Constitution and By Laws of Target H.O.P.E.

(Healing OpportunityPride Empowerment)

ArticleI. Name of the Organization

The name of this organization shall be Target H.O.P.E.

Article II. Purpose

To provide a positive mentorship and outreach for the matriculation and growth of Target H.O.P.E. students throughout their collegiate experience through academic, service, and social facets.

Article III. Mission

The mission of the DePaul Chapter of Target H.O.P.E. is to encourage members to pursue excellence in all aspects of their collegiate experience. Remain an

outreach and resource to members of the chapter and DePaul community while maintaining and enhancing our leadership in academic, personal, and social endeavors at DePaul University.

Article IV. Membership

Section 1. Eligibility

Members encompass DePaul Target H.O.P.E. students who have participated in

TargetH.O.P.E.College Preparatory Program.

Honorary members encompass DePaul students who did not matriculate through TargetH.O.P.E.CollegePreparatoryAcademy. Honorary members have a clear understanding of our mission, actively participates at chapter meetings and events, and attend TargetH.O.P.E.SaturdayAcademy.

Section II. Participation

Participation is extended to the DePaul Community through our professional,

social, and community base organization events.

Article V. Executive Council Duties

The Executive Council shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary,

Treasurer, Historian, and Public Relations Officer.


  1. Shall call and preside over the meetings of Target H.O.P.E.
  2. Serve as a liaison between the committee members and Executive Council
  3. Attend mandatory University meetings to fulfill the requirements of being an organization on campus
  4. Responsible for meeting with committee members concerning social, professional, and community based programs
  5. Organize meetings with the Secretary for the purpose of creating agendas for upcoming meetings
  6. Shall report directly to the Executive Director of Target H.O.P.E. with needed information and updates of this chapter
  7. Is voted by the members and approved by the Executive Director of Target H.O.P.E.


  1. Shall act as President if the President is unable to preside due to extenuating circumstance or indisposed, he/she shall fulfill all of the President’s duties
  2. Serve as a liaison between the committee members and Executive Council
  3. Initiate committee involvement among the members to insure the planned events are carried out in a timely fashion
  4. Notify any member with over 3 unexcused absences of their impending inactive membership status
  5. Initiate votes for movements to appoint executive council members
  6. Initiate moves of members becoming inactive members


  1. Responsible for all accounts and for balancing the financial books
  2. Responsible for collecting quarterly dues of $5 from each member
  3. Report all financial reports to Executive council and update members on any financial transactions in a timely fashion, at least bi-monthly
  4. Attend mandatory proposal fundraising meetings


  1. Write the meeting minutes down legibly during the meeting
  2. Type all meeting minutes on a computer, save copies to a disk, keep a copy for his/her self, and send a copy of the minutes to the rest of the members
  3. Take attendance during the meetings, and make a list of those present and absent, and attach a copy of the attendance sheet to the minutes given to the President and Vice-President
  4. Required to have an agenda to give to the members at the start of the meetings
  5. Read the minutes of the last meeting in the beginning of every meeting
  6. Responsible for getting a room to meet and communicate the time and date of meetings to members


  1. Keeps a historical record of the chapter and the entire membership of the chapter
  2. Responsible for taking pictures of all activities and creating a memoir/scrapbook of our chapter
  3. Documents the events of the chapter and keeps current bio information of the members

Public Relation Chair

  1. Organize committees to carry out community service, professional, and social events
  2. Responsible for advertising and fundraising for events taken place throughout the year to promote the chapter activities
  3. Programming with other organizations and promoting events through flyers, advertisements, decorations, etc
  4. Responsible for creating a web page

Sgt. At Arms

  1. Maintain order throughout chapter and executive meetings, to insure open, respectful, communication among members
  2. Serve as a liason between chapter members and Executive Council
  3. Record, report, and communicate suggestions and concerns members have expressed at chapter meetings and Executive Council meetings

Article VI. Meetings

SectionI. Organization

Target H.O.P.E will have meetings the third week of each month during the

academic school year. Members are required to attend the three monthly

meetings a quarter. If a member must miss a meeting, correspondence with the

secretary is appreciated.

Section II. Executive Council

Executive Council will meet bi-monthly to discuss and prepare for events being

sponsored during the academic school year. The council is responsible for

generating ideas to the members and serving as a contact for the committees.

Article VII. By Laws

  1. Members shall come to all meetings and are only allowed 3 unexcused absences
  2. Members are required to pay quarterly dues of $5
  3. The term of the Executive Council is one academic year
  4. Election of the Executive Council shall be held during the last meeting of the fall quarter.
  5. The Executive Council positions shall be voted on by all the members
  6. If any member of the Executive Council feels that they cannot perform their duties as described above, they are allowed to resign and recommend a replacement for themselves, to be voted on by the members
  7. An inactive member forfeits all privileges of support of any kind from the organization

Article VIII. Amendments

Any amendments to this constitution require full approval of the Executive
