Swindon Assistive Technology Service
Levels of Intervention/Service Equity Provision
On referral to ensure equity of provision and aid caseload management, pupils will be classified as requiringLow, Medium or High levels of support by the Advisory Teacher. This classification will be reviewed yearly, at the end of a trial, during transition times or at the request of a school. Classification is based on a mainstream placement. For SRPs and Special Schools, where staff are expected to have expertise, intervention levels may be lower. Involvement of another Advisory Teacher may also lower the intervention level.
Schools will be informed of the classifications for their pupils on a yearly basis. Schools continue to be able to request a review of solution or advice as needed.
Examples of reasons for classification:
LOW (Green)
Low level Physical Disability
Established solutions
Pure AAC- Mid/low Tech
MEDIUM (Amber)
Pure AAC- High Tech
Assessments and new solutions
At an appropriate times during Transition –Years 2/3, 5-7, 9/10
Reviews of ICT solutions (re-assessments) at request of school
Moderate level Physical Disability needing on-going adjustments
Complex Software provision
HIGH (Red)
AAC + Recording needs
Complex software/High level Physical Disability
AAC Transition
AAC Assessment
Provision/Support for levels of classification
This provision is flexible and for guidance only. Actual provision/ support will be negotiated with individual schools depending on needs of the pupil and staff confidence. Hours include travel, report writing, liaison with family/carers and other professionals, equipment provision or set upand follow up, as well as visits to schools.
LOW (Green)
No expected visits or attendance at Annual Review. If requested and agreed this would mark a change in intervention level.
- E-mail and telephone support
- Technical support for serious equipment faults
- ‘Like for like’ replacement set up and delivery following failure of device
- Warranty repairs
Equivalent approx. hours: Up to 2 hours
MEDIUM (Amber)
1-3 visits including Annual Review if available
- Assessment, review and follow up
- Equipment purchase and set up
- Delivery training for support staff
- Support/ monitor visits as appropriate
- Transfer visits, arrangements and information
- Plus as LOW
Equivalent approx. hours: 6 hours or more
HIGH (Red)
2-4 visits including Annual Review priority
- TACS if appropriate
- Intervention support visits as needed
- On-going training and development of pupil skills
- On-going monitoring and support
- Plus as MEDIUM
Equivalent approx. hours: 12 hours or more