We have pre-intervention and post-intervention data for four variables:

  • AUDIT – a screening test for problem drinking (of ethanol)
  • BMI – body mass index
  • SUD – a measure of subjective distress
  • Weight – body weight

We wish to analyze all four of these variables simultaneously. First I conduct a Doubly Multivariate Repeated Measures ANOVA using SPSS. Here is the code:


/ wsfactors = time(2) /

measure = AUDIT BMI SUD Weight /

print=transform signif(univhypoth) error(sscp) / design .

Here are selected parts of the output:


Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 1, M = 1 , N = 6 )

Test Name Value Exact F Hypoth. DF Error DF Sig. of F

Pillais .88970 28.23142 4.00 14.00 .000

Hotellings 8.06612 28.23142 4.00 14.00 .000

Wilks .11030 28.23142 4.00 14.00 .000

Roys .88970 [This value is incorrect, it should be the same as Hotelling’s trace]


The multivariate tests here show that there is a significant change from pre to post on a weighted linear combination of the four outcome variables.

EFFECT .. TIME (Cont.)

Univariate F-tests with (1,17) D. F.

Variable Hypoth. SS Error SS Hypoth. MS Error MS F Sig. of F

T2 9.00000 17.00000 9.00000 1.00000 9.00000 .008

T4 .34517 .47444 .34517 .02791 12.36802 .003

T6 96.69444 20.80556 96.69444 1.22386 79.00801 .000

T8 15.08028 22.32472 15.08028 1.31322 11.48345 .003


Since the multivariate test is significant, I am comfortable conducting univariate analyses, one on each outcome variable. The results here are significant for each outcome variable. These F tests are absolutely equivalent to correlated samples t tests.

Paired Samples Statistics
Mean / N / Std. Deviation / Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 / AUDIT_Baseline / 3.6111 / 18 / 2.30444 / .54316
AUDIT_Post / 2.6111 / 18 / 1.33456 / .31456
Pair 2 / BMI_Baseline / 33.6492 / 18 / 5.56643 / 1.31202
BMI_Post / 33.4533 / 18 / 5.58116 / 1.31549
Pair 3 / SUD_Baseline / 6.3333 / 18 / 1.45521 / .34300
SUD_Post / 3.0556 / 18 / .87260 / .20567
Pair 4 / Weight_Baseline / 207.19 / 18 / 42.866 / 10.104
Weight_Post / 205.9000 / 18 / 42.21192 / 9.94944
Mean / Std. Deviation / t / df / Sig. (2-tailed)
Pair 1 / AUDIT_Baseline - AUDIT_Post / 1.00000 / 1.41421 / 3.000 / 17 / .008
Pair 2 / BMI_Baseline - BMI_Post / .19584 / .23626 / 3.517 / 17 / .003
Pair 3 / SUD_Baseline - SUD_Post / 3.27778 / 1.56452 / 8.889 / 17 / .000
Pair 4 / Weight_Baseline - Weight_Post / 1.29444 / 1.62063 / 3.389 / 17 / .003

Note that the values of t here are, when squared, exactly equal to the values of F above, and the values of p also identical to those from the F tests above.

I computed, for each outcome variable, a difference score, Pre minus Post. One-sample t tests (null is  = 0) are identical to the correlated t tests.

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
t / df / Sig. (2-tailed) / Mean Difference / 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower / Upper
AUDIT_Diff / -3.000 / 17 / .008 / -1.00000 / -1.7033 / -.2967
BMI_Diff / -3.517 / 17 / .003 / -.19584 / -.3133 / -.0784
SUD_Diff / -8.889 / 17 / .000 / -3.27778 / -4.0558 / -2.4998
Weight_Diff / -3.389 / 17 / .003 / -1.29444 / -2.1004 / -.4885

Technically, the analysis done first here is not a doubly multivariate analysis. There are only two levels for the repeated measures dimension, and thus only one contrast to define it. We could have simply done a standard MANOVA on the difference scores:

GLM AUDIT_DiffBMI_DiffSUD_DiffWeight_Diff




Multivariate Testsa
Effect / Value / F / Hypothesis df / Error df / Sig.
Intercept / Pillai's Trace / .890 / 28.231b / 4.000 / 14.000 / .000
Wilks' Lambda / .110 / 28.231b / 4.000 / 14.000 / .000
Hotelling's Trace / 8.066 / 28.231b / 4.000 / 14.000 / .000
Roy's Largest Root / 8.066 / 28.231b / 4.000 / 14.000 / .000

Notice that the multivariate tests here are identical to those produced in the first analysis.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source / Dependent Variable / Type III Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig.
Intercept / AUDIT_Diff / 18.000 / 1 / 18.000 / 9.000 / .008
BMI_Diff / .690 / 1 / .690 / 12.368 / .003
SUD_Diff / 193.389 / 1 / 193.389 / 79.008 / .000
Weight_Diff / 30.161 / 1 / 30.161 / 11.483 / .003
Error / AUDIT_Diff / 34.000 / 17 / 2.000
BMI_Diff / .949 / 17 / .056
SUD_Diff / 41.611 / 17 / 2.448
Weight_Diff / 44.649 / 17 / 2.626

SAS. To do this analysis with SAS, you need to create a difference score for each outcome variable and then test an intercept-only model. Here is the code to test the intercept-only model:

ProcGLM; ModelAUDIT_DiffBMI_DiffSUD_DiffWeight_Diff = / SS1;

manova h=intercept; run; quit;

The output is the same as with SPSS, just formatted differently. First come the univariate tests, which are identical to correlated t-tests.

Dependent Variable: AUDIT_Diff

Source / DF / Type I SS / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Intercept / 1 / 18.00000000 / 18.00000000 / 9.00 / 0.0081
Parameter / Estimate / Standard Error / tValue / Pr|t|
Intercept / -1.000000000 / 0.33333333 / -3.00 / 0.0081

Dependent Variable: BMI_Diff

Source / DF / Type I SS / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Intercept / 1 / 0.69034508 / 0.69034508 / 12.37 / 0.0026
Parameter / Estimate / Standard Error / tValue / Pr|t|
Intercept / -.1958379543 / 0.05568610 / -3.52 / 0.0026

Dependent Variable: SUD_Diff

Source / DF / Type I SS / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Intercept / 1 / 193.3888889 / 193.3888889 / 79.01 / <.0001
Parameter / Estimate / Standard Error / tValue / Pr|t|
Intercept / -3.277777778 / 0.36876012 / -8.89 / <.0001

Dependent Variable: Weight_Diff

Source / DF / Type I SS / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Intercept / 1 / 30.16055556 / 30.16055556 / 11.48 / 0.0035
Parameter / Estimate / Standard Error / tValue / Pr|t|
Intercept / -1.294444444 / 0.38198589 / -3.39 / 0.0035

Then comes the multivariate test:

MANOVA Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for the Hypothesis of No Overall Intercept Effect
H = Type I SSCP Matrix for Intercept
E = Error SSCP Matrix
S=1 M=1 N=6
Statistic / Value / F Value / NumDF / DenDF / PrF
Wilks' Lambda / 0.11030076 / 28.23 / 4 / 14 / <.0001
Pillai's Trace / 0.88969924 / 28.23 / 4 / 14 / <.0001
Hotelling-Lawley Trace / 8.06612028 / 28.23 / 4 / 14 / <.0001
Roy's Greatest Root / 8.06612028 / 28.23 / 4 / 14 / <.0001

Doubly Multivariate Analysis of Repeated Measures Designs

The Data

Karl L. Wuensch, June, 2018