2016 Post Season CoachApplicationForm

Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______Zip: ______

Phone #:______

(Home) (Cell)

Email Address: ______

Applying for Head Coach ______Applying for Asst. Coach ______

Please feel free to use an additional sheet of paper should you need more room.

(Circle the category of team in which you interested in coaching)

Division: B / G U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U19

All-Star Team or Tournament Team or Either

Were you recruited ______or volunteered ______to apply?

Would you take any post season team if offered, even if it wasn’t the team you were applying for? Yes_____ No______

Are you currently coaching a team? Yes_____No_____

Are you attending open practice? Yes_____No_____

If yes, what drills are you leading at Open Practice?

Why do you feel you are a good candidate for a post season team?

2016 Post Season CoachApplicationForm Cont.

Coaches and Assistants are required to have a minimum certification of the current division you are coaching. What is your current coaching certification?

Will you upgrade to the next coaching level? Yes____ Not Sure____

Are you currently a referee? Yes_____No____

If yes – What is your referee certification and date?

Appx how many games have you refereed this year?

How does being a referee, help you be a better coach?

If you are currently not a refereewill you take a referee class? Yes____ No____

Have you ever participated in a Post Season team? Yes_____ No____

If yes, what was your role? Coach – Assistant – Manager - Parent

Why do you want to coach a post season team?

As a Region, we aim to develop our players and teach them good sportsmanship both in winning and losing. If you are selected as a post season coach, what will you teach the players and how will you handle defeat?

2016 Post Season CoachApplicationForm Cont.

Coaching a Post Season team requires commitment from not only the players but the coach. Games play from Thanksgiving into June over multiple holidays and you will be traveling to tournaments in various cities. Are you able to make the full commitment to the team?

______Yes _____No

Are you available to Coach Thanksgiving Tournament Team?

______Yes _____No

Will you participate in clinics & other training sessions both as a participant and as a leader? ______Yes ______No

Will you participate in our Community Service Programs and Region Activities?

______Yes _____No

The Head Coach of any tournament is financially responsible for all funds due payable, assuring funds are available for upcoming tournaments or equipment the team has agreed on. Are you prepared to take on this responsibility?

______yes ______no.

If you are selected as a coach for post season participation, who would you choose as

Asst. Coach______Team Manager______

Please add any comments that we should take into consideration when making our selection for a post season coach:

Thank you for applying and answering these questions truthfully.


Selection Process:

  • Submit a completed application to your Divisional Commissioner by

Sunday October 23rd.

You may also email it to and

Please attach a copy of your picture with the application

All applications will be distributed to the Selection Committee for review, verification of information, and recommendations regarding coach placement.

  • The SelectionCommitteewill review your applications and all related information and make the final selection and assignment of coaches. Selection will be made by majority vote.
  • Selection committee consists of the Regional Commissioner, Assistant Regional Commissioner, Referee Administrator, Coach Administrator and Division Commissioner. If there is a conflict of interest, an assistant will be chosen in the appropriate discipline.
  • Coach selections will be announced no later than the29thof October.
  • For those Coaches selected, a Coaches meeting will be held on October 30th. Selected coaches must be present and sign a Regional contract.
  • Please understand that as a post season coach you will be representing Region19.Your conduct at tournaments and other events must be above reproach. You must also agree to maintain the team/players in Region 19 and not take the team/players to a Club.
  • All fundraising activities must be approved by the Region.
  • Check requests for tournaments will only be issued if you have the appropriate funds in your AYSO account.

We have many coaches that apply for post season teams and

we are limited to the amount of teams that can play post season.

*Please be aware that having a team in previous years

does not guarantee you a team this year*

I thank you again for volunteering and applying for a post season team and regardless of outcome, look forward to your continuing support

of the AYSO program and most importantly the players.