Town Of Crawford

P.O. Box 56 * Crawford, Co. 81415-0056 *(970)921-4725 * Fax (970)921-4726

Town Council Meeting

April 20, 2016Wednesday7:00 PM

WORK Session

Meeting Minutes

Call to order 7:00pm

Roll call of members: All present

Commence meeting from April 6th.

Council looked over bids for Cedar Ave. sewer replacement. Bruce Bair said that he had gotten references for Tribble & Sons all were positive. Tribble & Sons will write a cashier check to the Town of Crawford for the amount of the bid. When the job is complete the Town will then return the check to contractor.

Wanda Gofforth made a motion that the Town award the bid to Tribble & Sons, Hetty Todd 2nd the motion. All were in Favor.

Adjourn meeting

Call to order the April 20th 2016 meeting.

Cally Gallegos swore in the Newly elected Mayor Wanda Gofforth. Wanda appointed Mike Tiedaman to be her Mayor ProTem. Wanda will be added to all the accounts at the First State Bank of Colorado, and former Mayor Susie Steckel will be removed from all accounts. No other changes will be made with the bank accounts.

Cally Gallegos then swore in new Trustees Chriss Watters, Tammy Broughton, & John Paton.

There was a tie in the election between Hetty Todd and Chriss Watters. We put their names in a hat and said that the first name drawn out would serve the 4 year term and the other would serve the 2 year term. Susie Steckel drew from the hat and Hetty Todd is to serve the 4 Year term and Chriss Watters the 2 year.

Non-Agenda Items-

Bruce Bair announced that “Spring Clean Up” for the town of Crawford will begin May 16,2016 – May 18, 2016. Town Clerk will be sending out a flyer this week. (See Attached flyer) Also, on the flyer is the “Weed Ordiance”

Notice of Public Hearing is to be published in the April 27th edition of the Delta County Independent to increase water and sewer fees by .50 each per month.

The hearing will be held on Wednesday May 4th at 7:00pm at the next town meeting.

Bruce Bair also added that the “Capital Improvement Fund” was implemented for the repairs to the sewer and water system in town and that the Town Clerk was working on that to make sure that those funds are being set aside for that purpose. He also added that the water tank is in good shape but that it is over 30 years old and at some point would need to repaired or replaced and that about every 4-6 years the lagoons have to be dredged and that is very costly.

Bruce added that the commercial kitchen is done the final walk thru is scheduled for April 21, 2016 with Susan Hansen, Rigdway Valley and the town. Gary Hudnell Delta County Health inspector, would not be able to be at this inspection but he would be up the following week.

The fire suppression was inspected by Superior Fire Protection and passed.

Town clerk will call John Blair with D C Hawkins to see how often the insurance recommends inspecting the system.

Also, the 1 year inspection is coming up on Phase 2 of the remodel at the end of May. Bruce invited anyone that has questions or thinks anything needs attention that they let him know.

Cedar sewer Project is coming together well. Bruce said that the project is going to cost far less than he anticipated. He has order pipe and has started hauling gravel for the project. Traffic control plan has been made and is waiting for a quote from Your Way Safety and Sign supply for traffic control signage.

Lift Station is working again, but Bruce will have someone from Smith & Loveless come inspect it to make sure that everything is working properly.

Bruce meet with a company that can make the lagoons more energy efficient and they will work on making a plan to bring in front of the council for that improvement at some point.

Tammy Broughton ask if anyone had heard what the old “Vaga Bon” restaurant was going to be now that it had been sold. Many had heard that it would be a natural grocery store.

Reports from Trustees

Cameron Clark – Nothing to report

Mike Tiedaman – Thank Susie Steckel for the great job that she did as mayor. And also, thanked the council for their efforts and welcomed the new council members.

Chriss Watters – Nothing to report

Tammy Broughton – Nothing to report

John Paton – Thanked Al and Bruce for the great work that they do. They are the best crew in the valley.

Hetty Todd – She attended The Delta County Crawford area Planning meeting only 3 were in attendance. They passed the subdivision up clear fork.

Mayor Wanda Gofforth – Council assignments

Cameron Clark - Parks

Mike Tiedaman – Water/Sewer Mayor ProTem

Chriss Watters – Chamber

Hetty Todd - Planning

Tammy Broughton – Delta Housing

John Paton – Juvenile Diversion

Wanda Reported on the Delta Housing Authority projects. They have a lot of people that they are helping. If anyone knows of anyone in need let them know about the DHA

Wanda spoke to the Council and let them know that Cally, Al and Bruce work for the Town and that the council members are representing the town. If they want the town employees to do anything it needs to go through the council first. This is because of the Roberts Rule – Sunshine law, she also ask that there be no foul or vulgar language used at the meetings.

Adjournment 8:00pm