Inquirers / We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.Knowledgeable / We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
Thinkers / We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
Communicators / We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
Principled / We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
Open-minded / We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
Caring / We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
Risk-takers / We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
Balanced / We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
Reflective / We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
The IB Learner Profile
Elementary School Curriculum
ICT Curriculum
Adapted from: IBO PYP Role of ICT in the PYP
ICT Learner Outcomes Reception (5 - 6 years)
Learners will have an awareness of technology and its uses. They will be able to use a word processing program successfully to communicate information. They will independently be able to select, load and exit from programs. They will learn to independently type words (given to them) and also how to print and display work. They will learn the use of shift, enter and backspace keys while working with Word. Learners will understand that technology can be used to share and gain new information.
KNOW: Whatwill the students know / UNDERSTAND: What will the students understand / SKILLS: What will the students be able to do
ATTITUDES: What attitudes will be developed? / Resources
Understands the function of an ICT lab / Discussion and brain storming about IT lab rules / Assessment: teacher notes, peer assessment. / VOCABULARY
Data projector
Internet connection- online educational game sites like
Game CDs like Bob the builder, Freddy Fish
Understands the different uses of technological equipment / what a monitor, mouse, keyboard, CPU, and printer is. / Assessment: teacher notes, peer assessment.
Explores new technologies / Discussion of machines, slide showand comparison of computer to other machines / Teacher observations
Understands how to change the format of work / Click and drag and drag and drop (mouse functions).
Recognizes the different functions of a keyboard / Play interactive games like dressing up doll, puzzles etc (click, drag and drop)Space bar, arrow, number and alphabet keys. / Assessment: teacher notes, peer assessment.
Understands which is the select tool and how to select pictures using the select tool / Demonstration of the different keys using actual keyboard, coloured posters, projector / Teacher observations
Shows control when using various tools / Make shapes and fill them with different patterns or colors/Recognises and uses the pencil tool and shape tool
Presents different images / Makes a pattern with 3 diff sizes stamp tool
Recognises and uses simple tools / Makes a pattern with 1 shape, 2 shape, 3 shapes
Make lines of different colours/Understands which is the Brush and spray tools- how to make different patterns and pictures using the brush and spray tools / Assessment :teacher marking, presentation, quiz.
Knows some functions of the Internet / Understands how to play games (for language, math, problem solving skills, colouring, painting, memory, shape, space etc) by clicking the right tools, buttons etc.
Demonstrate selecting and listening to music, reading interactive stories, and watching movies by clicking on the right buttons, links etc.
Play online interactive games related to the UOI / Teacher observations
ICT Learner Outcomes Grade 1 (6 - 7 years)
Learners will demonstrate greater understanding and recognition of the use of computers in our daily lives. They are familiarised with the basic operations of the computer and concepts of input, output and storage devices. Learners will be able to successfully create and edit a multimedia page-text and graphic and begin to understand the use and effects of multimedia.
KNOW: Whatwill the students know / UNDERSTAND: What will the students understand / SKILLS: What will the students be able to do
ATTITUDES: What attitudes will be developed? / Resources
Understands the different functions of a computer / Class discussion /Brain storming
Students will be able to understand what a computer is, what are its main parts, How does a computer help us, How should we use it safely? / Assessment: teacher assessment. / VOCABULARY
Data Projector
Typing Software
Game CdsSesameStreetLearn,PlayGrow, Math Blaster: Master the Basics
Internet Connection- sites of educational games like bbc.schools.co.uk, senselang.com
Extends understanding of keyboard / General discussion of keys and keyboard
Learners will learn to use shift, enter and backspace keys / Assessment: teacher observation and notes.
Understands how to display images in a variety of ways / Resize and crop a picture
Discussion of the importance of touch typing, introduction to home keys. / Assessment: teacher observation and notes.
Edits text to suit for a purpose / Typing games.
Students will learn to copy and paste words, delete letters, select and delete words. / Assessment: teacher observation and notes.
Use tools to edit / Corrects words in a peers draft / Assessment: teacher observation.
Uses different functions on Word / Explore different tools on word
Use games to problem solve / Play online interactive games related to the UOI topics
10 mins typing practise. / Assessment: teacher and peer assessment.
Begins to use the Internet to find information / Teacher led websites to support unit of inquiry
ICT Learner Outcomes Grade 2 (7 - 8 years)
Learners demonstrate an understanding of basic computer terminology. They will further develop skills in word processing and working with images. Learners will be exposed to graphs and they will be know the meaning of information, spreadsheet, cell, rows and columns and understand the difference between programmes such as Word, Clipart and Excel. Learners will be able to enter simple data and text into spreadsheets. They will have the required skills in collecting, sorting and classifying data into tables. They will have a basic understanding of the internet and some basic internet jargons and understand that the Internet can be used to find information.
