The Bishops of Western Australia Share their vision for Catholic schools in the Mandate Letter. With this Letter as its primary source document, and an extensive consultation process, the Catholic community developed the following call to action.

Living the Vision

and so Our Journey continues …

We in Catholic Education seek to create environments that enhance learning, nurture young people and empower them to live the Catholic faith in the spirit of Jesus Christ by:

Developing a hunger for the learning adventure

Challenging each other to seek truth and justice for all,

especially the most vulnerable

Capturing the joy in the mystery of the created Universe

Embracing the diversity of the Earth and all its people

Walking together in a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness.


Welcome from the Principal

This Handbook has been produced to help familiarise families with important aspects of HolyRosaryCatholicPrimary School. It provides you with a summary of key policies and procedures operating in the school. You are asked to read it carefully and use it as a reference when you have queries concerning the day-to-day operation of the school.

I hope that your association with HolyRosaryPrimary School will be a happyand rewarding one.

Robert Palladino



HolyRosarySchool is a CatholicSchool where the staff, parents, children and members of the wider community work together to achieve their full potential in a harmonious environment.

As well as placing importance on all the Learning Areas, we also promote the development of the ‘4Rs’:

Reverence for God

Respect for self, others and property

Responsibility for their own behaviour and learning

Resiliencenot to give up when faced with challenges

HolyRosarySchool extends to you and your family a sincere welcome. The information in this booklet is to assist you and your family to become familiar with our school. Please read the contents carefully and if you have any questions, the Principal and staff will be only too pleased to help you.


Vision Statement:

We are a community where we learn, we care, we serve, we pray and aim to become responsible global citizens.

Mission Statement

We provide an inclusive curriculum that caters for all students in a safe and welcoming environment and where all are encouraged to take ownership of their learning and behaviour through living the Gospel values.



As a school, we are concerned with developing the whole person. In addition to academic achievement and the “4Rs” we also work towards providing the following:

To create a Christian environment in which the students and staff grow and develop into responsible and effective members of family, school, parish and society, recognising the dignity of each person.

To provide opportunity for all students to develop an appreciation of their own cultural environment and to embrace with confidence, optimism and self-esteem the cultures of others in our multicultural school.

To recognise the role and rights of parents as the prime educators of their children and to encourage parental involvement in every aspect of school life.

To aid in the development of the whole child spiritually, emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically, by ensuring equal opportunity is given, having a healthy regard for social, cultural, racial and material status.

To provide a full and rich learning program across the nine learning areas of the CatholicSchool.


Holy Rosary School, Derby is a Catholic Primary School, which caters for approximately 185 students from Three Year Old Kindergarten to Year 6.

The school was established in 1954 by the St John of God Sisters who remained until 1988 when the De La Salle Brothers took over the leadership of the school. The first lay Principal was appointed in 1994 and lay personnel, who enjoy a close relationship with the parish, currently staff the school.

Holy Rosary is participating in the Australian Government funded “Flexible Literacy for Remote Primary Schools Program” and has entered into a partnership with ‘Good to Great Schools’ (founded by Noel Pearson) to deliver Explicit Direct Instruction in English.

Reading Recovery is also offered as aremediation program to support struggling readers in the early years. Nelson Math is undertaken through the school between Years 1 to 6.

Aboriginal Teaching Assistants work in partnership with the classroom teachers to provide a well-rounded education. The major emphasis in the school is to improve literacy and numeracy standards and each class is required to deliver a two-hour literacy and one hour numeracy block each day.

Enrolment Policy


Holy Rosary School exists to further the mission of the Church. In Western Australia, the Mandate of the Bishops requires the Catholic Education Commission of WA to make Catholic school education available to all Catholic children.


1. Holy Rosary School recognizes the uniqueness of each student.

2. Holy Rosary School has a preferential option for the poor and marginalized.

3. Holy Rosary School fulfils their mission in partnership with parents who are the first educators of their children.

4. Holy Rosary School has a responsibility to fulfill the requirements of relevant Federal, State and Local Government laws and regulations.

5. Holy Rosary School shall accept all applications for enrolment.

6. The acceptance of an application form does not guarantee an enrolment interview or offer of enrolment.

7. Enrolment in Holy Rosary School shall only be offered where the school has age-appropriate places and the resources to respond to any specific needs of the student.

