How to set up a Facebook Page

Part Four: Getting visitor analytics / statistics

One of the more recent features of Facebook is the ability to view statistics and analytics data of the people visiting your page, and the people who see your status updates.

A lot of small businesses will simply ignore this data, but this can help you turn your page into a success story by knowing what your followers like, and reacting accordingly.

Let’s have a quick look at where to find this information…

  1. When you are signed into Facebook and are looking at your shops’ page, locate this section…

  1. Click on where it’s labelled “Check out the new Page Insights”
  2. you should then see something like this…

Statistics Overview

This page shows you a number of key pieces of information about the audience that your page has. This includes; likes, reach, engagement, shares, and viralityof your page and it’s content.

Let’s clarify what these buzzwords mean exactly

Likesare the something that a Facebook user does to signify that they like something. In the case of a business page (such as yours), a like not only signifies this but it automatically causes the “liker” to receive all of your status updates, almost the same as when you “friend” someone on Facebook.

Reach means the amount of people that have seen your status updates. This can be either by being a visitor to the page, and follower of the page, or by being a friend of a follower of the page.

Engagementis the amount of people who have interacted with your page or content – eg: someone who has commented on one of your status updates, they would be classed as engagement.

Sharesare when an engaged user shares your post onto their own Facebook, so that their friends can see it. This is what drives our next buzzword “virality”.

Viralityis a tendancy for a message, image, or video to spread quickly across the internet (or local group of websites) between users. In other words, virality is the measurement Facebook uses to tell you how popular your content is, and how much it’s being shared between other users on Facebook. For a page to be successful virality is essential.

Post-by-Post Breakdown

When you post something on the Facebook page it will start to collect information on it’s Reach, Engagement Levels, and other various metrics such as Likes and Shares.

To see this data, you can look at this section…

The section (when some posts have been made and some time has passed for data to be collected), it will show the statistics and how your posts are being perceived and interacted with by the users/followers.