KNOW: Whatwill the students know / UNDERSTAND: What will the students understand / SKILLS: What will the students be able to do
ATTITUDES: What attitudes will be developed? / Resources
Understands the importance and working of computers in our lives. / Slide show to understand how computers are used in our lives. / Assessment: quiz, testing work, peerassessment. / VOCABULARY
Data projector
Internet connection
Typing software
Uses a range of tools to work with text / On a given piece of text- Spell check and highlight certain words/Highlights text / Changes fonts and uses a variety of fonts/sizes, orientation (right, left, centre)
Works with two or more applications at the same time / Copies and pastes from one document to another. / Teacher observations
Begins to uses technical equipment / Takes digital photographs and places them into documents / Views pictures using different software
Begins to organize data / Creates a folder and names it / Put Docs or pictures into folders
Displays work using art programmes / Open a word file, insert clip art on UOI topic
Clipart and file into a document / Assessment: teacher notes.
Understands how information can be presented differently to different audiences / View spreadsheet page on a projector, understand main parts of the spreadsheet
Views a spreadsheet, cell, rows, columns
Begins to enter simple data and text into spreadsheets / For eg. everyone in the class write their names on the board, then in another column- write their favourite period, depict the info in spread sheet.
Collects, sort and classify data into tables
Understands the concepts of movement / Slide show explaining forward, backward, left and right turn. Turning forward, backward, left and right turns with the screen turtle by giving a set of commands (link to maths) / Assessment: teacher notes.
Searches on the internet using a given search engine / Related to UOI ( / Shows how to find specific details on a given topic
Understands key vocabulary used with the internet / Visit websites and work on forward, backward, and other links.
Demonstrate how to save files from internet. Uses key word, back and forward arrow, hyperlink and home page / Assessment: teacher, peer assessment.
ICT Learner Outcomes Grade 3 (8 - 9 years) (Email accounts open with protected wall)
Learners will demonstrate confidence and skills using multimedia. Learners will have practised working with graphs, they will understand the different kinds of graphs that can be presented on Excel. They will understand the concept of the Internet and will be able to key in simple information into search engines. Learners will start with email, and will have an understanding of what an email is, email address, offline, online, connection, inbox, outbox, access email, new email, send and receive emails.
KNOW: Whatwill the students know / UNDERSTAND: What will the students understand / SKILLS: What will the students be able to do
ATTITUDES: What attitudes will be developed? / Resources
Learners will work with images / Save an image from the internet to a specific location-name the path taken. / Skills: cooperation, curiosity, Assessment: teacher, peer assessment. / VOCABULARY IMAGES, MULTIMEDIA, INSERT, SLIDE, SLIDE SHOW, GRAPHS-PIE AND BAR, FORMULA AND SUM FUNCTION, DATA, CONTROL, PEN UP, PEN DOWN COMMANDS, CLEAR SCREEN, HIDE, SEARCH ENGINE AND WEB ADDRESS. EMAIL, OFFLINE, ONLINE, CONNECTION, INBOX, OUTBOX
Data projector
Internet connection
Works with presentation tools / Write a page about the UOI topic and copy and paste an image from the internet
Copies and Inserts images for a purpose / Assessment: test,-quiz,-peer assessment
Finished slide show
Make a slide show of 3 slides and make presentation to class
Students will be familiar with the icons and tools on Microsoft Office programmes / Collaborative team work – can you find out what the icons mean? / Able to format of borders/shading etc
Begins to work with different kinds of graphs / Excel-spreadsheets, different kind of graphs / Can show data on programmes created
Creates an appropriate graph with data using Excel / Collect data-related to UOI and put it graphically
Further develops understanding of Internet searches. / Expose students to a variety of search engines
Demo on how to use search engines.
Slide show on menu, search engine, web address
Students will understand the concept of menu, search engine and web address.
Develop a set of strategies to choose appropriate websites / Can explain how to choose a useful website.
Students use a variety of search engines and are able to find appropriate information
Understands different forms of communication on the Internet / Students will access email, check new email, send and receive emails.
what an email is, email address, offline, online, connection, inbox, outbox
Open email accounts via the school email address
Write an email and send it, check mail box for new email and then reply to it / Student use their school account by communicating with classmates under teacher supervison
Wiki/Email/Hotmail/Gmail/Skype/chat live
ICT Learner Outcomes Grade 4 (9 - 10 years)
Learners will learn how to use technology for different purposes. They will have further practise working with graphs and will be able to copy formula to another location, mark titles, labels, change data and check for valid results. They will be able to select appropriate key words, select and reject unnecessary information while searching in the internet. They will learn to load access, create new folder and new table, edit and save table structure. They will have knowledge of field, field names, field contents, records, rows, different data types and the ability to know which data type goes into which field. Learners will have further practise with email.