8. Enrolment in Holy Rosary School does not guarantee enrolment in any other Catholic school.


  1. On inquiry for enrolment parents will be required to complete an, ‘Application for Enrolment’ form.
  1. Parents are required to attend an interview with the Principal to discuss their application for enrolment.
  1. Placements will be offered according to the following criteria, listed in order of importance:
  2. Siblings of Catholic students
  3. Catholic students from within the Parish
  4. Catholic students from outside the Parish
  5. Siblings of non-Catholic students
  6. Non Catholic students from other Christian denominations
  7. Other non-Catholic students
  1. At the interview parents will be informed of the school’s philosophies and collection of school fees policy.
  1. At interview the enrolment form is discussed with reference to the importance of accurate information being given and the need to disclose pertinent details.
  1. After interview is conducted placements will be offered within 10 working days.
  1. If found false or misleading information is given at the interview or on the enrolment form a breach of trust has occurred. In these cases the students place at the school may be forfeited.
  1. On accepting enrolment parents are obliged to support the policies and procedures of the school.
  1. The parish priest may be consulted on the appropriateness of offering placement.
  1. Enrolment may take place at any year level. A parent of a kindergarten student may defer the taking up of an offer of enrolment until the commencement of Pre-Primary.
  1. Registration and enrolment forms will be designed to reflect current legislative requirements.
  1. The final decision for any enrolment/placement is at the discretion of the Principal.

Three Year Old Educational Program:

In addition to the principles and procedures outlined above, please note the following:

  1. Students shall have attained the age of three.
  2. Enrolment into the program shall relate to participation in the program and not enrolment into the school.
  1. Parents need to express their intent to enrol into the 4 Year Old program by completing the ‘Expression of Interest’ form distributed at the end of the year.



Term 1

Staff: Wednesday,27January– Friday,April 8

Students:Tuesday, 2February –Friday, April 8

Term 2

Staff: Tuesday,26 April– Friday,1July

Students: Wednesday, 27 April – Friday, 1 July


Term 3

Staff: Monday,18 July – Friday, 23 September

Students: Tuesday, 19July – Friday, 23 September

Term 4

Staff: Monday, 10 October –Thursday,15December

Students: Tuesday, 11 October – Friday, 9 December


In line with Catholic Education policy, Kimberley schools have seven professional development days during the year.On top of this, Catholic schools are grantedone extra day's leave in recognition of their commitment to Church activities. To assist with your planning the following days are student free days:

Term 1: 28 January, 29 January, 1 February

Term 2: 26 April, 7 June (Catholic School Day, please note 6 June is a public holiday)

Term 3: 18 July, 22 August

Term 4: 10 October



Office hours are from 7.30 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday.

The School Canteen is open every day from 7.30 am to 2.30 pm. The direct phone no. to the canteen is 91 912 163.


08.00 am to 8.15 amMonday – Assembly

08.15 am to 10.15 amSession 1

10.15 am to 10.40 amRecess

10.40 am to 12.40 pmSession 2

12.40 pm to 1.15 pmLunch

1.15 pm to 2.20 pmSession 3

A staff member will be on duty before school from 7.25 am and after school until all buses have departed, approximately 2.30 pm. It is requested that children are not on school grounds outside these times.


Address:99 Loch Street

PO Box 70

Derby WA 6728

Telephone:(08) 91 911 283

Fax:(08) 91 911 074


Website: www.hrsderby.wa.edu.au


At HolyRosarySchool we aim to work with parents in all matters concerning their child’s education. Parents are actively encouraged to assist in the school and help us to achieve quality education for each individual child. At Holy Rosary we recognise that education is a 3-way process dependent upon an effective partnership between parents, students and teachers.

The school recognises that parents are the first educators of their children, especially as the teachers of religious beliefs, values and attitudes. The school is aware that parents delegate authority and responsibility to the school for their child’s education and therefore expect support from parents/caregivers in following all of its rules, policies and procedures.

The School Board comprises members of our school / parish community who are responsible for such things as planning,disseminating information, managing all financesand advising the Principal.

The Parents and Friends Committee is a vital part of the school community and we encourage parents to join our P & F.


Communication between the school and the parents is vital to achieve positive outcomes for all. HolyRosarySchool uses a variety of ways to communicate with the parents. Means of communication may include:

  1. A weekly newsletter (will also be available on the Holy Rosary School Home Page)
  2. Informal contacts – frequent conversations between parents and teachers when things are going well can lead to healthy relationships
  3. Direct phone calls in matters of urgency
  4. Parent/Teacher interviews
  5. Formal reporting meetings
  6. Letters from Administration or Teachers
  7. Parent of the Week
  8. 3-Way Conferences i.e. Parent, Student and Teacher

If parents have any matters that they would like to discuss, it is recommended that they make an appointment to see the person concerned. Other than emergencies, parents are requested to make an appointment. Parents are required to go to reception first for direction.

Holy Rosary School appreciates the importance of all the people involved in the education of each individual child and invites constructive conversations with the appropriate people at an appropriate time.


Term 2: Reports and parent interviews.

Term 3: Open classrooms (an afternoon)

Term4:Reports collected after the ‘End of Year’ Concert.

Parents are encouraged to contact the class teacher, if they are concerned about the progress of their child.


