Delaware Watercolor Society

Spring Exhibition

May 6- 29, 2011

The BiggsMuseum of American Art

Dover, DE

Call for Entries

All Delaware Watercolor Society (DWS) members are encouraged to enter this show, which will hang in the upper gallery of the Biggs Museum of American Art in Dover, DE. Noted collector and philanthropist, Sewell Biggs, founded the museum in 1993, which houses the paintings, sculpture, furniture, silver and other antique objects Mr. Biggs acquired in more than 60 years of collecting. Mr. Biggs’ private collection of fine and decorative arts reflects the history of art within Delaware and throughout the Nation. DWS is very fortunate to have its first juried show in this beautiful setting.

Juror and Awards Judge: Kass Morin Freeman

Well-known artist Kass Morin Freemanis a signature member of the American Watercolor Society and National Watercolor Society as well as many others.She is the winner of more than a hundred awards in national, international, and regional exhibitions, including the High Winds Medal from the American Watercolor Society in 2000 and the AWS Hardie Gramatky Award the following year. Her work has been published in books such as Make Your Watercolors Look Professional, Splash III and Splash 7, Best of Watercolor II, Watercolor For the Serious Beginner, Creative Expressions in Watercolor and "International Showcase of Prize Winners" in International Artist issues 14 and 21. We look forward to having her as our juror and awards judge.


DWS will present awards and ribbons for First, Second, and Third place, as well as Juror’s Choice. Monetary awards will be included for the top three winners. The amount of the awards depends on the number of participants and other factors.

eligibility and requirements

Artists are invited to submit up to two original works that have been created within the past three years and are water-based media; no water-based oils. DWS will accept works in transparent acrylic. Works are to be executed on paper (watercolor paper, illustration board, yupo, and rice paper). No digital art or digitally enhanced art will be accepted.

All works must be for sale and not previously exhibited in DWS juried shows. No giclées or prints are permitted. DWS members must be in good standing and be 18 years or older and reside in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey. Non-members may also apply.

Framing Information and Instructions:

• All entries must be framed and wired on back to accommodate installation. Appropriate

hooks, eyes, and wires only; wood frames require a dust cover, in good condition, securely

attached to the back of the frame.Metal frames must have appropriate spring spacer

bars evenly distributed under the back of the frame to secure the artwork and glazing in

position; ready-made, photo-type frames secured only with clips are not allowed. No

cardboard backing is permitted. Please avoid wide dark or black frames.

• Mat colors are limited towhite, cream or light gray; double matting is permitted.

• Submitted works must be framed according to professional standards and covered with glass or plexiglass. Plexiglass is preferred for works 30” or greater in either direction

• Maximum framed size: no larger than 36” in either direction.

• Minimum framed size: 12” in either direction.

• Maximum weight: 30 lbs.


Rights, Responsibilities, and Liability

Entries not meeting any of the above conditions will be rejected. DWS reserves the right to determine the suitability of artwork for this exhibit. Submitting an entry for this exhibit means that

•The work is original and does not infringe on any copyright;

•DWS and the BiggsMuseum have permission to reproduce accepted works in the exhibition catalogue, on its website and in media promotions.

•Artwork is for sale.

Entry Fee: DWS Members: $30 for up to two entries. Non-members: $35 for two entries. Make checks payable to the Delaware Watercolor Society and present during drop off of artwork.

Sale of Work

Prices for all works sold to the public are determined by the artist. The BiggsMuseum receives a 25-percent commission on the sale of exhibited works. Works are to remain in the gallery until the end of the show.


The BiggsMuseum gallery’s general insurance will be in effect from the receipt of entry through the designated pickup dates. Please fee free to insure your work as you see fit for the exhibition.

Insurance Exemptions

The Biggs Museum of American Art will make every effort to protect artists’ work, using care in handling. Works that are not framed according to professional standards and/or that do not follow the framing information and instructions will not be insured.

Delivery and Pickup

Hand Delivery On

Saturday, April 30, 2011, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Pickup of Work Not-Accepted

Thursday, May 5, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Pickup of Accepted Work after Show

Saturday, June 4, 2011, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Notification of non-accepted works only will be by phone or email by May 4, 2011

Opening Reception

The opening reception will be held on Friday, May 6, 2011, from 5 to 7 p.m.

Gallery Hours, Location, and Contact Information

Tuesday – Saturday, 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., and Sunday 1:30-4:30 P.M. Closed Mondays.

Museum Location and Contact Information

BiggsMuseum of American Art,

406 Federal Street, Dover, DE19904.

Phone: (302) 674-2111, ext. 108


DWS Entry Information

Entries are to be delivered by hand on dates indicated in the prospectus. Please complete the entry and labels forms. Attach labels to the wire on the back of your artwork, as indicated. Please give the remaining forms to the DWS receiving member at the site along with your entries and entry fees. Artwork will not be accepted without completed forms.

For additional information, please visit or contact Anne Cyr, Show Chair, at , or (302) 226-7781.