Atomic Volleyball Registration Form
Volleyball BC is excited to offer the following support for local clubs and groups offering a youth program in their area. Through the Federal and Provincial Government and 2010 LegaciesNow, Volleyball BC is launching atomic Volleyball throughout BC.
Club/Team Name______Contact Person______
Contact phone______Contact email______
atomic Location______Address for Shipping______
Please fill in your budget Goals:
# of Participants______Participant Fee:______
Facility Cost/Hour______Head Coach Honoraria______
Assistant Coach Honoraria ______Total Expenses______
Date of Program______Total Revenue______
-Balls, bags and coaches manual will be shipped based on projected budget
-All prizing, coaches shirts, and Athletes shirts will be shipped once each participant is registered online with Volleyball BC.
Program Checklist:
¨ Fax, Mail, or email this registration form
¨ Advertise this league with your club website and with elementary schools in your area
¨ Schedule gymnasium for 8 weeks (or 4 with 2 sessions per week)
¨ Hire Coaches
¨ Call Jesse Knight to schedule your coaches clinic 604.822.4709
¨ Register your program at the volleyball BC registration system
¨ Implement Program
¨ Attend Coaches Symposium
It is that Simple!
Program Summary
The structure is based on an 8 week program, 1.5 hours of skill and play time per session. The game format is modified to accommodate the 9-12 year oldage demographic. The games are 4 versus 4 on ½ court.
Program Overview
atomic Participant Fee: This is totally left to your discretion, we encourage clubs/teams to use this program as a fundraiser. Please refer to the example budget page for more information.
atomic Expenses: The only hard cost is a $40 atomic membership fee per athlete.
Why run atomic?
1. Fundraising: Your club or team can raise $800-$2000 per 32 athletes.
2. Free Equipment: Your club or team will be provided with 12 Baden balls and 2 Baden ball bags per 32 athletes. Value Balls-$450, Bags-$50
3. Coach training:-atomic will host a training clinic in your area for your coaches (great for new coaches to your club). Value: $1500
-Each Coach receives a free coaches Shirt. Value: $60
-Program manual with complete lesson plans and drills. Value $80
-$40 discount to attend the 2006 Volleyball BC Coaches
Symposium. Value: $160
4. Great Prizes: Ipods, Nintendo DS, Adidas apparel(to be raffled off and won based on performance). Value: $544
5. Adidas: Each partipants will receive Adidas t-shirt provided by Big Kahuna. Value: $320
6. Membership/Insurance provided by Volleyball BC. Value: $640
7. Feeder program for your Club, Collegeor Highschool team. Invaluable
Total Value: $5804 NOTE: All values are approximate and based on every 32 athletes
Briefly describe your program and how it will impact your community in the future:
Jesse Knight