your country.

extended family, single-parent family, relatives, folks, kins, in-laws, only child, cousin,step-mother, step-father, step-parents, step-siblings, half-sibling, great –grandparent, great-aunt, great-uncle, remarry, personality, cheerful, considerate, sensible, careless, moody, selfish, chatty, shy, mutual understanding, respect, sore spot, hard to get along with, share, compromise, bring up, raise, pregnant, husband-to-be, godparents

c)family relationships (relationships among siblings, parents and children, grand-parents, helping each other, domestic chores, weekday schedules and family celebrations)

5. Do you think your parents understand you?

6. What are typical family celebrations like?

domestic chores: wash the dishes, hang the laundry, take the dishes out of the dishwasher, dust the furniture, take out the trash, make the beds, water the plants, iron the clothes, vacuum the floor; family celebrations/reunion, rearing, communicate, budget, help with expenses, old folks, admire, argue about, get on well with, relationships, family values, role, atmosphere, common hobbies/interests, pastime, friction, priorities, personal ties, anniversary party, spoilt kids, siblings rivalry, allowance = pocket money, unselfish,

d)your ideas about your future family, partner, living/accommodation, employment

7. What makes afamily happy and functioning?

8. How do you imagine your future family?

spouse, job, fiancé, fiancée, nucleus, nuclear, mate, domestic skills, appearance, character, temperament, abilities, interests, wedding, lifelong commitment, marriage, mansion, dream house, mortgage, maternity leave, helpful,sense of humour,

e)the family and society (functions of the family, the family in the past and at present, the generation gap, problems of single-parent families, divorce, low birth–rate)

9. What the problems families face nowadays?

10. What impact has divorce and/or modern day living had on the family?

ancestor, divorce rate, monoparental, birth rate, remarried, divorce, separate, single-parent, adopt, cohabitation, widow/widower, step-parents, split up, break up, remarriage, leave home,

Role-play / Simulation: Try to persuade your sibling to help you with house chores.

1 Family

Family members, functions and types

● types: extended family, single-parent family, step family, egalitarian,

● relationships: get on well with sb, sibling rivalry, argue about…, in-laws

● personalities: moody, sensible, cheerful, careless, selfish, chatty, shy, responsible, trustworthy, tactless,

● activities: house chores, family reunion,birthday celebrations, holidaytime,common hobbies

● priorities: keeping family fit & functioning, mutual understanding, family budget, atmosphere,

Running ahousehold

● raising children: disciplining children,domestic skills (cleaning, maintenance), over-caring, spoilt,

● chores: washing up, hoovering the floor, maintenance, doing small shopping,

● house rules: pocket money, time to be in at night,


engagement, marriage, funeral, tension, conflict, argument/row, divorce, family outing/holiday, accident, illness

● birthday party

Emotions & Relationships

loving/affectionate parents, grateful children, feeling of security, safe haven

Family events

● stages in life: infancy, childhood, teenage, adolescence, middle age,marital status, get engaged/married, spinster/bachelor, maternity leave, retirement, widowhood,

● customs & holidays: Christmas, Easter, bank (state) holidays

● celebrations: birthday, nameday, anniversary,

● family reunion

Issues and solutions

● generation gap: misunderstanding, mutual respect,friction,

● failure: separation,divorce, extramarital affair,

● incomplete families: step families,lack of understanding,co-habitation, orphans

● tension and arguments: heated arguments over friends, marks, apparel

● lack of money: unemployment

● materialism: buying unnecessary things instead of spending more time together

● addiction: alcohol, gambling

● abuse

Personal preference

● my future family: fiancée, spouse, remarry, housewife, appearance, qualities, sense of humour, place of living, jobs

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

2. Kultúra a umenie Culture, Arts and Entertainment

a)cultural options in the city and in the country (museums, exhibitions, theatres, cinemas, concerts, the circus, dance)

1. What cultural facilities are there where you live?

2. What kinds of cultural events would you like to go to?

television, video, exhibition, venue, theatre-goer, ball, disco, videogame, video console, folk music, cultural facilities, audition, craft fair, performing arts, multiplex,

b)popular forms of culture and art (genres, famous personalities)

3. What are some different forms of art?

4. What is your favorite kind of art?

ballet, series, sitcom, hit song, cartoon, film, film maker, film star, hero, celebrity lifestyle, composer, find st. entertaining, acclaimed artist, personal taste, graffiti, rock concert, Andy Warhol, street art, an Oscar, fine arts, entertainer, exciting, La Rambla

c)attending cultural events

5.What is acultural event?

