Session 1 – September 15, 2017
The foundation for this work is built upon:
● Current research about ASD learners
● Designing and enacting effective, evidence-informed and research-based pedagogy and assessment in inclusive learning environments
● Current research in student-centred leadership
● Current research about effective pedagogies for intellectual engagement
Learning Intentions:
● Build understanding and capacity for student-centred leadership focused on improving engagement, well-being and achievement of ASD learners.
● Develop inclusive learning environments in which learners with ASD experience academic success and social-emotional well-being
● Cultivate high-impact, evidence-informed practices for leading, teaching and learning of all, inclusive of ASD learners.
● Build capacity in relation to the Alberta Professional Practice Competencies for Teachers and School Leaders.
Time / Professional Learning Activities / Learning Intentions12:45 / Welcome & Opening Remarks
· learning series intentions
· supports & expectations
· digital documentation of learning process / CBE leaders welcome and present overview of learning intentions
Make participants aware of plans to document process
1:00 / Dr. Adam McCrimmon
· What is ASD
· How does it present?
· Learning environment / · Build understanding of ASD foundational knowledge
· Generate ideas about the learning environments in which ASD learners flourish.
2:45 / Break
3:00 / Discussion - Imagine learning environments where all students flourish including those with ASD
If we got it right for all learners including our ASD students, what would the learning environments be like?
1. What kinds of work would students be engaged in doing? How might their work contribute in some meaningful way to the world outside of schools?
2. What role would assessment play within these types of learning environments? What kinds of opportunities for feedback, revision & growth would be provided?
3. With and from whom would students be learning? What kinds of learning relationships would we need to build?
4. What would these types of learning environments require of leaders? / · To identify and document the features of learning environments where ASD students thrive.
· To reinforce our common goals and establish the focus of our work together.
3:30 / Applied Learning & Leadership Homework
· Gather a purposeful sampling of baseline data.
o What is the current experience of school for these students? (talk to kids or observe them over the course of a day)
o What has already been working well for ASD students in your school and how might we build upon these practices?
o What else could we do to create learning environments that would be even better for these students?
o What suggestions do teachers have based on what they’ve noticed working well for ASD students?
· Concluding remarks
Feed forward survey
https://goo.gl/forms/nkJtuas8qgFg5MU13 / To activate participants in gathering a purposeful sampling of baseline data.
To better understand the schooling experience from the perspective of ASD students
To help inform the work of the design team
3:45 / Adjourn