D Weekend North Participants’ Guide
Are you aged 11-14? Loved the mission week experience? Want to explore more of your faith with the Sion Youth Team?
D Weekend North is a whole weekend full of fun, friends and faith running from 5th to 7th June. You’ll get to meet other young people who are just like yourself from all over the country, spending a few days growing closer to God, and of course having loads of fun with the Sion Youth Team.
Years 7-9
Start: Friday 12th June @6pm
Finish: Sunday 14th June @3pm
Location: Alban Roe House, Ampleforth Abbey,
Ampleforth, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 4EN
Cost: £70 (if you're coming as part of a group it may cost more depending on your travel costs)
Arrivals are from 6pm on Friday and departures are after lunch on Sunday (from 3pm). The timetable of the content for the event will be released nearer the time; however, we can tell you now that it will include talks, small group time, prayer experiences, entertainment, workshops, liturgy and times of worship.
Site rules
1) Strictly no alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone under 18 found in possession of drugs or alcohol will be collected by their parents or guardians. Furthermore, all drug related incidents will be dealt with by our security team on site and reported to relevant Police authorities.
2) No mixed accommodation on site, i.e. No males and females sleeping in the same space unless married.
3) Smoking is not permitted on site.
4) Keep quiet after lights out.
5) Badges must be worn at all times.
6) Sion Youth cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to persons or personal property.
Onsite Clothing
We appreciate that when it’s hot and sunny everyone wants to shed a few layers of clothing. While there is no strict dress code, we would suggest that during the weekend people dress in a way that is appropriate so as not to cause unnecessary distractions and temptations for their peers. Speak to your group leader if you are unsure about this.
Contact Sion Community on: 01277 215011 or
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