6. What is your favourite cultural event?

performance, orchestra, audience, stage, venue, cinema goer, memorable, magnificent, (pop) concert, reviews, band, exciting, boring, matinee,

d)music, film, theatre and folk festivals, atmosphere

7. What is special about the atmosphere at afestival?

8. What do you like about modern-day festivals?

festival, open-air, award ceremony, atmosphere, prestigious, media coverage, seating, chateau, Košice´s Musical Spring, impression, best-known, fabulous, acoustics,

e)other forms of art – folk music, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture – well-known artists/performers

9. What is national heritage?

10. Who is afamous artist from your country?

folk music, sculpting, painting, architecture, fine arts, masterpiece, still life, embroidery, representative, national costume,

Role-play / Simulation: You want to go to alive concert of your favourite band. Persuade your friend, afan of classical music, to go with you.

2 Culture, Arts and Entertainment


● the expression of human creative skill, appreciated primarily for its beauty or emotional power

Types of art

● visual arts: painting, sculpting, photography, printmaking, architecture,street art (murals, graffiti, posters)

● performing arts: music, theatre, film, dance,

● literature (genres, see 22)

Cultural facilities

● facilities: theatre, cinema (multiplex), amphitheatre, shopping malls,downtown, parks,

● museums: science m., folk art m., open-air m.,m. of modern art,

Cultural events

●performance, concert

●visit to amuseum

●festivals: film festivals (Karlovy vary, Cannes, Berlin, Ecotopfilm in Košice), Košice´s Musical Spring, Pohoda

●experiences (book, film, play, concert): atmosphere, feelings, plot, stars, setting

● award ceremonies: Academy Awards (Oscar), Grammy


● writers

● singers/bands

● actors

● fine artists (painters, sculptors)

Issues and solutions: funding, theft, vandalism, graffiti

Personal preference

● likes and hopes

● dislikes

3. Šport Sports

a)kinds of sports (team, individual, summer, winter, popular, amateur, professional)

1. How can sports be divided?

2. Why do people practise sports?

athletics, professional, recreational, sportsperson, take part, team, indoor, outdoor, tournament, cooperation, amateur, extreme sports, adrenaline, individual, team, equipment, athlete

b)the sports I like/ I am interested in (actively, passively, why?)

3. What's your favorite sport?

4. What new sports would you like to try?

viewer, suitable, skateboarding, white-water rafting,

c)why sport is important for the development of a person’s character (physical and mental health)

5. Do you think everybody should practice sports?

6. Do you think playing sports helps people work better as a team at work?

fitness, stay fit, join in, champion, practice, practise, benefits, set agoal, relaxation,

d)important sports events, competitions, the Olympic Games

7. What important sports competitions are there?

8. What do you think about the Olympic Games?

competition, the Olympic Games, prestigious, championship, Premier League, World Cup/Championship, attract TV viewers, medal

e)negative aspects of sport (fame, money/greed, doping)

9. What are some of the negative phenomena in sports?

10. Is it good that professional sport is so commercial nowadays?

money greed, illegal, injury, record holder, publicity, fame, sponsorship, doping, rowdies/hooligans, commercialization, extreme sports, big business, ambitious,

Role-play / Simulation: Ateam of professional basketball players who want to be paid more. They are stating all the reasons they deserve to now earn 10 million dollars every game!
3 Sports and Games

General division

● division: indoor/outdoor, winter/summer, amateur/professional, individual/team, recreational, martial arts,

● extreme sports: bungee-jumping, base jumping, sky diving, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, freestyle motocross, parkour, trials, rock climbing,

