MATH 8 Honors
Course Policies
Teacher:Kerrie Anderson, M.Ed.
E-mail: E-Mail is the BEST way to contact Mrs. Anderson.
WELCOME! I am so excited to work with you in math class this year!
I. Mission Statement: Mrs. Anderson is committed to helping you learn Math by:
- Preparing and teaching quality lessons
- Assessing and Evaluating your progress both formally and informally.
- Making you aware of your progress
- Making herself available before or after school for additional help with math.
- Encouraging your cooperation based on the principle that “all of us can learn better than one of us.”
II. Student Agreements
- Classroom Rules: You choose your behavior and are therefore responsible for the consequences.
- You will speak and act respectfully and politely at all times.
- You will participate in all class activities.
- You will avoid behaviors that distract the teacher or other students from participating fully in class.
- You will be in your assigned seat with all required materials when the tardy bell rings.
- You will follow directions the first time they are given.
- Rewards / “Positive Consequences” include: Honor, Dignity, Respectability and Character; Satisfaction of accomplishment; Education (Knowledge & Skills); Class prizes; and Verbal praise.
- Interventions / “Negative Consequences”include: A verbal warning to you or to the class; Removal from the class &/or Parent contact; Referral to an administrator; Loss of learning opportunity; Loss of respect and trust; and a lower Citizenship grade.
- Citizenship: Your citizenship grade will be determined by how well you follow the “Student Agreements” as stated above.
- H (Honor) = Students who go beyond their own needs. They demonstrate leadership and exemplary behavior.
- S (Satisfactory) = Students who follow classroom rules.
- N (Needs improvement) = Students who establish patterns of misbehavior.
- U (Unsatisfactory) = Students who continue inappropriate behavior.
III. Grade:
- Assessments of Learning Targets (LT):
- Each unit is divided into several Learning Targets (i.e., learning goals).
- A student’sproficiency of Learning Targets will be evaluated using a 4 point scale.
(Exceeds Basic Expectations) / Developing
(Meets Basic
Expectations) / Emerging
(Approaching Expectations) / Beginning/ Exploring (Below Expectations)
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Consistently demonstrates 100% mastery of the LT. / Usually demonstrates 100% mastery of the LT. / Occasionally demonstrates 100% mastery of the LT (inconsistent). / Demonstrates major components of the LT, but no mastery. / Did Not Demonstrate The Learning Target
- Tests, quizzes, and other assessments will be evaluated and gradedusing the 4-pointscale and will count as 90% of a student’s grade.
- Practice of Learning Targets:
- Homework, Internet assignments, and In-class activities are designed to help students prepare for mastery of the Learning Targets.
- Practice work makes up 10% of a student’s grade.
- Daily practice and review of concepts are essential to a student’s progress and preparation for mastery of LTs. Completing homework consistently and neatly is an essential skill that all math students need to develop and practice. Specific homework formatting will be discussed in class, and must be implemented. Students must attempt to complete ALL problems.All work must be shown and answers checked for full credit. The following rubric will be used to evaluate all homework assignments:
(Exceeds Basic Expectations) / Developing
(Meets Basic Expectations) / Emerging (Approaching Expectations) / Beginning
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
On Time
All work shown / May be one/two days late
All work shown / May be more than 2 days late
Mostly complete
Some work missing / May be Very late
Less than half complete
Minimal work shown or answers only / Unprepared
No assignment
- If you are absent, please check with Mrs. Anderson by e-mail or in person to see what you can do to learn/practice the concepts that you missed.
- Grade:
- Points from all tests, quizzes, assignments, etc. throughout a quarter will be totaled and assigned a letter grade based on the following minimum percentages:
85% = A; 70% = B; 55% = C; 40% = D; <40% = F
- Students may take and retake tests until the following dates:
- Quarter 1 – Tuesday, 17 October 2017
- Quarter 2 – Thursday, 4 January 2018
- Quarter 3 – Thursday, 8 March 2018
- Quarter 4 – Tuesday, 15 May 2018
- Before a test may be retaken, the student MUST meet with Mrs. Anderson in order to determine a preparation plan. After the plan is completed, the student may arrange to retake the test.
- Grades will be updated regularly on (also known as “The Portal”).
- Please, check for progress updates.
- If you do not have Internet access, the school computer labs are available for students to check and print progress reports from .
- Because your grade is based on mastery of the Learning Targets, extra credit will NOT be given.
IV. Attendance:
- The school attendance policy will be enforced.
- A Tardy is defined as not being in your seat when the tardy-bell rings.
- If you come to class unprepared, a tardy may be given for you to go to your locker in order to obtain the necessary materials. (See materials listed below.)
V. Materials:
- You should have the following materials EVERY DAYin class unless otherwise instructed by Mrs. Anderson:
- Binder (1 inch rings or larger) containing ALL papers, handouts and assignments for this class. If you use this binder for other classes, you may want larger rings.
- Paper (regular loose-leaf paper)
- Pencil or Pen (Dark-blue or Black ink)
- Math Textbook (Must be covered)
- Ascientific calculator is recommended. Mrs. Anderson has calculators that you may borrow for use in class only.
VI. Other Important Information:
- Only Quality Work will be accepted (as discussed in class). If work is handed in that is below the quality-standard, you may be asked to redo it in order to receive the credit.
- Any evidence of plagiarism (copying someone else’s work and calling it your own) and unassigned collaboration (working with someone when the work is supposed to be completed on your own) will negatively affect your citizenship grade and may result in the loss of credit for a specific assessment or for your quarter grade. Remember that it is considered “cheating” to allow another student to copy your work when s/he is supposed to do it on her/his own.
- FERPA “Federal Education Right to Privacy Act”: In order to maximize the productive use of class time and teacher preparation time, some assignments, quizzes and tests will be corrected in class by student peers. Signing the disclosure statement indicates your (student’s and parent’s) consent to this grading procedure. Upon request, Mrs. Anderson will correct a student’s work at a later time.
- Media: Occasionally, students will record themselves on video, audio, and/or photograph. Signing the disclosure statement indicates (student’s and parent’s) consent to have this work published to Mrs. Anderson’s blog, Moodle, the school and/or district website, webertube, and/or for classroom materials without further notification and without compensation. Mrs. Anderson will use good judgment in deciding how or if such media should be linked for public view. Within the course of the year we may view a math related video. It will be rated G or PG and be similar to “October Sky” or “Apollo 13” Any student or parent objections to the above should be given to Mrs. Anderson in writing.
To be completed by the STUDENT:
I have read and understand the rules and procedures outlined in this disclosure statement.
As a student, I agree to follow the rules and procedures outlined in this disclosure statement:
Student Name (print) ______Date______
Student Signature ______
Check the statement that applies to you (student):
______I have access to the internet and will check my grade and progress reports for this class on the portal regularly.
______I will go the schools computer lab/media center to check my grade and progress reports for this class on the portal regularly.
To be completed by a PARENT/GUARDIAN:
As a parent/guardian, I agree to help my student be responsible in following the outlined rules and procedures in this disclosure statement.
Guardian Name (print) ______Date______
Guardian Signature ______
Check the statement that applies to you (parent/guardian):
______I have access to the internet and will check the portal regularly.
______I will have my child go to the schools computer lab/media center to check the portal regularly.