Mr. Trzepinska
World History Honors
These ideas were expressed byKing Louis XIV of France in 1660:
Thehead alone has theright todeliberate and decide,andthefunctionsofalltheother membersconsistonlyincarrying outthecommands given tothem…Themore you grant… [to the assembled people], the more it claims.. Theinterest ofthe statemust
come first.
Anexcerptfrom Leviathan byThomasHobbes,1651:
…From thisequality ofability arise the qualityofhopeintheattaining ofourends.And therefore if any two men desire the same thing, which neverthelessthey cannot both enjoy, they become enemies;and in the way to their end… endeavor to destroy or subdue one another. And from henceitcomestopassthatwhere aninvader hathno more to fear than another man's single power, if one plant, sow, build, or possess a convenient seat, others may probably be expected to come prepared with forces united to dispossess and deprive him, not only of the fruit of his labor, but also of his life or liberty. And the invader again is in the like dangerofanother.
…Fromthisfundamental law ofnature, by which men are commanded to endeavor peace,isderived thissecondlaw:thatamanbe willing, when others are so too, as far forth as for peace and defense of himself he shall thinkitnecessary,tolaydownthis righttoallthings;andbecontentedwithsomuchlibertyagainstothermenashewould allow othermenagainsthimself.
…Themutualtransferringofrightis that which men call contract.
AccordingtoHobbes,howdo men behave without law?
Accordingto Hobbes, whatis the onlyway to achieve peace?
AnexcerptfromBishopJaques Bousset’sPolitical Treatise:
It appears from all this that the person of the king is sacred, and that to attack him in any way issacrilege. Godhas thekings anointed byhisprophetswith theholy unction inlike manner ashehasbishops and altarsanointed. Buteven without the external
applicationinthusbeinganointed,theyarebytheirveryoffice the representatives of the divine majestydeputed byProvidence forthe execution ofhispurposes.Accordingly GodcallsCyrushisanointed. "ThussaiththeLord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right handIhaveholden, tosubdue nationsbeforehim."Kingsshould beguarded asholy things,andwhosoeverneglectstoprotect them is worthy of death . . .
Thereissomething religious intherespect accorded to a prince. The service of God
and therespectforkings arebound together.St. Peter unites these two duties when he says,"FearGod.Honor the king.". . .
…Kings should tremble thenastheyusethe power God has granted them; and let them thinkhowhorrible isthesacrilege ifthey use forevil a power which comes fromGod.
Webehold kingsseateduponthethroneof theLord, bearing in their hand thesword which God himself has given them. What profanation, what arrogance, for the unjust king to sit on God's throne to render decrees contrary to his lawsand touse thesword
which God has put in his hand for deeds of violence and to slay his children! . . .
AccordingtoBousset, howshould Kings be treated?
AccordingtoBousset,howshould Kings use their power?