● facilities: gymnasium, swimming pool, sports hall, changing room,


● fitness, set agoal, relaxation, team building, social skills


● injury (sometimes lethal), money greed, corruption, doping

Description of several sports

● ice hockey: ice rink, goalkeeper, defenders, attackers, three periods,

● football: pitch, goalkeeper, defenders, attackers, half-time, injury/extra time

Sporting events

● Olympic Games: held in ancient Greece, summer/winter, Pierre de Coubertin founder of the modern Games, London 2012, opening ceremony,attract TV viewers,broadcasting rights,gold-silver-bronz medals,threat of terrorist attacks, safety precautions,

● World Cup/Championship: Slovakia 2011 Ice Hockey World Championship,

● Leagues and tournaments: Champions´League, Wimbledon, Tour de France, NHL/CHL

● Paralympic Games for handicapped sportspersons

By countries

● Slovakia: ice hockey team, football

● U.K.: football, tennis, cricket, horse racing,

● U.S.: football, basketball, baseball,

Issues and solutions

● business: greed, commercialization, fame, sponsorship,

● doping: illegal,health risk, damage, injury, Lance Armstrong the road racing cyclist case

● rowdies/hooligans: wild,violence, disturbance, clashes with police,

Personal preference

● likes and hopes

● dislikes

4. Bývanie Living

a)my home (description of the area where I live, furnishings/appliances)

1. What kinds of houses do Slovaks live in?

2. Describe your house or flat.

flat (apartment), block of flats (apartment house), (ground) floor, entrance, garage, lawn, tidy v. messy, wall unit, settee, wardrobe, household appliances, duvet, location, rooms, bedside table, dressing table, cosy, utility room,

b)living in the city and in the country (pros and cons)

3. What are the pros and cons of living in acity and living in the country?

4.What do you enjoy about where you live?

urban, in the country, pros and cons, country house, cottage, housing estate, city transport, polluted, noisy, crowded, cellar, do repairs in the house, maintenance services, pedestrian zone, playground, facilities, parking spot,

c)ideal housing (own ideas about living)

5. If you could change one thing about where you live now what would it be?

6. What would be the house of your dreams like?

settle down, food processor, dishwasher, air-conditioning, central heating, flatmate, fireplace, garden, attic, available, DIY (Do It Yourself), detached house, mansion, study, French window, blinds, refuge, fridge-freezer, wardrobe,

d)home and its importance in the life of a person (how people live in Slovakia and in other countries)

7. What makes ahouse into ahome?

8. Discuss the 10 most important things you would look for when choosing ahouse to live in.

styles of living, housewife, thoughts about home, refuge,

e)young families and their housing problems ( purchasing/renting a house, children in housing estates)

9. What is your idea of aperfect home?

10. Could you build ahouse for yourself?

mortgage, pay off, budget, savings, gangs, vandalism

Role-play / Simulation: Imagine you have arrived in acountry where they speak English. What would you do for accommodation? Try to have aconversation about renting an apartment. (Landlord and tenant.)

4 Housing


● country-related

The place where Ilive

● description: neighbourhood,suburb, housing estate, single-family house, block of flats, central heating,

● my bedroom: desk, bed, wardrobe, posters, carpet, armchair, cosy, messy, neat

Living in acity – town – village

● avantages and disadvantages: pollution, noise, facilities, clean air,

Housing in Slovakia – Britain – US – elsewhere

● houses: terraced house, (semi-)detached house, single-family house, mansion, cottage, country house, apartment house (block), penthouse

● rooms: hall/lobby, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, attic, utility room,patio, storage space, pantry,

Household, equipment

● furniture: sofa/couch, cupboard, shelf, bedside table, dressing table, settee, built-in,

● appliances: food processor, coffee maker,fridge-freezer, washing machine, CCTV (closed-circuit television), burglar alarm,


●chores, roof repair, lawn mowing,

Getting aplace to live

● renting: landlord, tenant,overdue, litigate,

● building ahouse

● buying aflat: mortgage

Living alone vs. sharing a flat

● flatmate, roommate

● agreement on parties, fair share in cooking, cleaning, maintenance, costs

● doing all by one´s self: shopping, cooking, doing the laundry, ironing, cleaning, maintenance

