Question 1: Study Source A.What can you learn from Source A about Emily Davison?
Skill: TWO supported inferences
Inferences / SupportDeath damaged the cause
Emily Davison was not of sound mind
Emily selfish in her actions
Question 2: Study Source B and use your own knowledge.What was the purpose of this leaflet? Use details of the leaflet and your ownknowledge to explain your answer.
Skill: Supported purpose
Skill / ExamplePurpose
Source / Theleaflet suggests that Emily Davison had achieved and sacrificed muchfor the WSPU and for women. The leaflet stresses her achievementsin education with a photograph of her when receiving her degree andmentioning a First Class honours at Oxford University.
Knowledge / Emily Davison’sdeath did achieve widespread publicity and sympathy from some
People. Her funeral was attended by over
Question 3: Study Sources A, B and C.How far do Sources A and B support the evidence of Source C about the actions ofEmily Davison? Explain your answer, using the sources.
Skill: Cross referencing and evaluation
Exemplar answer: Source B agrees with Source C about the actions of EmilyDavison. Source C argues the actions of Emily Davison achieved much publicity and supportfor the cause of votes for women for focussing “the attention of millions” whilst B shows her willingness to “give her life” for the cause.
Finish answer:
Source A does not support the views of Source C…
B and C strongly support Emily Davison’s actions although are fairly unreliable…
Source A strongly disagrees with Davison’s actions, although this is not surprising because…
Question 4: Study Sources D and E and use your own knowledge.How reliable are Sources D and E as evidence of the activities of the WSPU? Explain your answer.
Skill: Reliability of CONTENT and NATURE, ORIGIN and PURPOSE
Start of exemplar answer: Source D is reliable because it provides details of theactivities of the WSPU and stresses that the actions of the WSPUachieved much publicity. They were, indeed, often on the frontpage of newspapers in the years after 1906. Also that for thefirst two years of their activities they used more moderatemethods and were often treated with physical violence by theauthorities. The police often showed little restraint and a number were imprisoned in these years, for example on Black Friday (200 assaulted outside Parliament).Source D is reliable because it was written by MillicentFawcett who was a suffragist and the leader of the NUWSS andwas against the militant actions of the suffragettes and yet,writing years later, with the benefit of hindsight, she is positiveabout the activities of the WSPU.
Reliable / NotE CONTENT / Evidence of window smashing – West End of London in 1912 – Oxford and Regent Street shops targeted
E NOP / March 1912 / Sketch in a WSPU magazine
Answer to finish using planning grid:
Question 5: Study all the sources (A to F) and use your own knowledge.Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be assessed in this question.‘The activities of the WSPU did more harm than good in the campaign for votes forwomen’.How far do the sources in this paper support this statement? Use details from thesources and your own knowledge to explain your answer.your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge.
Exemplar answer disagreeing with the statement:Sources B, C D and F disagree with the hypothesis and
suggest that the activities of the Suffragettes benefitted thecause of votes for women. Source B suggests that Emily Davisonachieved much in her own education and sacrificed much for theWSPU, giving her life for her “Faith”. Source C also suggests that her actions showed the worldthat women were serious about the vote and that the death “focused attention” on female suffrage. Source F suggests that thesuffragette activities got huge publicity and made parliament “take votes for women more seriously’ when violence began, fearing “other groups would use violence” as well to get their way.
However, this evidence in B and C weakened by the reliability of each source. They are producedby supporters of the suffragette movement and give a one-sidedview of the actions of Emily Davison. This evidence from F strengthened by thereliability of this source which is from a modern world textbookwhich should provide a balanced view of the achievements of the suffragettes – a view further supported by Fawcett in D despite her initial opposition.
Skill / Agreeing with the statement – WSPU hurt the campaign for votesStrong / E – violence and window smashing alarm property owners – comes from WSPU propaganda – although doesn’t show people’s reaction
F – Government were stubborn over WSPU actions to change – conciliation bill dropped in 1910/1911
Weak / A – decreased popularity – male dominated newspaper
OK / Burning of churches 1913 Arson of DLG house in 1912
Initial plans for the vote in the Conciliation Bills of 1910/11 were dropped when strikes / trouble in Ireland brewed – led to an increase in violence.
Only when violence stopped at outbreak of WW1 did it come more on to the agenda.
Force feeding – Cat and Mouse – actions exposed brutality of government response.
Answer to finish using planning grid: