Seeking position: docent
Contact information:
Leningradskaya 54-12,
Samara, Russia. 443099
tel: (cell) +7 905 3010782
tel: (home) (846) 3330826
Web site:
Date of birth: November 7, 1979
Educational background:
Samara State University, postgraduate study.
Specialization: Social structure, social processes and institutions.
Title of dissertation: “Money in modern Russian society: institutional aspect”
November 2003 – October 2006
Dissertation project was defended in Russian Humanitarian University (Moscow) 29/05/2007.
Degree: candidate of sociological sciences
Central European University (Warsaw-Budapest) /University of Lancaster (UK),
Sociology Department
Track: Economy and Society
Program was performed in English
Dissertation Title: «Money, its Meanings, Significance, and Place in Modern World: Sociological Interpretation» (written in English)
September 2002 – August 2003.
Degree: MA in Economy and Society
Samara State University, undergraduate study
Department of Sociology
Specialization: Organizational Sociology
September 1997- June 2002
Specialist in Sociology
Other courses/programs/scholarships completed:
•Working German-Russian workshop “Social distribution of different types of solidarity: the comparison between Germany and Russia”, Samara State University, Sociology Department, 11-15th of October, 2010. Workinglanguages: English, Russian, German
•“School for writing researchers”, Centre for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, 25th of August – 4th of September, 2010
•Workshop “The results of ReSET project”, Novosibirsk State University, 25-28 August, 2009
•Learning visit to the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies, Glasgow University, April – May 2009
•Participation in program “Course Development Competition”, CRC, Central European University (Budapest), OSI, 2008-2009. Working language: English
•Workshop “New (bio) technologies: power, politics, and ethics” and scientific conference “Bodies, sexualities and biopolitics: contemporary Russian context”. Losevo – St. Petersburg. SRC “Region” (Ulyanovsk), CISR (St. Petersburg). Granted by Heinrich Böll Foundation and McArthur foundation. 20-26th of July, 2008.
•Summer School «Aspects of Identity & Culture», St. Petersburg, Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (Glasgow), SRC “Region” (Ulyanovsk), CISR (St. Petersburg), 7-20th of July, 2008. Working language: English
•HESP Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching «Social Identities in Transforming Societies», OSI, Novosibirsk, 2005-2008; Working language: English, Russian
•Sociological School “Pokolenia.net”, granted by McArthur foundation. SRC “Region”. 2-7 of November, 2007. Elabuga.
•Learning visit to the Center of Independent Sociological Research (St. Petersburg), granted by Ford Foundation, the program “Global Travel and Learning Grants’, September-October, 2007.
•Summer School “Symbolic codes of soviet social politics: ideology and reality of reforms in everyday culture”, granted by McArthur foundation. Saratov, 12-18th of August, 2007;
•Practical Seminar “Body, technologies, practices, representations”, Buinsk, CISR, SRC “Region”, Heinrich Böll Foundation, July 2007;
•Practical Seminar «From the exclusion of Other to the recognition of Different”, Buinsk, CISR, REGION, Heinrich Böll Foundation. 2006;
•IX Fulbright summer school, Moscow State University, St-Petersburg State University, «Consumption as communication », St-Petersburg, 25-30th of June, 2006;
•The Workshop on sequential analysis, ZDES, Saint-Petersburg, May, 17th-21st, 2006;
•Research school «Russian-Abkhazian frontiers: everyday life in the conditions of instability”, CISR, Bell foundation, October-November, 2005;
•Professional course “The Sociology of Everyday life”. Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow. Center of Independent Sociological Research, St-Petersburg. May-June 2005.
•Professional author’s course of doctor of Sociological Science Devjatko I.F. “Contemporary Sociological Theory”, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science, May-June 2004.
•Course of Gender Sociology (CEP) by Zhidkova, Samara State University, 2002.
•Course on Industrial Sociology, presented by prof. Dr. J. Feldhoff - November, 2001 at Samara State University
•Completed the professional program at Summer School “Methodological potential of qualitative sociology, ways of its realization in sociological research” Samara, 23/07/2000-02/08/2000
Conferences/Round tables:
•Roundtable “ProjectofpublicsociologyandRussianperspectives”, SamaraStateUniversity, SociologyDepartment, 27th of September 2010
•International conference “Youth solidarity of 21st century: old names – new styles/spaces/practices”, Ulyanovsk, SRC Region 20-22d of August 2010.
•Second International Symposium of CORPUS “Foreign bodies: enhancing & invading the human body”,Moscow, May 17th-18th 2010. (language of conference: English)
•Round table “Soviet gender order and its version in the context of individual biographies: experiences and constructs of soviet youth”, SRC Region,Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2009
•CRCEES 3rd Annual Research Forum, Glasgow University, May 2009. (language of conference: English)
•Scientific and practical conference “Social problems of labor in the transition to innovative development of the society”, St. Petersburg State University, 24-26 of April, 2008
•Russianscientificconference “Problemsoflabor, labor relations and quality of life”, Samara State University, 11-12 of September, 2007
•Scientific conference of young scientists “Consumption as communication”, St. Petersburg State University, 2006
•Russian scientific conference “XXI century: new horizons of humanitarian sciences”, Samara State University, 2004.
Samara State University
Sociology Department
- Chair assistant (Chair of Sociology and Politics), 2003-2006
- Senior Lecturer (Chair of Methodology of sociological and marketing research), 2007– 2009
- Docent(Chair of Methodology of sociological and marketing research),2009- present
Teaching courses:
For specialists:«Methodology of sociological research», “Sociology of Money”, “Academic reading and writing”, “Identities representations in media”, “Basics of non-commercial marketing”, “New forms of political protest: analysis of identity politics in new social movements”
(before I also taught: Economic sociology for distant students (zaochnoe otdelenie), and Social Psychology Methods)
For MA students: “Methodology of mass media studies”
Tutoring of students’ project in Sociological practicum, of semester papers, and diplomas.
I also lectured in International Summer School “Well-being phenomenon: Russian-German interpretations”, 17-18 of August, 2010.
Co-teaching (withEchevskayaOlga, k.s.s.) of the course, developed in CDC-program: «DebatingSubjectivity: CriticalIntroductiontoIdentityStudies», Spring, 2009.
Participation in theprojectsofresearchgroupatSamaraState University:
Participation as researcher (analysis, interviewing, field work) in the projects:
- “Social distribution of different types of solidarity: the comparison between Germany and Russia”, Samara State University, University of Fribourg, Pilot project. 2010-2011.
- "GenderorganizationofprivatelifeinRussia”, EuropeanUniversityinSt. Petersburg, 2009-2010
- “Evaluationofworkers’ attitudeinCompany “Vesna”, 2007.
Research Group “Svobodnoe mnenie” (Free Opinion):
Participation in research projects as a researcher:
- “Soviet youth of 30-60th” - project of scientific research network “Pokolenia.net”, SRC “Region” (Ulyanovsk), granted by McArthur Foundation, 2009-2010;
- “Poverty in post-soviet capitalistic society” (granted by Hamovniki foundation), 2006-2007;
- ‘Obschepit’ (public catering): an everyday struggle with urban public life in late 1950th (Samara case). Independent research as a part of the project “Social Policy in the context of transforming society: ideologies and realities of social reforms” implemented by Center for Social Policy and Gender Studies funded by McArthur Foundation (2006-2007)
Local coordinator:
Seminar “Relations of Russia and EU on the eve of sammit” (organized by Russian-German Exchange, European University, Centre of German and European Studies – St-Petersburg), 2007.
Sociological Centre, Russian Academy of Science
Participation in research projects as a researcher:
- Monitoring research “Adaptation to market economy in Samara region”. (1999-2007)
- “Organizational Structure in Transformation: Analyzing YUKOS Changes” (Studies of organizational identity), funded by “YUKOS” Company (2004-2005).
Centre of humanitarian technologies and research “Social Mechanics” in coordination with the “Centre of social politics and gender studies” (Saratov)
Coordination and participation in the projects as a researcher:
- “New ideology and practice of social services: regional models of work evaluation in the conditions of liberalization of social politics” (granted by Ford foundation, McArthur foundation), 2006.
- “Proactive approach to the salvation of the violence problem toward children: analysis of the situation and the formation of politics of interdepartmental interactions” (granted by CAF, IREX, USAID), 2006.
- Krupets Yana “A (non)love story, or “We wrote, we wrote, and our fingers got tired” in Changing Places: Sociology on the Way. Ed. by E.Omelchenko, G.Sabirova. Ulyanovsk. PublishingHouseoftheUlyanovskStateUniversity. 2010. P. 101-108.
- KrupetsYana “PublicSociologywithoutProfessionalSociologists: InSearchofaNewUtopia” in Laboratorium, 2009, № 1. P. 179-181.
- Echevskaya O., Krupets Y. “Debating Subjectivity: Critical Introduction to Identity Studies. Course syllabus” inSocial Identity in Transforming Societies ed.by Anisimova А., Echevskaya O. Novosibirsk, 2009. P.7-16 (syllabus is in English)
- Zaporozhets О., Krupets Y. “Soviet consumer and regulated publicity: new ideology and everyday life of public catering at the end of 50-s” in Sovetskaya socialjnaja politika: sceny i dejstvujushie lica, 1940-1985. M.: OOO “Variant”, CSPGI, 2008. pp.315-336.
- KrupetsY. “MoneyinmodernRussia: thepossibilitiesofitssociologicalresearch” in Problems of labor, labor relations, and quality of life: collection of scientific materials of Russian scientific and practical conference. Samara: Publication “Univers-Group”, 2007. P. 297-304.
- KrupetsYana. “Analysisofobjectiveandsubjective aspects of material status of Samara inhabitants” in Socialjno-ekonomicheskaja adaptacia naselenia Samarskoj oblasti: urovenj I kachestvo zhizni, rasporjazhenie zhiljem, finansovye praktiki / Gotlib A.S., Zaporozhets O.N. and others. Samara “Univers-group”, 2007. pp. 41-46
- Krupets Yana. “Analysis of financial practices of Samara Region inhabitants” in Socialjno-ekonomicheskaja adaptacia naselenia Samarskoj oblasti: urovenj I kachestvo zhizni, rasporjazhenie zhiljem, finansovye praktiki / Gotlib A.S., Zaporozhets O.N. and others. Samara “Univers-group”, 2007. pp. 46-52.
- Krupets Yana. “Money as things: the possibility of sociological research of money in contemporary society” in Consumption as communication: Scientific conference of young scholars. Materialsofconference. Spb.: Intersocis, 2006. pp. 29-32.
- Krupets Yana. “The possibility of money studies in social sciences” in Relevant problems of social knowledge. Samara: Univers-Group, 2006. pp. 152-161.
- Krupets Yana“Money in contemporary society: analysis of classical theories of A. Smith, K. Marx, and G. Simmel.” in Contexts of social knowledge: interdepartmental collection of scientific articles. Samara: Univers-Group, 2005. pp. 140-153.
- Krupets Yana. “Money as the object of sociological analysis: research experience” in Sociology today: puzzle of directions, approaches and methods: Materials of scientific conference. Vol.1. Samara: Univers-Group, 2004. pp. 126-129.
- Krupets Yana. “Social well-being as an integral indicator of the level of adaptation” in Sociological Research (Socis) 2003. № 4. pp. 143-144.
- Krupets Yana. “Some reflections about qualitative sociology” in Methodological potential of qualitative sociology and ways of its realization in sociological research. Materials of Summer School. Samara, 2000. pp. 112-116.