● relationships, advantages and disadvantages

Issues and solutions

● high prices: mortgage, debt, loan, pay off, savings, rent a flat

● transport: parking spot, commuting,

● crime: burglary, alarm system, gangs, vandalism

Personal preference

● likes and hopes:my dream home,country house,garden, front yard, attic, lawn,fireplace, pool, playground, French window, air-conditioning, mansion, CCTV (closed-circuit television), burglar alarm,

● dislikes: noise, pollution, neighbours

5. Obchod a služby Shopping and Services

a)shopping facilities (shops, superstores/hypermarkets, market places)

1. What kinds of shopping facilities do you shop at?

2. Do you like shopping?

retail, shopping facilities/centre/mall, shopping cart/carriage/trolley, market, grocer´s, self-service grocery shop = supermarket, superstore, chain store, department store, parking lot, 24/7= around the clock, chemist´s, long queues, checkout, shopping preferences, fitting room, products, quality, choice, prices, DIY (Do It Yourself), window shop, shopaholic, home delivery, flea market, merchandise

b)services (post office, bank, police station, petrol station)

3. What kinds of services are there where you live?

4.Which services do you and your family use most often?

services, deposit, account statement, post office, maintenance, real estate, standing order, maintaining law and order, filling station, cash point, ATM = cash machine, credit/debit card, expire, stay out of debt,

c)sales promotion and its influence on customers

5. How do you usually learn about new products and services?

6. What do you think about advertising?

products, advertise, voucher, discount, signpost, save, sale, bargain, coupon, brand names, commercials, special offers, commercial break, price-conscious shopper, compare prices, give money to charity, impulse buying, be in the red, consumer loan, shopping spree, big deal

d)ways of shopping and payment (catalogue selling, to buy something on an installment plan, weekly shopping, e-commerce

7. What kinds of shopping do you know?

8. What is your favourite?

refund, credit/debit card, receipt, money, order, pay, price, reasonable, reduce, reduced, installments, hire purchase, direct sale, in cash, change, checkout, over the internet, overdue, debt crisis, borrow, lend, economical,

e)imported products, export of Slovak goods

9. How do you compare Slovak and foreign products?

10. What do you think about global economy?

imported products, euro, domestic products, economy,

Role-play / Simulation: Design ashopping centre where you live.

5 Shopping and Services

Shopping as activity

● browsing, window shopping

● facilities: shopping centre/mall, food hall, market, stall, supermarket, parking lot, signpost, checkout, junk shop, hypermarket, newsstand, off-licence, pharmacy, stationer, flea market, superstore,


● quality, variety, prices: choice, bargain, reasonable, brand names, economical, imported/domestic products, exchange rate, fake goods, forgery,

● domestic and imported products


● customers v. shop owners/assistants, service: price-conscious shopper, impulse buying, second thoughts, compare prices, refund, buy cheap buy twice,

Ways of shopping

● the Internet: to shop over the Internet,e-Bay, via PayPal, by post, customs, fraud, available 24/7, delivery

● store: fitting room, assistant, checkout, department store, mall

● ways of payment: cash, credit/debit card, in installments


● at your place: shops, police, petrol station, post office, manitenance services, the cleaners, lawyer, real estate agent, bank, credit/debit card, ATM = cash machine, consumer loan, installments,

Marketing and advertising

● billboards, commercials, discount coupons/vouchers, window bills, brochures

● effects on people (young children, adolescents, adults, seniors)

Issues and solutions

● shopaholism: debt, overdue, credit crunch,

● junk mail & spam: annoying,

● fake products: clothing, watches, drugs, poor quality

Personal preference

● likes & hopes

● dislikes

6. Starostlivosť o zdravieHealth Care

a)human body

1. What do you know about the human body?

2. What are some common symptoms of an ilness/injury?

human body, bones, muscle, skeleton, internal organs, pain,

b)common diseases and diseases caused by current lifestyles, injuries, mental and physical conditions, seeing a doctor, at the chemist’s/pharmacy

3. What diseases do most people suffer from?

4. Have you ever had an injury/operation?