KNOW: Whatwill the students know / UNDERSTAND: What will the students understand / SKILLS: What will the students be able to do
ATTITUDES: What attitudes will be developed? / Resources
Learners will collaborate on how to use different tools to modify settings / Write a piece on UOI and insert picture from file. Change the page set up from landscape to portrait.
Inserts images into a document, change page settings from landscape to portrait, add table and modify table settings (Working with text) / Skills: cooperation, curiosity, Assessment: teacher, peer assessment. / Printer
Data projector
Typing tutor program
Internet connection
Microsoft office
Learners will open, create and save images to a location / Demonstrate how to use a scanner, scan self picture and save it to a file. / Teacher observations
Learners will know how to produce 3D graphics on programmes / Use Google Sketch up for 3D sketches of buildings / Finished product of a 3 dimensional building
Learners will have further practise working with graphs / Insert table – on UOI topic, modify settings.
Write down steps to insert and modify tables.
Students will be able to copy formula to another location, create graph, mark titles and labels. / Assessment: test,-quiz,-peer assessment.
Learners will be able to select and reject unnecessary information / Use a variety of appropriate search engines to compare information about a similar subject / Teacher observations
Uses the Internet present work / Make a web page
Print a web page with appropriate settings
Creates and saves a web page / Assessment: self assessment
Uses a variety of presentation tools / Use power point to show evidence of learning.
Begins to use prez.com to create presentation about new information. / Final presentation
Learners will begin to use email as a tool for learning / Using email to check, edit own and each others’ work. / Teacher marked
ICT Learner Outcomes Grade 5 (10 - 11 years)
Learners will have the knowledge of using peripheral devices such as printers, scanners and digital cameras and understand how we can use technology to enhance learning. Learners will have practise working with text, they will understand what it means to format and evaluate ones work in terms of format andsuitability for a specific audience. They will be able to choose and use an appropriate programme to show their learning. Learners will be confident whenchoosing appropriate information available on the Internet and begin to critically analyse and compare information they have found. Learners will collaborateand create work using Google Docs.
KNOW: Whatwill the students know / UNDERSTAND: What will the students understand / SKILLS: What will the students be able to do
ATTITUDES: What attitudes will be developed? / Resources
Learners make connections, transfer existing knowledge and independently explore new technologies. / Organizing is the ability to structure or arrange connected items. Learners understand that ICT systems canbe used to inform, adapt, manage and problem-solve during their creative, communicative, collaborativeand investigative processes.
Creates newsletters/brochures work to support UOI using photographs
Creates google doc for collaboration and organisation / Assessment: teacher notes
Students are able to save to file or online storage / Digital camera
Data projector
Internet connection
Gmail accounts
ICT folder
Investigating is to carry out a purposeful inquiry or research, to test existing understanding, discover newinformation and create new understanding. / Through investigation, learners critically evaluate a variety ofsources, making connections and synthesizing findings to apply knowledge to real-life contexts.
Learners will understand what it means to edit and format
Learners will understand and use different formatting options / Assessment: teacher notes
Produce a brochure using Publisher
Create a title page
Students will be able to change different font styles, size and colour. They will be able to evaluate their work in terms of format and suitability for a specific audience
Communicating is the exchange of information with various audiences using a range of media and formats. / Effective communicators contribute to cross-cultural understanding, make informed choices when decidingon tools to articulate meaning, and provide relevant, significant feedback to others.
Learners will understand the different use of tools on email / Students will be able to attach a file to an email, navigating it without help.
Students will be able to add new addresses to the address book
Learners understand how social networking works
Creating is a process through which learners are provided with an opportunity to innovate and testboundaries. / Learners construct meaning, apply critical thinking and original ideas to real-world situations,and share knowledge through self-expression, problem-posing and problem-solving, and reflection. / Students will make a web page with the appropriate software (front page) and give links.
Students will learn how to bookmark a site to view it later. Students will understand copyright issues
Becoming responsible digital citizens
Becoming a responsible digital citizen involves using ICT to make informed and ethical choices while acting with integrity and honesty / Students will understand that in a globally connected digital world, learners are empowered to be responsible for their actions, to value others’ rights and to practise safe and legal behaviours.
Students will use ICT to collaborate on using digital media to create and share our responsibilities with our environment / Knows how to work with Internet searches safely
Uses the Internet present work / Make a web page/Print a web page with appropriate settings/Creates and saves a web page
Learners will use a range of multimedia to show their learning / Choosing a type of media to show learning