What follows is the staff’s shared concept of what is understood as responsible student behaviour at Holy Rosary School. From these behavioural expectations are drawn our school and class rules.

By respecting ourselves and our property, we will:

Speak with dignity.

Own our actions.

Look after our health, fitness and appearance.

Strive to do our best in work and play.

Look after our belongings.

Follow instructions given by all staff members.

By respecting others and their property, we will:

Respect the good name of others.

Acknowledge the skills and abilities of others.

Acknowledge the rights of those different from ourselves.

Treat all property with care.

Ask permission to use things belonging to others.

Strive to be friendly and helpful.

Respect and care for the environment.

By respecting the community of Holy Rosary School, we will:

Wear our uniform with respect and pride.

Keep the rules and practices of Holy Rosary School.

Be courteous to visitors and new members of our school community.

Be proud to represent our class and school.


Children will not be permitted to leave the school grounds once they arrive at school, unless their parents pick them up. If you wish to take your child from school, please notify the teacher and sign your child out at the office.

A note is required if you wish for your child to go home for lunch.


If your child is absent the school requires a phone call followed by a written explanationon their return to school.


If you have a change of address, contact telephone numbers or contact person, the change of information MUST be conveyed to the School Office immediately.


If you intend leaving HolyRosarySchool, you need to contact the school at least a week beforehand to allow time for school records and reports to be prepared for transfer to the new school.


The canteen is open every day from 7.30 am to 2.30 pm. The school canteen does notallow book ups (credit).

Only lunches and recess food are available from the canteen.

* Every class in the school has a refrigerator and we encourage parents to provide healthy recess and lunch food that can be stored safely in the refrigerator. Please do NOT send lollies, soft drinks or other foods high in sugar or fat content.


School uniform MUST be worn at all times. We request a note should your child not be in uniform. The school uniform is:


Royal blue shortsRoyal blue shorts

Royal blue shirt with gold collar and Royal blue shirt with gold collar and

school crest school crest

Royal blue school hat(kept at school) Royal blue school hat(kept at school)

Sandals or shoes (No thongs or slip ons)Sandals or shoes (No thongs or slip ons)

The school uniform can be purchased from Country Casuals, near Betta Electrical.

There is a NO HAT, NO SHOES, NO UNIFORM EQUALS NO PLAYpolicy at HolyRosarySchool.


Chains, bracelets, bangles and rings should not be worn to school.


All students may wear studs or sleepers in the lower earlobes. No decorativeearrings are permitted as these can become a health hazard during play and sporting activities.


Coloured nail polish and/or make-up is not to be worn to school.


It is essential that all clothing and possessions are clearly marked with each student’s name. A misplaced item can then be quickly returned to the owner, thus saving time and inconvenience for students, parents and teachers.


Please refer to the ‘2016 Fees Structure’ on the last page.


Text books required for schooling will be ordered by the school and the cost passed onto the parents/carers.

At the end of each year, parents/carers will be issued with a stationery list, outlining the basic essentials for the following year. It is at the parent’s choice where these items are purchased.


Homework can take a number of forms depending on the purpose for which it is set. The most important aspect of the various types of homework is that it is purposeful out-of-class learning that reflects and aims to enhance the extent to which each child benefits from Holy Rosary School’s education programme. The staff endeavours to provide homework that the children can complete and consequently experience success.

Homework is one means of fostering school-home relationships and is a source of information to parents about the content of what is being studied at school. It enables students to consolidate the skills, concepts and attitudes learned at school.

Homework is set by individual teachers and the time expected to be spent each night increases as the students move through school.

Reading with your child and encouraging your child to read to you is an important element of the reading process.


Children who ride bicycles to school MUST wear bicycle safety helmets. Bike racks are provided. All bikes should have a lock. Helmets, bikes and locks must have the child’s name printed clearly on all of them. It is NOT RECOMMENDEDthat students below Year 4 ride to school unless supervised by an adult or older student.


A morning only school Bus Service runs for students in PP-Yr 6, wholive in town. If you wish to access this service please contact the office to make arrangements. Please note students must be on time, at the selected pick up points. The bus will not wait for students who are running late.

Pick up points:

This depends where your child lives. Please contact the office for pick up points.

Students who live out of town and need bus access, need to contact Derby Bus Service.


Please note that mobile phones, electronic games, iPads, swap cards, games, toys etc are not to be brought to school. These tend to get lost or broken and don’t encourage children to join in active games and socialise with others.


Newsletters will be given out each Thursday to the eldest in each family. Please make sure you receive one from your child.


A nurse, from the Health Department (when provided) visits the school every Tuesday all day and Thursday, half a day to conduct a comprehensive screening program at our school. These days may change depending on the availability of a nurse. Each year every child in Pre-Primary will have their hearing checked. Other children are screened on request. Also, a full health assessment is given at Pre-Primary level. Other health and developmental problems are dealt with on request.