Suitability Assessment Questionnaire DoES-QC1 (Short)
(For Capital Works Consultants using the Restricted Procedure)
Project Title: / [Enter Project title]Contract for the provision of: / [Enter consultancy service]
Using the: / Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical COE1)
Submitted by: / [Enter legal name of firm]
2.1 Main/Lead Applicant Details
Name of Applicant/Consortium/Joint Venture:Address of Registered Head Office:
Company Telephone: / Company Fax:
Company Email Address:
Name and address of parent company and interest parent has in applicant company
Name and address of other companies in the group involved in this contract:
2.2 Main/Lead Applicant’s Authorised Representative
Name of Authorised Representative:Address (if different from above):
Representative’s Telephone: / Fax:
Representative’s Email Address:
2.3 Nature of Applicant
Nature of Applicant (e.g. partnership, sole trader, private limited company, public limited company, Joint Venture):Names of all members in Consortium or Joint Venture company (If applicable):
If Legal Partnership, Consortium or any other type of Joint Venture:
Name of JV/Consortium Member:Address of Registered Head Office:
Company Telephone: / Company Fax:
Company Email Address:
2.4 Main Applicant Subcontractor for Specialist Skills
Applicant should enter name and address of sub-contractors (if any) to be used to fulfill specialist skills requirements as identified in the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement
Name and Address 1Name and Address 2
Name and Address 3
Individual expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified consultants (architects, quantity surveyors, building services (ME) engineers and civil/structural engineers) as specified in the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement who wish to be considered for inclusion on a design team for the advertised project. The purpose of this Suitability Assessment Questionnaire is to obtain information from those service providers to determine if they are eligible to participate in a separate tender competition(s) as specified under ‘scope of service’ in the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement. Such service providers, if successful, are invited to participate in a tender competition that may lead to a contract award for the role of independent service provider.
This questionnaire is based on the GCCC Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers QC1 with criteria not applicable to DoES Capital Projects omitted. The same numbering system has been retained. It is a standard questionnaire and contains no project specific information. For Project Specific Information applicants should refer to the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement. Project specific Contracting Authority information (other than that available in the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement) is not and will not be provided.
The term Applicant is used for an Individual (Sole) Trader, a Legal Partnership, a Consortium or any other type of Joint Venture that constitutes an acceptable entity for the purpose of the project.
How do I apply?
To apply for inclusion on the short-list for the above project the Applicant* must:(1) complete the Project and Applicant Details on page 1 and sign this questionnaire
(2) complete the Consultants Pre-qualification Assessment Excel Spreadsheet attached to (or otherwise referred to in) the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement and staple a print off to this questionnaire, and
(3) send in the questionnaire to the Contracting Authority name and address stated in the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement before the time and date specified
No other information should be provided. In particular, you do not need to provide supporting evidence at this time (other than the completed Consultants Pre-qualification Assessment Excel Spreadsheet) either of compliance with the minimum standards or in support of your qualitative assessment.
· Where an applicant is an Individual (Sole) Trader, that applicant should sign the questionnaire
· Where an applicant is a Consortium or Joint Venture, each member of that Consortium or Joint Venture must sign a separate copy of the questionnaire. The questionnaires should then be submitted as a single application (with the relevant print-out from the “Consultants Pre-qualification Assessment Excel Spreadsheet” attached).
· Where the applicant is a subsidiary to a Parent Company, the relevant parent company details must be included. If the applicant is relying on the Resources or Turnover of the Parent Company for the purposes of qualification, the relevant details must be included in the appropriate appendix.
· Where the applicant is relying on specialist sub-contractors to meet the service requirements, the nature of that specialist sub-contractor should be stated in 2.4 Main Applicant Subcontractor for Specialist Skills. There is no need for the specialist sub-contractor to sign the questionnaire.
· If any individual or group of individuals is included in more than one application for the same contract, a statement should be provided to the effect that the applicant is aware of this multiple participation and that it has been brought to the attention of all the consortia of which that individual or group is a member.
Minimum Standards for participation
All criteria have a minimum standard as specified in this questionnaire. The minimum standards for participation in this competition are set out below under each criterion. By signing this questionnaire, applicants are declaring that they meet the relevant minimum standards in all respects.Do not provide any supporting information at this time. Just sign the Questionnaire (in ink by a Director or Principal of the firm), date it, attach the Consultants Pre-qualification Assessment Excel Spreadsheet and send it in.
Qualitative Assessment
There are 2 qualitative assessment criteria, 3.4b “Educational and Professional Qualifications (Personnel)” and 3.4c “List Services of Similar Nature Provided over the past 5 Years”. The qualitative assessment is by means of self-assessment using the Consultants Pre-qualification Assessment Excel Spreadsheet attached to (or otherwise referred to in) the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement. Complete the spreadsheet and it will generate an appropriate overall qualitative assessment mark (determined by the information you enter yourself). Now print-off and staple a copy to this questionnaire. The mark in the top right corner is your qualitative assessment mark which will be used for the purposes of short-listing. As above by signing the questionnaire, applicants are declaring that the information contained therein is accurate.Validation at Award Stage
By signing this questionnaire the Applicant is declaring that the information therein is true. The information presented will not normally be checked at pre-qualification stage but (in the event that the Applicant submits the apparently most economically advantageous tender) will be verified at contract award stage. The firm in question will be requested to provide the relevant supporting evidence within a specified timeframe (normally 7 days) to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Contracting Authority (a) compliance with the stated standards and (b) that the information provided in the Consultants Pre-qualification Assessment Excel Spreadsheet was accurate.If the firm in question cannot or does not provide all of the required evidence and information in the required format and within the required timeframe the firm’s Tender, or if the applicant entered incorrect information (i.e. information which generates an incorrect score or incorrectly shows an applicant to meet the minimum standard), the firm’s Tender will be deemed to be invalid and will be excluded from further consideration. (You will not however be disqualified on a technicality.)
