Lab 4: Determination of Absolute Zero

Student Name: Rebecca Kelly

Date Experiment done:

Date Report Completed:

Name of Grader: Mrs. Anderson

Hypothesis: A prediction of what you think the results of the project will be. Write your hypothesis before you begin the experiment and, if the experiment has more than one part, you will need a hypothesis for each section. Remember to create an ‘if-then’ statement. (Example: If students get adequate rest, then grades will improve). Refer to the first Project of the semester or to the Student References Section if you need additional information (1-2 sentences).

Procedure: In 1st person past tense, write a summary of what you actually did in performing the experiment. Be sure to include any modifications. You should include enough detail so that someone could reproduce the experiment based on what you have written.

Data: Describe all observations or changes. List all measurements and include proper labels.

Gas used in experiment:

Mass of empty piston:

Mass of piston and gas:

Temperature (degrees Celsius) Volume (ml)

Calculations/Interpretations: Show all math performed (label the calculation or give the formula, show your setup, and give the result), include proper labels, and/or answer any questions listed below.

Graph temperature vs. volume. Temperature should be on the horizontal axis and should number from -300 to 200 degrees C. (Use the long side of the graph paper for temperature) Volume should be on the vertical axis and should be numbered from 0 to 200ml. A sample graph is shown below. You will want to make a larger version of this graph on a full sheet of paper, including more detailed units on each axis. After plotting your data, draw a ‘best-fit’ straight line through your data points and extend the straight line to the point where it would cross the Temperature(horizontal) axis. Answer the following questions.

Using your graph, At what Temperature would Volume would be equal to zero? Where would your line cross the horizontal axis?:

Using the accepted value of -273.15 C for absolute zero, calculate the percent error.

In designing the experimental procedure, should you aim to use a large or small initial volume of air? Explain why.

In designing the experimental procedure, should you try to control the heating / cooling rate of the apparatus to be slow or fast? Explain why.

Conclusion: Begin by stating whether the hypothesis was true or false. Use data and calculations to support your answer. Consider the following questions as you write your conclusion: Why or what happened to result in the outcome you observed? Did you learn anything new? If not, what previously concepts did this lab reinforce? Is there anything you would or could do differently that would improve the experiment? Do you have any other comments/observations you would like to share about this lab? (*Note: Not all questions pertain to each lab.) Your conclusion should be approximately one paragraph in length.

Science Experiments: For the science experiments the 6 traits formula will not be used. Scores will be assigned as below.

Please place your work for each section of the lab report below the instructions on the template, if you fail to do this there will be a 10% deduction from your score.

CATEGORY / Strong 5 / Effective 4 / Developing 3 / Emerging 2 / Not Yet 1 / Key Question
Conventions / Demonstrates a good grasp of standard writing conventions
10 Points / Very little editing necessary to make this ready to publish
7.5 Points / Writer shows reasonable control of standard writing conventions
5 Points / Several errors that can cause misunderstandings within the text
2.5 Points / Errors distract the reader and make text difficult to read
0 Points / How much editing would need to be done to share this with an outside source?
Hypothesis / Is relevant and can be tested to be true or false. Evidence of prior research. Specific to the purpose of the experiment.
10 Points / Is relevant and can be tested but shows no evidence of research or not specific enough.
7.5 Points / Hypothesis can be tested but is unreasonable
5 Points / The hypothesis is irrelevant to the experiment.
2.5 Points / No hypothesis given
0 Points / Does this hypothesis deal with main point of the experiment and also illustrate the independent and dependant variable?
Procedure / Complete step-by-step account of what student did.
10 Points / Most steps are listed
7.5 Points / Some critical steps are missing.
5 Points / Procedure is not detailed
2.5 Points / No procedure given
0 Points / Could someone replicate this experiment from the procedure?
Data/Observations / All measurements given and labeled. Observations are listed and detailed.
20 Points / Not all measurements are labeled. Observations are not detailed.
15 Points / Most measurements or observations are given.
10 Points / Few measurements or observations listed
5 Points / No data or observations given.
0 Points / Is the data accurate and reliable? Are the observation listed?
Interpretations / All calculations are shown, labeled, and correct. All questions are answered correctly.
20 Points / Most calculations are shown, labeled, and correct. Most questions answered correctly.
15 Points / Most questions are answered correctly, but calculations
are not shown
10 Points / Few or no calculations are shown, labeled, or correct. Few questions are answered correctly
5 Points / No calculations and no questions answered.
0 Points / Are the calculations correct? Do they accurately represent what the data has shown?
Conclusion/Basic Understanding / Concluding statements clearly summarize results and show full understanding. Hypothesis is clearly stated as being proven or disproven. Statements are supported with results from the experiment.
30 Points / Concluding statements summarize results and show general understanding. Hypothesis is not mentioned or is not clearly stated as being proven or disproven.
22.5 Points / Concluding statements show some lack of understanding. Hypothesis is mentioned but not clearly stated as being proven or disproven.
15 Points / Concluding statements show a lack of understanding. Hypothesis is not mentioned.
7.5 Points / No conclusion
0 Points / Does my conclusion discuss the validity of my hypothesis and does it address the main point of the lab? Does the data support what is being stated here?