InclusionWorks!Capacity Rating Scale
(Capability Maturity)
Name of Group: ______
Date: ______Name of Assessor: ______
Please rate your InclusionWorks! groupon a scale of 1-5 in each of the following domains.
1)Community Membership
- Participants spend most of their time in a segregated facility receiving specialized programming and supports and interacting only with paid workers and/or people with disabilities.
- Participants spend some of their time in spaces in a community settingwhere they are receiving specialized programming and supports and interacting only with paid workers and/or people with disabilities.
- Participants spend approximately half of their time inspaces in a community setting receiving a mixture of programming and supports, 50% in which they are interacting primarily with paid workers and/or other people with disabilities and 50% in which they are interacting with non-disabled individuals.
- Participants spend over 80% of their time in typical spaces in the community receiving inclusive programming and supports in which they are interacting with non-disabled individuals, with some specialized programming and supports in which they are interacting primarily with paid workers and/or other people with disabilities.
- Participants spend approximately 100% of their time interacting with non-disabled individuals in ordinary places that define community life.
Rating: CM______
- Participants spend 100% of their time in whole-group activities.
- Participants spend over 50% of their time in whole group activities.
- Participants spend approximately 50% of their time in whole group activities and the other 50% in activities supported individually, using natural supports, or with no more than 2 other participants.
- Participants spend approximately80% of their time in activities supported individually, using natural supports, or with no more than 2 other participants.
- Participants spend approximately100% of their time in activities supported individually, using natural supports, or with no more than 2 other participants.
Rating: I______
3)Employment-focused Programming
- None of the participants spend time on employment-focused activities (education, training, Discovery, etc).
- Some participants spend some time on employment-focused activities (education, training, Discovery, etc).
- All participants spend some time on employment-focused activities (education, training, Discovery, etc).
- Some participants are employed and all other participants spend some time on employment-focused activities (education, training, Discovery, etc).
- All participants are employed.
Rating: E______
- Programming is determined completely by support workers.
- Programming is determined completely by family members and support workers.
- Programming is determined by family members and support workers with input from participants.
- Programming is determined by a mix of participants, family members, and support workers based on participants’ interests, dreams, desires, and needs.
- Programming is determined completely by participants and supported as needed by family members and support workers.
Rating: SD______
5)Friendships and Networks
- Participants rely primarily on family and paid supports for all social activities and do not have supports to engage socially.
- Participants have one or two friends of their choice within their InclusionWorks! group and receive needed support to engage socially.
- Participants have a network of friends within and outside of their InclusionWorks! group and receive needed support to engage socially.
- Participants have a network of friends within and outside of their InclusionWorks! group, receive needed support to engage socially, and are embedded in a number of inclusive activities in which they may form new friendships (i.e. employment, recreation classes, etc).
- Participants belong to multiple social networks within and outside of their InclusionWorks! group, receive needed support to engage socially, and are embedded in a number of inclusive activities in which they may form new friendships and networks (i.e. employment, recreation classes, etc).
Rating: FN______
- InclusionWorks! group is governed by family members only, and only family members can attend meetings.
- InclusionWorks! group is governed by family members only, and only family members and support workers can attend meetings.
- InclusionWorks! group is governed by family members and participants, and family members, participants, and support workers can attend meetings.
- InclusionWorks! group is governed by participants and family members, participants lead a portion of meetings, and family members, participants, and support workers can attend meetings.
- InclusionWorks! group is governed by participants, participants lead meetings, and family members and support workers support participant leadership and governance as needed.
Rating: G______
- InclusionWorks! group partners with Host Agency only.
- InclusionWorks! group partners with specialized disability organizations only.
- InclusionWorks! group partners with specialized disability organizations and generic organizations and businesses that create specialized programming, services, or supports.
- InclusionWorks! group partners with specialized disability organizations and generic organizations and businesses that provide inclusive programming, service, or supports.
- InclusionWorks! group partners with generic organizations and businesses that provide inclusive programming, service, or supports.
Rating: P______
- Participants and families do not pool financial resources.
- Participants and families pool CLBC funding only and have some limited spending flexibility.
- Participants and families pool CLBC and personal funding (or in-kind contributions) in order to leverage resources and increase spending flexibility.
- Participants and families pool CLBC, personal, and other forms of funding (i.e. WorkBC) in order to leverage resources, increase spending flexibility, and further individualize programming.
- Participants and families pool CLBC, personal, and other forms of funding (i.e. WorkBC) in order to leverage resources, increase spending flexibility, further individualize programming, and build organizational capacity (i.e. support worker training, etc).
Rating: F______
Domain / RatingCommunity Membership (CM)
Inclusion (I)
Employment-focused Programming (E)
Self-Determination (SD)
Friendships and Networks (FN)
Governance (G)
Partnerships (P)
Finances (F)
Graph Domain Ratings (1=centre ring; 5=outer ring):