Do not provide any supporting information for Personal Situation or Financial Standing at this time. Just sign the Questionnaire (in ink by a Director or Principal of the firm), date it, attach the Consultants Pre-qualification Assessment Spreadsheet and send it in.3.1 EVIDENCE OF APPLICANT’S PERSONAL SITUATION
If any one of the grounds specified in Article 54 of Directive 2004/17/EC (and Regulation 56 of SI No. 50 of 2007) or in Article 45 and 51 of Directive 2004/18/EC (and Regulation 53 of SI No.329 of 2006) apply to the applicant or any member of the applicant Consortium or Joint Venture or their parent companies, the applicant may be excluded from this competition.
I/we confirm that none of these grounds apply, and if requested to do so will provide a DECLARATION FORM* (in the standard format in the Suitability Assessment questionnaires available on signed and witnessed within the past 12 months.* The declaration can be in the form of a certified copy signed by the applicant or a person authorised to sign on behalf of the applicant. It should be accompanied by a confirmation, signed by the applicant or on behalf of the applicant that since the making of the declaration the legal situation of the applicant regarding the circumstances in the declaration has not changed in any way that would prohibit the applicant from making a new declaration on oath on the same basis. In relation to a certified copy the Contracting Authority should reserve the right to inspect the original at any time if considered necessary.
Before appointment, the applicant (and, if the applicant is a subsidiary relying on a parent company’s turnover, that Parent Company’s turnover as well) must provide evidence of certified turnover for the three previous financial years both for overall services and for the relevant professional services only*. The minimum Turnover requirements are as stated in the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement. (€120,000 default if none stated.)
* If for any valid reason this evidence cannot be provided then alternative evidence considered appropriate by the Contracting Authority may be provided. Such evidence must demonstrate that the firm has been in existence for a minimum of 3 years and has an effective turnover over the last 3 years of not less than the required amount. (For example, where audited accounts are not available for the current year, a statement of estimated turnover for that year plus turnover for the previous years may be accepted)
Before appointment, the successful applicant will be required to produce evidence in the form of a letter from the applicant’s Insurance Company/Broker confirming that the applicant has current professional indemnity insurance cover in the sum stated in the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement (€1,000,000 if not stated), complying with the conditions listed below and that it will be maintained for six years after completion of the construction works in respect of the services provided.
· The Maximum permitted excess is 1.5% of Turnover.
· Cover must be provided on an ‘each and every’ claim basis
· The conditions must provide for claims for breach of professional duty or civil liability as well as negligence;
· Cover must extend to include specialist advisers engaged as service providers by the applicant;
· Cover must be provided in respect of Joint & Several liability; and
· The jurisdiction in which claims can be lodged and settled is IRELAND.
Before appointment, the successful applicant will be required to produce evidence from their Insurance Company in the form of a copy of the policy confirming that the applicant has current Public Liability Insurance with a minimum level of cover of €6,500,000.
Before appointment, the successful applicant will be required to produce evidence from their Insurance Company in the form of a copy of the policy confirming that the applicant has current Employer’s Liability Insurance with a minimum level of cover of €13,000,000.
I/we have the financial capacity to meet the minimum standards for Economic and Financial standing set out above with respect to Turnover, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Public Liability Insurance and Employers’ Liability Insurance, and if requested to do so will provide the required evidence within 7 calendar days to support this declaration
Before appointment, the successful applicant must provide evidence of the educational and professional qualifications (with dates obtained) and experience of 1 person (who may also be nominated at 3.4b) proposed for the principal service to be associated with the project in a Management role with suitable professional qualifications* and a minimum of 7 years post-qualification* experience to carry out those duties
* The Managerial person must have a professional degree. The relevant qualifications (prior to calculation of experience) are: Quantity surveyors - a pass in the Assessment of Professional Competence and eligibility to join the SCS/RICS; Architects - the RIAI/RIBA Part 3 (or equivalent) plus Registration; Engineers - the appropriate Engineering Degree plus 2 years actual experience of design and construction of buildings in the relevant professional discipline (before counting experience towards the minimum requirement above). The experience towards the minimum requirement above may be in a Managerial role or in the relevant professional discipline all within the last 10 years. Years not working in the profession and years not working on relevant projects do not count as experience.
Before appointment, the successful applicant will be required to provide evidence of the educational and professional qualifications (with dates obtained) and experience of the applicant’s personnel proposed for the principal service, including the curricula vitae of 2 persons (one of whom may also be nominated at 3.4a) to be associated with the project in a Senior capacity i.e. as Project Architect/Engineer/QS, one to run the project and one as back-up, both with suitable professional qualifications* and a minimum of 7 years post-qualification* experience to carry out those duties
In addition applicants must complete the Consultants Pre-qualification Assessment Excel Spreadsheet attached to (or otherwise referred to in) the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement and staple a print off to this questionnaire.* Both the above must have a professional degree in the relevant discipline. The relevant qualifications (prior to calculation of experience) are as for 3.4a above. The post-qualification experience towards the minimum requirement above must be actual experience of design and construction of buildings in the relevant professional discipline. Years not working in the profession or on relevant projects do not count as experience.